This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No...

What with the election still roaring on and tensions being relatively high across Siftland recently, thought it would be cool to post something a bit more fun. Well I s'pose it depends on your idea of fun...

I expect something similar has been done before, but most of us enjoy getting to know each other a bit more. Here are a bunch of random questions (some lame and easy, some a bit more involved), answer however many you can be bothered to and go into as much detail as you want!


1) Season
2) Place in the world
3) Children's book
4) TV Series
5) Word
6) Film
7) Curse
9) Past time

Which one?

11) Dog or cat
12) Sweet or savoury
13) Cereal or Toast
14) Tan or pale
15) Shoes or barefoot
16) Desktop or laptop
17) Drive or walk
18) Drama or comedy
19) Sex or food
20) Futurama or Simpsons

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission
22) A great comment on one of your vids
23) Most off the wall member
24) Favourite user name
25) Your most used channel
26) Personal dumbass moment
27) Best avatar
28) Partner in crime
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem
30) Idea for the site

About you

31) Where do you live
32) Smoker/non-smoker
33) Left or right handed
34) Hair colour
35) Relationship status
36) How tall
37) Children
38) Ever had an operation
39) Best feature
40) Use four words to describe yourself

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead
42) Give 50 grand to any charity
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon
44) Relive a moment in your life
45) Have a superpower
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to
48) Be president for one hour
49) Delete a period in history
50) Achieve one thing

MarineGunrock says...

1) Season - Fall. I love the cool, crisp air, the leaves, the apple cider.
2) Place in the world - New England, USA
3) Children's book - Where the wild things are
4) TV Series - Comedy; Family Guy, Chuck, Scrubs Action/Drama; Heroes
5) Word - kluppsmuffen - I have no clue what it means (it's German) but I found it on a label on one of the machines where I used to work.
6) Film - Too many to pick a favorite.
7) Curse - Fuck - It's just so versatile.
Creature - Chinchilla.
9) Past time - Computer gaming.
10)Person - My lovely lady.

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Dog.
12) Sweet or savoury - Sweet
13) Cereal or Toast - Ceral
14) Tan or pale - To be or to look at?
15) Shoes or barefoot - Barefoot
16) Desktop or laptop - Desktop
17) Drive or walk - Drive
18) Drama or comedy - Comedy
19) Sex or food - That's a toughie. Can't I eat while sexing?
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Simpsons

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission The big Lebowski - the fucking short version.
22) A great comment on one of your vids - the definition of "masturbing".
23) Most off the wall member - Choggie.
24) Favourite user name - burdturgler
25) Your most used channel - Comedy
26) Personal dumbass moment - Stabbing myself in the leg with a metal strap.
27) Best avatar - Pft. Mine.
28) Partner in crime - Huh?
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - What are people offline?
30) Idea for the site - Search by channels.

About you

31) Where do you live - Tempe, Arizona
32) Smoker/non-smoker - Fuck that.
33) Left or right handed - Left
34) Hair colour - my hair colour is brown
35) Relationship status - in one, but there's always an opening for blankfist.
36) How tall - Six feet.
37) Children - Fuck no.
38) Ever had an operation - Yes - septoplasty. That shit SUCKS.
39) Best feature - My ass.
40) Use four words to describe yourself - 1)Blankfist's 2)ass 3)arouses 4)me.

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - George Washington. He'd be fuckin pissed at what we've done to his nation.
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - The MG charity for MG's debt reduction.
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Anyone that thinks we've never been there.
44) Relive a moment in your life - There's a few where I'd want to right a few wrongs.
45) Have a superpower - Ability to control/travel though time.
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - Um, I think it would be ? = 42
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - trying to take a piss with morning wood.
48) Be president for one hour - GTFO of Iraq, balance the budget and bring all of our troops back into the US. Work on us helping us for a change.
49) Delete a period in history - None?
50) Achieve one thing - build a time machine out of a DeLorean

nibiyabi says...

1. summer
2. home
3. hmm . . . The Giving Tree?
4. Arrested Development
5. disingenuous
6. toughie . . . there's so many; I'll get back to this
7. if I want to insult someone, I get more creative than simple cursing, but my most often-used curse word is probably "damn"
8. human
9. reading, Sifting, fantasy football
10. girlfriend/parents/grandparents/siblings

11. hmm, I love 'em both . . . cat
12. savory
13. toast
14. tan (is this a preference? I'm pale)
15. shoes (barefoot feels so good until you step on rocks and crap)
16. desktop (have both though)
17. walk (no license)
18. hmmm, depends on my mood; usually comedy
19. sex
20. Futurama, hands down

. . . have to get to work, will edit later

Zifnab says...


