Ben Stein accuses Ron Paul of 'anti-Semitic argument' on CNN

Ron Paul and Ben Stein Argue on Larry King Live After Stein Accuses Paul of 'Anti-Semitic Argument'

It makes me very sad to have people like Ben Stein out there. The term "anti-semite" doesn't mean anything anymore thanks to douchebags like him that call it out whenever it rains on them.


What a mess, what an awful television format, and what the fuck is he doing calling that anti semitic?

The only problem i have with ron paul is that he seems (from what little i get to see of him) to want to immediately and completely remove all forces and all involvement from the region that the western world has screwed up so badly.

If you occupy somewhere, that's terrible - you'll turn ppl against you and you'll fuel your enemy. If you occupy somewhere then leave before you sort things out, that's fucking worse and in 50 years time people will only remember how we meddled, attempted to fix things and left them in a worse state than they were to begin with - and WE'VE DONE THAT BEFORE. Part of the reason there is this mess NOW is because that's what we've done in the past.

As far as i'm concerned, you break it you buy it. We fucked up, leaving things in a shit state now would be yet another fuck up. That's my only issue with ron paul, otherwise i think the man is a genius - he's right, we're there for all the wrong reasons and us being there is bad, but quitting now with immediate effect would be worse.


Neither of these men are that argumentative that they'd normally continue talking over one another like that. But they can't tell if the other guy is talking until a few seconds later, and it's pointless to stop talking, because if they both did that, then there would be 4+ seconds of silence... I agree, crappy format. Especially when you've only got a few minutes or so to make your point.


They are both wrong.

That statement wasn't anti Semitic, although Paul certainly holds anti Semitic views.

However, Paul is wrong in the notion that terrorism has anything to do with anything else than the victims of the acts not being the right kind of Muslim.


Ben Stein is no debater, he should stick to acting and game shows. Paul has a Jew chief economic advisor (Peter Schiff) who coincidentally also made Stein look ridiculous.

Paul was also inspired by the Jewish economist Murray Rothbard. To say he hates Jewish people is retarded. I think Paul has seen enough evidence to suggest that Israel has undermined our ability to make sovereign decisions on some matters.

I have come to agree that each country should really only be concerned about defending itself. We do for Israel what Israel needs to do for itself. No country is another country's sacrificial lamb. It's not the obligation of an American soldier to die so that an Iraqi or Israeli doesn't. At some point we have to accept that our meddling in foreign governments is easy propaganda for radical groups. It's clearly hypocritical that we endorse democracy while propping up dictators like Hussein and Musharraf.


A big part of the problem here was the satellite delay making it impossible for the two to converse without feeling like the other was interrupting him. Shame, because they're both smart guys. I would have liked to have seen an intelligent debate between them.


Ben Stein is an absolute douche (ooo, am I going to be accused of anti semitism now for suggesting that he cleans the sand from his vagina?). Listen, a guy who hosts a show named "Win Ben Stein's Money" loaded with tongue in cheek jokes does not get to fly off the handle with those kinds of accusations without being blatantly labeled as a hypocrite. He's perfectly suited to be a politician, twisting words to suit his own manipulative ends - his ridiculous movie proved that he is great at it.

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