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Anthony Weiner Resigns, While "Press" Heckles

Representative Anthony D. Weiner, a high-profile New York Democrat who had been considered a leading candidate to be the city’s next mayor, said Thursday that he was resigning from Congress following revelations of lewd online exchanges with several women. -NYT

I see the double standard still exists. Dems do something stupid/unethical, but don't actually break any laws and they get thrown to the wolves. Reps do something far far more despicable and against the law, but rarely resign.


others beat me to it, but the others are:

John Ensign: Stayed in office for two years despite bribery charges.

and of course Bush and Cheney's lies and fraud to get us into Iraq.

Those are just the ones you can find from a quick google search. I know there were charges brought against a Republican for pedophilia charges but he still didn't step down. Ahh there it is, found it. Kevin Garn:

It's not that I don't think Weiner should have resigned, but the Republican hypocrisy and double standards are the bigger offense here. Weiner and Clinton may have lied their asses off, but at least no one died, nor were children molested


Forgetting for a moment Democrat Blarney Fwank was the Architect of the Housing Collapse...

Maxine Waters charged with multiple violations by the House Ethics committee from activities starting in 2004, refused to step down, re-elected in 2010, Ethics trial to start soon.

Charlie Rangel charged with multiple violations by the House Ethics committee from activities starting in 2007, refused to step down, re-elected in 2010, ethics trial since 2010, ongoing…..

William Jefferson charged with multiple counts of corruption in 2006, refused to step down, re-elected in 2007, convicted of multiple counts of corruption in 2009

Marion Barry charged with multiple counts of drug offenses and perjury and convicted in 1990, refused to step down, jailed in 1991, re-elected in 1994, still "serving"...

And don't forget Gerry Studds!

Studds was a central figure in the 1983 Congressional page sex scandal, when he and Representative Dan Crane were each separately censured by the House of Representatives for an inappropriate relationship with a congressional page — in Studds' case, a 1983 homosexual relationship with a 17-year-old male.


Really? Bribery? They're ALL politicians, that's all they do. How do you think they got there. Some get bribed by breaking the law and some get bribed and change the laws.

But while we are throwing stones you forgot John Edwards.


uh...charges ARE filed against Edwards, dumbass. Try to stay with the actual argument instead of strawmanning.

Hrm, all politicians bribe the parents of 15 year old girls so they won't blab about their pedophilia? Thanks for correcting my point.

And thanks QM for proving my point. Those are all ETHICS charges, no one dying, No one hiding behind god and claiming that they were forgiven by a higher power and no one running on "traditional" family values.

No one here are claiming the dems are saints, both parties have their skeletons and their corruptions, but it's pretty easy to demonstrate that Reps tend to be more violent and destructive than Dems ever will be.


i accidentally caught some fox coverage of this in my doctors office today. watching shep smith say "crotch" 5 times in 15 minutes... and then seeing the words "weiner" and "crotch shot" plastered all over the screen was.... amazing. and then i went in and had my doctor take a look at my crotch.... it's fine btw, and no one had to resign from anything over it.

i was going to take a shot at fox for being classless, but i decided to talk about my crotch exam instead.


Gosh I just don't care about what he did. It doesn't bother me. Is that strange, or do others feel the same?

He was so sharp on the floor sometimes, debating issues others would roll over on. I can't help but imagine - in some alternate universe - how Weiner might have handled this totally differently. For example, instead of the denials and flip-flopping, Weiner could have said from the very beginning: "This is none of your damned business.... I can't believe your asking this." (Which is pretty much what George Bush Sr. said in the '90s when confronted by press about a likely affair.)

Every one of the charges could be answered with that response. It really is none of our business. Even if he took a cell phone shot of his d-ck in the goddamn oval office. Who cares? Because it's public property? I say it again - WHO CARES? It's just sex. Why get hung up on any of it (unless you're his wife)? There's no indication it was affecting his job.

"None of your damned business." If he'd said that (and meant it!), sure, his career would probably still have tanked. But, in some circles at least, he'd be a bit of a folk hero.