1) Season - Spring
2) Place in the world - Vancouver, BC, Canada (It's why I live here)
3) Children's book - Green Eggs and Ham
4) TV Series - Battlestar Galactica
5) Word - ??
6) Film - The Shawshank Redemption
7) Curse - Curse of 1940, I just wish it hadn't been broken...
Creature - Wolverine
9) Past time - Middle Ages
10)Person - My son

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Cat, who doesn't like a good pussy.
12) Sweet or savoury - Savoury
13) Cereal or Toast - Toast
14) Tan or pale - Pale
15) Shoes or barefoot - Shoes
16) Desktop or laptop - Desktop
17) Drive or walk - Drive
18) Drama or comedy - Comedy
19) Sex or food - Sex
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Futurama!

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - Fry's 100 cups of coffee
22) A great comment on one of your vids - This one by entr0py was pretty good
23) Most off the wall member - I'd say Choggie, but he doesn't have a wall to be off of, so kronosposeidon will have to do
24) Favourite user name - fissionchips
25) Your most used channel - British Invasion
26) Personal dumbass moment - Can't think of one (I'm sure they are out there, but I've blocked them out of my memory at this point)
27) Best avatar - Firefly
28) Partner in crime - None
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - Yes
30) Idea for the site - Channel specific search

About you

31) Where do you live - Vancouver, BC, Canada
32) Smoker/non-smoker - Non
33) Left or right handed - Right
34) Hair colour - Brown (what's left of it)
35) Relationship status - Married
36) How tall - Six feet
37) Children - 1 boy (5 years old)
38) Ever had an operation - Yes Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty with a laser! Not that much fun, but it has stopped my snoring.
39) Best feature - my brain
40) Use four words to describe yourself - Hockey mad sifting canuck

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Albert Einstein
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Canuck Place
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - George Bush
44) Relive a moment in your life - My wedding and honeymoon (not to right a wrong, but just to enjoy it again)
45) Have a superpower - Flight
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - Is there intelligent life somewhere out there?
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - MarineGunrock said it, pissing with morning wood.
48) Be president for one hour - Sell Air Force One
49) Delete a period in history -
50) Achieve one thing - Live to have Grandchildren

blankfist says...


1) Season - Fall just as it changes from Summer.
2) Place in the world - On the sea.
3) Children's book - There's a monster at the End of this Book
4) TV Series - Too quickly this changes. Nothing right now.
5) Word - Pilobolus
6) Film - Wow. Don't know. So many good ones.
7) Curse - The curse of the... cat fart?
Creature - That one from the black lagoon.
9) Past time - Drinking and fighting and raping.
10)Person - Magnum PI. His mustache is divine.

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - both
12) Sweet or savoury - savory
13) Cereal or Toast - toast
14) Tan or pale - tan
15) Shoes or barefoot - shoes
16) Desktop or laptop - laptop
17) Drive or walk - walk
18) Drama or comedy - both
19) Sex or food - sex with food
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Simpsons. That's not even a contest.

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - The Official VideoSift Video
22) A great comment on one of your vids - I like being called a "boundary pusher".
23) Most off the wall member - Choggie.
24) Favourite user name - fissionchips.
25) Your most used channel - Comedy.
26) Personal dumbass moment - befriending Kronos. Kidding, KP!
27) Best avatar - Kubrick wins every time.
28) Partner in crime - Yes please.
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - Yes.
30) Idea for the site - More cow bell.

About you

31) Where do you live - Los Angeles, CA
32) Smoker/non-smoker - a born again non-smoker
33) Left or right handed - right handed, but ambidextrous when I pleasure myself.
34) Hair colour - speak American, will you. There is no "u" in color! Brown.
35) Relationship status - In a relationship
36) How tall - A mind boggling 5'11''
37) Children - no thank you
38) Ever had an operation - yep, just recently on my hand (see question 33 above)
39) Best feature - my testicles
40) Use four words to describe yourself - fart. heart. shopping cart.

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Thomas Jefferson.
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - AIDS and cancer research
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Bush
44) Relive a moment in your life - My childhood in the late 70s/early 80s
45) Have a superpower - Being daft.
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - What happened before the big bang
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - The bias in family law courts.
48) Be president for one hour - Okay, sure.
49) Delete a period in history - The one at the end of this sentence.
50) Achieve one thing - A steady career in filmmaking

rasch187 says...

1) Season - Summer. noooo doubt.
2) Place in the world - the deep forrest or in the mountains
3) Children's book - Lord of the rings (read it when I was 9, so that counts)
4) TV Series - nothing right now
5) Word - schadenfreude, it just sounds so fun, yet perverted
6) Film - too many to choose...but I'll say either Taxi Driver or Good, Bad & Ugly
7) Curse - the curse of the receding hairline (as it affects everyone but me)
Creature - Jeff Koons' puppy
9) Past time - looking in the mirror with my pal Narcissus
10)Person - Bob Dylan...big surprise, I know.

