Bill O'Reilly - Glenn Beck Reacts to Jon Stewart Interview

O'Reilly "If you watch his (Stewart) show, you almost have to smoke marijuana." (3:35)

I really wanted to come up with some kind of comprehensive analysis of this.
If not that, I wanted to pluck out one aspect of it and refute it.

But the problem with listening to these two chit-chat is that I quickly became overwhelmed with their bullshit. I think my problem was trying to draft something mid video but I kept catching myself stopping and saying "HEY that's not true!"

So my new direction with my comment is this: The truth leaves you no outs. Lies on the other hand always leave you something to fall back on, you can always tell another lie. It's really interesting watching these to dance through a conversation together.

I can point out numerous contradictions in the 6 minutes I just watched (and I will if asked) but to be honest I really dont want to. The only reason I even bother to watch this crap anymore is because I feel like I have a social obligation to understand opposing views on politics. The only trouble is I really dont understand what the fuck these guys are talking about because the facts have gone through some kind of bullshit filter before they were put back on the air.

And then I see it, the whirlwind of facts and bullshit intermingle so frequently it's exhausting even trying to really understand what these idiots are blabering about even within the context of what i consider to be objective facts (i get my news from a variety of sources including NPR, cspan, the associated press, cnn, and google news to name a few) -- But now I'm thinking about the man who watches nothing but Fox news. And I remember Fox has the highest ratings of them all.

We're fucked.


>> ^dag:
Watched Back to the Future over the weekend - I just realized that Beck reminds me of Biff.

yah but biff ends up alright by the end beck is totally fucked.


a discussion based on a previous interview with the host of a fake news show to get beck's opinion on jon stewarts opinion and then ask for answers from the previous interview based on the current interview.....
uuuuuh...../does a scooby double take..
i sense a rhetorical circle jerk coming on.
this was mind-boggling in it's capacity to be based on practically nothing.
it was just chock full of flatulence and covered in stupid.


Wait, wait. I thought Beck wasn't part of the 'news' part of Fox News. I thought he was part of the Opinion! But at the bottom it labeled him "Fox News Anchor," not "Fox News Opinionist."


How do quadruple upvote this comment!!!

>> ^direpickle:
Wait, wait. I thought Beck wasn't part of the 'news' part of Fox News. I thought he was part of the Opinion! But at the bottom it labeled him "Fox News Anchor," not "Fox News Opinionist."


Glenn Beck started talking in that bullshit, high class accent about 50 seconds in and I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. What a forced exchange between two morons to vomit out what they are told to by their network. If only random stabbings weren't looked upon with such disdain, these guys would be lying in gutters with half their guts hanging out by now.


>> ^lavoll:
two idiots does not make one smart

No, but it gives off the illusion that one is. That's how fox makes their reporters look good.

Notice: they almost always have pairs, one Idiot, and one hardcore major idiot. By comparison, the one actually comes off as semi-intelligent.


You are misinterpreting. Its "Fox News: Anchor", meaning he is Fox News's large heavy object to be used to secure a floating device to a fixed point on the seabed.

>> ^direpickle:
Wait, wait. I thought Beck wasn't part of the 'news' part of Fox News. I thought he was part of the Opinion! But at the bottom it labeled him "Fox News Anchor," not "Fox News Opinionist."

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