I can only conclude Weiner must be dealing with some powerful sexual guilt issues to lose all his nerve when confronted with his own behavior. The irony, of course, is - it's our own culture's guilt and discomfort with sex that drove this to become such a public issue for him in the first place.


I've been Steadfastly in Weiners jock since the moment this bullshit started but I've gotta say one thing. If you're a public official, and people know you're a public official, and you send them "interesting" photos of yourself to these people THEY ARE GOING TO COME OUT! I like Weiner...I like his politics I like how he argues, he's a smart guy. He made an INCREDIBLY stupid decision to do any of this and for being an idiot maybe he should lose his job.

Sorry but if you're in public office YOU HAVE TO BE SMARTER!!!



Yeah. Can you imagine what he was thinking when Schwarzenegger and every other sex scandal was in the press? "That would be terrible. Glad I'll never get caught! -> [openly tweets a picture of his dick]"


>> ^ipfreely:

@ VoodooV
Really? Please do name these Republican doing something "far far more despicable and against the law but rarely resign"

How about Bush and illegal domestic surveillance?

How about Rumsfeld and torture at Abu Ghraib?

Or Dick Cheney outing a CIA operative for political revenge?


Go ahead and resign, Weiner. Create the need for a costly special election that will be footed by tax payers -- for the moronic move that has nothing to do with the way our government is run.

We, the people, need to focus on our wars and our economy rather than on tweets of some dick. Let the election deal with it at the ballot box, rather than blowing smoke to boost political capital.

As much as it breaks my heart to lose a voice like his on the floor, it's probably for the best to put the whole thing behind us. Now we can move to more important things like Palin's bus tour.

Good luck at CNN, Weiner.


>> ^Yogi:

I've been Steadfastly in Weiners jock since the moment this bullshit started but I've gotta say one thing. If you're a public official, and people know you're a public official, and you send them "interesting" photos of yourself to these people THEY ARE GOING TO COME OUT! I like Weiner...I like his politics I like how he argues, he's a smart guy. He made an INCREDIBLY stupid decision to do any of this and for being an idiot maybe he should lose his job.
Sorry but if you're in public office YOU HAVE TO BE SMARTER!!!

Maybe. I think our overwhelming sexual impulses have a deserved reputation for inhibiting our rationality, even, at times, in the best of men. Ideally, would he have the discipline and maturity to suppress those impulses? Sure. But we don't elect people because they're superhuman, we elect people because they're fit to represent us. Seems to me that he's done that perfectly. A bright, passionate guy whose own dick-drive destroyed his career. What's more human than that?

If he's gone, and the people wanted him gone, and everyone was calling for it, fine. But they had fucking better be consistent.


He sent pics of himself to people... don't really care. It's a little harder to ignore the lying though.

He should have come out and said "yea, I sent it... it was intended to be private. Mind your own business, we have bigger problems here." Some people would be upset, but it would have cut off most of the drama that people seem to find so irresistible.

Dems want him gone because he's a distraction, not because they dislike him. There's a lot of things they'd rather focus on, but media in the US is more about ratings than news so Dems would rather just get rid of him and move on.


Look, nobody really thinks Weiner has to lose his job over this.

Republicans see this as an opportunity to quash an opposing voice and Democrats feel compelled to feign outrage to appear non-partisan. It's the same ends-justify-the-means tribal bullshit that ruins everything in politics.

I'm not particularly a fan of Weiner (or weiner, for that matter), but there's just no reason he should lose his job over this. He didn't break any laws; he didn't violate any rules of the position. I could plaster my junk on a billboard and I wouldn't lose my job, so why should he?

If his constituents feel this is such a problem then he won't be reelected. All the idiots complaining that this is such a distraction; it wouldn't be if you'd shut up and get back to work. Or are we to believe that you're kept up at night thinking about Weiner's bulging undies?


> Republicans see this as an opportunity to quash an opposing voice
> and Democrats feel compelled to feign outrage to appear non-partisan.

I see it more like an opportunity to obsess the news media with something besides what an insanely poor job of governing is happening.


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