11) Dog or cat - they're both good
12) Sweet or savoury - savoury
13) Cereal or Toast - cereal
14) Tan or pale - hmmmmmmmmmm....gonna have to go with pale - you brits are OK by me
15) Shoes or barefoot - slippers
16) Desktop or laptop - laptop
17) Drive or walk - ghost-riding
18) Drama or comedy - there's a time for everything
19) Sex or food - ever heard of multitasking?
20) Futurama or Simpsons - both very good...nowadays it's futurama

21) Your fave personal submission - Joe Strummer - Redemption Song
22) A great comment on one of your vids - I don't comment on my own vids
23) Most off the wall member - too many...or too few?.
24) Favourite user name - dystopianfuturetoday
25) Your most used channel - comedy
26) Personal dumbass moment - what, today?
27) Best avatar - Mine, but blankfist made it. Whatta guy!
28) Partner in crime - siftbot
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - I like to keep my realities separate
30) Idea for the site - no more election vids.

31) Where do you live - norway, it's cold here
32) Smoker/non-smoker - non
33) Left or right handed - right, I'm not a freak or anything!
34) Hair colour - blond
35) Relationship status - free as a bird
36) How tall - 189 cm, not sure what in feet/inches
37) Children - only my inner child
38) Ever had an operation - numerous
39) Best feature - I've been told I have beautiful eyes (by blankfist)
40) Use four words to describe yourself - don't. feel. like. it.

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Maybe not so famous, but (Emperor) Joshua Norton would be great. (and Joe Strummer of course)
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - diabetes, I guess
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - myself, I've always wanted my own planet (yes, I know it's not a planet, but it'll do!)
44) Relive a moment in your life - I don't live in the past
45) Have a superpower - being able to juggle
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - who killed jfk
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - nah, I like women
48) Be president for one hour - what for?
49) Delete a period in history - the 80s
50) Achieve one thing - to die in my footsteps

lucky760 says...


1) Season = Autumn; long shadows, orange/yellow/red leaves, warm sun, cool wind
2) Place in the world = Irvine, CA, but I haven't seen enough of the rest of the world yet for an educated answer
3) Children's book = don't remember
4) TV Series = too many
5) Word = ?
6) Film = too many
7) Curse = ?
Creature = crocodiles and siftbot
9) Past time = programming and movies
10)Person = my wife, the love of my life

Which one?

11) Dog or cat = cat, they clean themselves and you can leave them alone for days
12) Sweet or savoury = savory
13) Cereal or Toast = cereal
14) Tan or pale = pale
15) Shoes or barefoot = shoes
16) Desktop or laptop = laptop
17) Drive or walk = drive
18) Drama or comedy = drama
19) Sex or food = sex
20) Futurama or Simpsons = Simpsons

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission = motorcycle guy texting on a freeway or MarineGunrock eating a sandwich in 2 minutes
22) A great comment on one of your vids = ?
23) Most off the wall member = homoerotic blankfist
24) Favourite user name = hmm. that's a toughie. top of my head: fissionchips
25) Your most used channel = asia
26) Personal dumbass moment = ?
27) Best avatar = ?
28) Partner in crime = dag, literally
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem = no (but people online usually tell me all about their sift problems )
30) Idea for the site = it's so perfect already

About you

31) Where do you live = Irvine, California
32) Smoker/non-smoker = non; I hate being prisoner to wandering smoke from nearby smokers
33) Left or right handed = right
34) Hair colour = black
35) Relationship status = married and fulfilled
36) How tall = 5'11"
37) Children = not yet
38) Ever had an operation = birth; wisdom teeth
39) Best feature = don't have one
40) Use four words to describe yourself = immature, jocular, simple, passionate

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead = George Washington, but then he'd kill himself seeing what we've done to the country; maybe Bradley Nowell of Sublime
42) Give 50 grand to any charity = stem cell research
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon = everyone who thinks we didn't go there
44) Relive a moment in your life = meeting my wife
45) Have a superpower = have and share regeneration/immortality
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know = all other types of life in the universe
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to = urinal backsplash; trying to get into a girl's pants
48) Be president for one hour = that's not enough time
49) Delete a period in history = no
50) Achieve one thing = sell any of my own software for a lot of money

Crosswords says...


1) Winter
2) Some place in Pennsylvania (I’ve not traveled much)
3) The Lorax
4) Futurama
6) Original Star Wars Trilogy
7) %(#$&#@&
sharks are neat
9) Shot gunning wolves from a helicopter
10)Parents/friends Lame answer but different people mean different things to me

Which one?

11) Cat
12) Sweet
13) Cereal
14) Tan, but not baked
15) I likes to feel the blades of grass betwixt me toes
16) Desktop
17) Walk
18) comedy
19) Sex
20) Futurama

The Sift

22) “possibly the best music post ever…”
23) The most off the wall member is no longer a member
24) I’ve never given this any thought
25) Probably
26) Locking my keys out of my car at a police station
27) Schmawy’s cat of a thousand faces !!FREE SCHMAWY!!
28) none
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem
30) Siftbrew, it’ll help generate revenue for the site, and everyone can claim they made that last comment while under the influence

About you

31) Texas
32) non-smoker
33) right handed
34) Brown
35) Single
36) 5’11” and 9/10ths
37) nope
38) Has my tonsils out when I was very young
39) Eyes
40) Geek, dork, nerd, awesome

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Hitler, give the world someone to unite against
42) Home for wayward republicans
43) Myself
44) Undergrad years were a blast
45) Laser eyes, gotta be laser eyes
46) What Would Jesus Drive
47) Being hit in the balls
48) An hour isn’t long enough to scream at congress
49) 1992

Sarzy says...


1) Season - Summer. I hate the cold, snow and everything winter stands for.
2) Place in the world - Vegas baby, Vegas!
3) Children's book - I don't know the title, but the one where a bunch of bears have a party and eventually end up filling their house with popcorn. I used to love that one. Good times.
4) TV Series - Seinfeld
5) Word - Shenanigans
6) Film - This changes depending on my mood, but I'm going to say 2001.
7) Curse - The curse of the dog faced woman!
Creature - Eric Estrada
9) Past time - Watching movies.
10)Person - PT Anderson

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Dog
12) Sweet or savoury - Savoury
13) Cereal or Toast - Cereal
14) Tan or pale - Tan
15) Shoes or barefoot - Shoes
16) Desktop or laptop - Desktop
17) Drive or walk - Walk
18) Drama or comedy - Both
19) Sex or food - Both!
20) Futurama or Simpsons - If the Simpsons had ended, say, around season 8, that would be my answer for sure. But they've seriously run that show into the ground. So: Futurama.

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - Baby chimp plays a guy's stomach like a bongo
22) A great comment on one of your vids - They're all great! (yes, that's a cop out)
23) Most off the wall member - Choggie
24) Favourite user name - Burdturglar
25) Your most used channel - Comedy
26) Personal dumbass moment - Dumbass? Me? Never!
27) Best avatar - Schmawy
28) Partner in crime - I'm a lone wolf, baby!
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - Nope.
30) Idea for the site - Pie. Delicious pie.

About you

31) Where do you live - The great white north.
32) Smoker/non-smoker - Non
33) Left or right handed - Right
34) Hair colour - Black
35) Relationship status - Single
36) How tall - 6'1
37) Children - Nope
38) Ever had an operation - Yep
39) Best feature - Everything
40) Use four words to describe yourself - Super duper crazy awesome

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Stanley Kubrick
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Cancer
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Zack Snyder, and he can take all his stupid movies with him, especially Watchmen.
44) Relive a moment in your life - The time I found a twenty just lying on the sidewalk. Good times.
45) Have a superpower - Invulnerability
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - Will I eventually put my brain in a robot body and live forever as a super-powered robot?
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Prepare for the inevitable zombie uprising.
48) Be president for one hour - Smite my enemies.
49) Delete a period in history - I can't think of anything I'd want to delete altogether.
50) Achieve one thing - Visit every country in the world at least once.

burdturgler says...


1) Season - Winter. Love the snow. The reflections of light off of it. The way it makes everything look new and clean again.
2) Place in the world - Alaska ^
3) Children's book - Curious George & The Electric Fence
4) TV Series - currently ... True Blood
5) Word -
6) Film - BraveHeart
7) Curse - fuckface
Creature - Border Collie's
9) Past time - rpg's
10)Person -

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Dog
12) Sweet or savoury - savoury
13) Cereal or Toast - toast
14) Tan or pale - tan
15) Shoes or barefoot - barefoot
16) Desktop or laptop - desktop
17) Drive or walk - walk
18) Drama or comedy - comedy
19) Sex or food - sex
20) Futurama or Simpsons - futurama

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - The Americans
22) A great comment on one of your vids - We've boosted the Large Hadron Collider...
23) Most off the wall member -
24) Favourite user name - fissionchips
25) Your most used channel - comedy
26) Personal dumbass moment - most comments I make
27) Best avatar - schmawy's (all of them)
28) Partner in crime - none
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - no
30) Idea for the site - No voting w/o comment window open or create a way to make dupes more apparent

About you

31) Where do you live - NY
32) Smoker/non-smoker - smoker
33) Left or right handed - right
34) Hair colour - black
35) Relationship status - committed
36) How tall - 5' 10"
37) Children - no
38) Ever had an operation - been put back together several times
39) Best feature - hazel eyes
40) Use four words to describe yourself - only four words? well...

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Tesla
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - WWF
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Bush
44) Relive a moment in your life - Birth
45) Have a superpower - Invisibility
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - What newspapers does Palin read?
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Erections in public
48) Be president for one hour - End the war.
49) Delete a period in history - JFK Assassination
50) Achieve one thing - inner peace

gwiz665 says...

1) Season - summer, without a doubt.
2) Place in the world - Home, but then I've never been very far from it.
3) Children's book - Either the Hobbit or Paddington.
4) TV Series - Futurama, Lost, South Park and my latest craze House.
5) Word - Gahagafacka
6) Film - Iron Giant (Soooo pah mahhn.. tears every time)
7) Curse - Fuck or bullcrap.
Creature - Woman or shark.
9) Past time - Then.
10)Person - Hmm, I don't know. Some of my friends, I presume, but I don't play favorites with them.

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Lately cat, but I love dogs too.
12) Sweet or savoury - Savoury
13) Cereal or Toast - Cereal
14) Tan or pale - It's all good.
15) Shoes or barefoot - shoes.
16) Desktop or laptop - desktop.
17) Drive or walk - Drive
18) Drama or comedy - Comedy
19) Sex or food - Sex with food.
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Futurama.

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission -
22) A great comment on one of your vids -
23) Most off the wall member - Choggie, BillO or thepinky, I think. And that lucky760's always been a rotten apple.
24) Favourite user name - Fissionchips
25) Your most used channel - Animation or comedy
26) Personal dumbass moment - According to Tofumar: but I don't think so.
27) Best avatar - Schmawy, hands down.
28) Partner in crime - JAPR or NicoleBee
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - Problem, what problem?
30) Idea for the site - StumbleUpon-like page.

About you

31) Where do you live - Aarhus Denmark
32) Smoker/non-smoker - Non-smoker
33) Left or right handed - Right.
34) Hair colour - Dark brownish
35) Relationship status - Permasingle
36) How tall - 183cm, I have no idea that is in your yards and furlongs.
37) Children - Belligerent and numerous. (naw, ain't got kids)
38) Ever had an operation - Polyps when I was tiny.
39) Best feature - Dry wit, penchant for motorboating. (and I don't care for sailing.. )
40) Use four words to describe yourself - Thinker, nice, elitist, softie

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Someone who died before his/her time and would appreciate another go around. Don't know who though. Maybe Heath Ledger. MOZART!
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Richard Dawkins foundation for Reason and Science
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Sean Hannity
44) Relive a moment in your life - A gentleman don't kiss and tell.
45) Have a superpower - Fly, I think.
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - Everything.
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Masturbation, that is.. MY masturbation.
48) Be president for one hour - Probably couldn't do something long term, but I would abolish tax exempts for religious organizations.
49) Delete a period in history - If I delete it, it will happen again. It stays.
50) Achieve one thing - Technological Singularity.

gorillaman says...

I could go for some light peer bonding activity. Going to post before I read.


1) Season - Autumn.
2) Place in the world - My home. I don't really see the point of anywhere else.
3) Children's book - I'm going to count the whole silver age X-Men as one book and make that my answer.
4) TV Series - The Crystal Maze
5) Word - Appendices.
6) Film - The Fifth Element
7) Curse - Making something up on the spot is always the most satisfying.
Creature - Man.
9) Past time - Past time or pastime? The Victorian era, when people knew how to dress / playing board games.
10)Person - Myself. Everyone should be just like me.

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Cat, if they didn't have those brain parasites.
12) Sweet or savoury - Savoury unless I run out of sweet. Everything, and as much as possible.
13) Cereal or Toast - Toast.
14) Tan or pale - Pale.
15) Shoes or barefoot - Barefoot.
16) Desktop or laptop - Desktop.
17) Drive or walk - I'd rather have whatever it is I'm driving or walking to delivered.
18) Drama or comedy - Comedy.
19) Sex or food - Food. I made that choice a long time ago.
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Simpsons.

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - ...didn't get any votes.
22) A great comment on one of your vids - * promote
23) Most off the wall member - Obviously choggie.
24) Favourite user name - I would have to check every name to answer this question.
25) Your most used channel - eia
26) Personal dumbass moment - I've never made a mistake in my life.
27) Best avatar - dotdude's examples of his own artwork, and anything from that star wars thread.
28) Partner in crime - Don't have one.
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - To some extent.
30) Idea for the site - Bring back the new member queue.

About you

31) Where do you live - SE Britain.
32) Smoker/non-smoker - Occasional cigar/pipe smoker.
33) Left or right handed - Right.
34) Hair colour - Brown.
35) Relationship status - Leper.
36) How tall - Don't know, 6' 4"-ish.
37) Children - are too expensive.
38) Ever had an operation - Nope.
39) Best feature - Glorious human mind.
40) Use four words to describe yourself - Better person than you.

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Tolkien. I'd like to see what he made of those films.
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Amnesty International.
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Sarah Palin.
44) Relive a moment in your life - Any time when I was hitting somebody.
45) Have a superpower - Wolverine's healing factor, in continuities where it makes him immortal.
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - The future of the human race.
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Scarcity of awesome sex toys.
48) Be president for one hour - Have the last president executed.
49) Delete a period in history - Anything people are proud of today without having actually participated in the accomplishment.
50) Achieve one thing - Bomb something.

alien_concept says...

Brilliant. Favourite answers so far:

"Bring a famous person back from the dead - George Washington. He'd be fuckin pissed at what we've done to his nation".
"Most off the wall member - I'd say Choggie, but he doesn't have a wall to be off of, so kronosposeidon will have to do".
"Left or right handed - right handed, but ambidextrous when I pleasure myself".
"Siftbrew, it’ll help generate revenue for the site, and everyone can claim they made that last comment while under the influence".
"Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Masturbation, that is.. MY masturbation".
"Sex or food - Food. I made that choice a long time ago".
"Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Scarcity of awesome sex toys".


Fjnbk says...


1) Spring
2) Beijing, China
3) Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel
4) South Park
5) Knemidokoptes
6) Beauty and the Beast
7) Don't know
9) The French Revolution
10)Not sure

Which one?

11) Dog
12) Sweet
13) Cereal
14) Tan
15) Barefoot
16) Laptop
17) Walk
18) Drama
19) Food
20) Futurama

The Sift

21) Duck Amuck
22) "* promote" - various vids
23) blankfist
24) Fjnbk
25) Comedy, but I don't spend any time looking at single channels.
26) Everything I've done here
27) mlx's
28) YouTube
29) Some
30) Non-charters get to choose handle colors

About you

31) Michigan
32) Non-smoker
33) Right handed
34) Black
35) Single
36) 5' something
37) No
38) No
39) All of me
40) Brilliantly stupid, humbly narcissistic

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) John Lennon
42) Red Cross
43) Kevin Trudeau
44) 9th grade
45) Telepathy
46) Albert Einstein's last words
47) Umm...
48) Ban teaching of creationism and intelligent design by executive order.
49) The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Terrible time.
50) Win a Nobel Prize


dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

1) Season - Autumn
2) Place in the world - Shinsaibashi/Namba Osaka
3) Children's book - A Wrinkle in Time
4) TV Series Mad Men / 6 Feet under
5) Word - Defenestration
6) Film - BladeRunner
7) Curse - Holy smokes
Creature - Big cat

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Cat
12) Sweet or savoury - Sweet
13) Cereal or Toast - Cereal
14) Tan or pale - pale
15) Shoes or barefoot - barefoot
16) Desktop or laptop - laptop
17) Drive or walk - walk
18) Drama or comedy - comedy
19) Sex or food - food
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Simpsons

The Sift

24) Favourite user name - BurdTurgler
25) Your most used channel - Politics
26) Personal dumbass moment - here.
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - Yes - ask Persephone

About you

31) Where do you live - Brisbane, Australia
32) Smoker/non-smoker - non
33) Left or right handed - right
34) Hair colour - brown
35) Relationship status - married
36) How tall 180 CM
37) Children 2
38) Ever had an operation - no
39) Best feature - washboard abs. (ha)
40) Use four words to describe yourself mellow, idealistic, nerdy, optimist

If you could...what, who, when etc

50) Achieve one thing - I think VideoSift deserves a Webby.

kulpims says...


1) Season = late spring
2) Place in the world = Soča river valley
3) Children's book = grew up with comics
4) TV Series = South Park, Dexter, Californication, Weeds, Battlestar Galacatica
5) Word = ninja
6) Film = Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
7) Curse = "kurba" or "pizda" or even "pička materna"
Creature = honey badger
9) Past time = smoking weed, riding a bike
10)Person = this is getting too personal

Which one?

11) Dog or cat = grew up around dogs, now live surrounded with stray cats
12) Sweet or savoury = both
13) Cereal or Toast = toast
14) Tan or pale = tan
15) Shoes or barefoot = shoes
16) Desktop or laptop = desktop
17) Drive or walk = depends on the distance but i prefer bikes anyway
18) Drama or comedy = drama
19) Sex or food = both at the same time
20) Futurama or Simpsons = simpsons

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission = Vlatko Stefanovski
22) A great comment on one of your vids = can't remember but I'm sure it's from choggie
23) Most off the wall member = blankfist
24) Favourite user name = schmawy
25) Your most used channel = documentary
26) Personal dumbass moment = i think there's a character limit on comments...
27) Best avatar = Farhad2000
28) Partner in crime = choggie
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem = i sure hope they don't
30) Idea for the site = 5 promotes per week free of charge

About you

31) Where do you live = Slovenia (just google it)
32) Smoker/non-smoker = smoker
33) Left or right handed = right
34) Hair colour = dark brown
35) Relationship status = single
36) How tall = 168 cm
37) Children = none
38) Ever had an operation = no
39) Best feature = dunno, you tell me
40) Use four words to describe yourself = weird and then some

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead = nikola tesla
42) Give 50 grand to any charity = orphaned retarded hiv infected dolphins
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon = my stepfather
44) Relive a moment in your life = *censored*
45) Have a superpower = fly without the neeed of an oxygen mask
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know = 42
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to = getting kicked in the balls
48) Be president for one hour = end of the world
49) Delete a period in history = last century
50) Achieve one thing = quit sifting

blankfist says...

35) Relationship status - in one, but there's always an opening for blankfist.
40) Use four words to describe yourself - 1)Blankfist's 2)ass 3)arouses 4)me.
27) Best avatar - Mine, but blankfist made it. Whatta guy!
39) Best feature - I've been told I have beautiful eyes (by blankfist)
23) Most off the wall member = homoerotic blankfist
23) blankfist
23) Most off the wall member = blankfist

Guys, I know I may seem like that hot chick in school you all wanted to bang, but seriously I'm not. I have a penis. And, come on, out of the entire Sift, I'm the most off the wall? Seriously? Choggie, anyone? Quantumushroom? Sigh.

kronosposeidon says...


1) Season - Autumn
2) Place in the world - Yellowstone National Park, without all the tourists
3) Children's book - Any of the Matthew Looney books
4) TV Series - Battlestar Galactica (the new series)
5) Word - butterfluggin
6) Film - Tough call, but I'm going with The Empire Strikes Back
7) Curse - "Twat" seems to be my favorite these days
Creature - Dolphins, even if they are the douchebags of the sea.
9) Past time - Organ donation
10) Person - My son, of course

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Both, but I own neither. I have two rats.
12) Sweet or savoury - Sweet
13) Cereal or Toast - Toast
14) Tan or pale - Tan. I'm always afraid that I might have bored the pale ones to death
15) Shoes or barefoot - Barefoot. I have hobbit feet
16) Desktop or laptop - laptop
17) Drive or walk - Drive. This is America, dammit.
18) Drama or comedy - Comedy
19) Sex or food - Sex
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Futurama now, but I used to be a diehard Simpsons fan

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - Dutch musician with huge ears just wants to fuck you
22) A great comment on one of your vids - the awesome thing about this video is kronos was searching for porn and typed in his favorite fetishes "Dutch, musician, huge ears, wants to fuck me" and he just so happened to stumble across this.
23) Most off the wall member - evil_disco_man. He's quiet. It's always the quiet ones who put severed heads in the crisper.
24) Favourite user name - MycroftHomlz. It shows that smarty-pants scientists can't spell for shit.
25) Your most used channel - Comedy
26) Personal dumbass moment - Giving choggie my email address
27) Best avatar - schmawy's. All of them.
28) Partner in crime - I run with the Hole In The Wall gang, consisting of blankfist, rottenseed, dystopianfuturetoday, schmawy, his sister Issykitty, and alien_concept. Sometimes we let Farhad ride with us, because deep down he so desperately wants to be a cowboy.
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - Not since I killed them
30) Idea for the site - Glory holes

About you

31) Where do you live - Casper, Wyoming, United States
32) Smoker/non-smoker - non-smoker (quit 12 years ago)
33) Left or right handed - righty tighty
34) Hair colour - reddish brown, with dashing gray highlights
35) Relationship status - I'm in a serious booty-call relationship
36) How tall - 5' 9", or 175 cm. 175 sounds bigger, so let's go with that
37) Children - One child on this planet is blessed with 50% of my genes
38) Ever had an operation - Many:
a. Appendectomy
b. Plate implants for a broken arm
c. Bone graft from pelvis for same broken arm that got horribly infected
d. Hemorrhoid removal - Yet blankfist is still here
e. Torn ligament repair - left foot
f. Torn ligament repair - right hand
g. Lasik eye surgery
h. Foot enlargement - Hoping that by corollary something wonderful would happen
39) Best feature - My beautiful spleen
40) Use four words to describe yourself - Morally bankrupt, donations please

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Jesus, just so he could tell all the neo-cons to shut the fuck up
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Cancer/leukemia research
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Me. I hear it's a good place to raise a family
44) Relive a moment in your life -
45) Have a superpower - Walking on water, that way I could tell all the neo-cons to shut the fuck up
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - If there's an afterlife
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Listen to all the talk about fucking fantasy football in the crapper at work
48) Be president for one hour - Give the Indians everything back, and send whitey back to Europe
49) Delete a period in history - What day was dystopianfuturetoday born?
50) Achieve one thing - Write the great American novel. About robot pirates from outer space.

rougy says...


1) Season - Spring, while the blossoms and leaves are still budding
2) Place in the world - Amsterdam
3) Children's book - "Where the Sidewalk Ends" by Shel Silverstein
4) TV Series - Northern Exposure
5) Word - zesty
6) Film - Year of the Dragon
7) Curse - shitstain
Creature - The Faun
9) Past time - beers and shots in a Denver dive bar with musician friends
10)Person - Anais Nin or Shophie Scholl

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - both, but I prefer taking a walk with my dog
12) Sweet or savoury - both, but I'll take steak before chocolate
13) Cereal or Toast - both, Lucky Charms must never be underestimated
14) Tan or pale - pale
15) Shoes or barefoot - shoes, due to tender feet
16) Desktop or laptop - desktop for work, laptop for fun
17) Drive or walk - walk whenever possible
18) Drama or comedy - both, but good comedy is hard to find
19) Sex or food - fooooood
20) Futurama or Simpsons - The Simpsons is my #1 weakness

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - Blondie - Dreaming
22) A great comment on one of your vids - can't say; everyone here has their moments
23) Most off the wall member - quantumushroom; at least choggie had a heart
24) Favourite user name - too many; many clever names here
25) Your most used channel - not a channel guy
26) Personal dumbass moment - blowing my top or misunderstanding a post
27) Best avatar - they're all good - the avatar really frames the way you hear a comment being said in your head
28) Partner in crime - none, unfortunately
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - no
30) Idea for the site - a way to subscribe to comments on a specific thread

About you

31) Where do you live - a hell-hole called Roswell, NM
32) Smoker/non-smoker - love the weed, hate the tabacco
33) Left or right handed - ambidextrous, right dominant
34) Hair colour - is thin a color?
35) Relationship status - a single liberal stuck in a conservative desert
36) How tall - sixish.
37) Children - no, unfortunately
38) Ever had an operation - no, thankfully
39) Best feature - generally patient and usually considerate
40) Use four words to describe yourself - complex, loner, creative, sensitive

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Henry Miller, with the hopes we'd be beer buddies
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - something for the children of Iraq
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Bill O'Reilly
44) Relive a moment in your life - when I met a certain girl in college and fell in love
45) Have a superpower - precognition
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - who pulled off 9/11
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - can't say, we've both got it rough in our own funny way
48) Be president for one hour - arrest the Bush Administration and launch an investigation into their activities
49) Delete a period in history - the Spanish Inquisition
50) Achieve one thing - publish a great book that was loved by all who read it

alien_concept says...


1) Season - Spring, nothing better than that fresh smell in the air after shitty winter is through
2) Place in the world - Paris has the most atmosphere
3) Children's book - Matilda by Roald Dahl
4) TV Series - Lost, Spaced, Skins
5) Word - flibbertygibbet
6) Film - Hundreds, but a couple would be Donnie Darko and City of God
7) Curse - prick, cockwipe
Creature - Orangutan
9) Past time - Finding fun stuff for my brats to do so I can do other fun stuff
10)Person - My friend, she's weird and fabulous in equal measure

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Dogs, cat's are bastards. I have 2, i'm fully aware
12) Sweet or savoury - Savoury
13) Cereal or Toast - Cereal
14) Tan or pale - Tan
15) Shoes or barefoot - Barefoot even when inappropriate
16) Desktop or laptop - Desktop
17) Drive or walk - Drive
18) Drama or comedy - There is more good comedy than good drama around, but when you get a decent drama that would win
19) Sex or food - Sex, burn some calories. Food, stuff my face. Sex, sex sex, more food.
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Easily Futurama

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - Lately it would have to be this
22) A great comment on one of your vids - Hahaha...this bitch is dumb. She's so dumb that she doesn't realize that his work with the Beatles has given him the "free pass". He could pretty much murder her on stage and walk away, a free man, as long as he followed it up with "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."

23) Most off the wall member - thepinky by far
24) Favourite user name - Octopussy, fissionchips
25) Your most used channel - Music
26) Personal dumbass moment - Completely missing the point of a post, giving it the large one with a comment about it, hence losing my mojo and making me temporarily want to die
27) Best avatar - Kulpim's old Star Trek avatar
28) Partner in crime - evil_disco obviously and a crush or two
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem- Yeahhh, my friends have no choice but be subjected to whatever i'm interested in at the time
30) Idea for the site - Removing some of siftbots comments would be great

About you

31) Where do you live - Dorset, UK
32) Smoker/non-smoker - Smoker, but barely
33) Left or right handed - Right
34) Hair colour - Dark brown
35) Relationship status - Single with affections
36) How tall - 5'4
37) Children - Two, girl 9 and boy nearly 6
38) Ever had an operation - yes, I have scars and everythin
39) Best feature - Personally i'd go with eyes
40) Use four words to describe yourself - stoner quit, still confused

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Oscar Wilde
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - UNICEF
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon -
44) Relive a moment in your life - Finally managing to get my ex to fuck off
45) Have a superpower - Flight
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - Is there life after death
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Leaking copious amounts of breastmilk in public
48) Be president for one hour - Check the Area 51 files
49) Delete a period in history - The slave trade
50) Achieve one thing - To be a paramedic

Farhad2000 says...


1) Season - Autumn
2) Place in the world - Livingstone, Zambia.
3) Children's book - Guards! Guards! Guards! by Terry Prachett
4) TV Series - The wire, BSG, mad men and the x files.
5) Word - Clover Gs (don't ask)
6) Film - Bladerunner and there is alot more...
7) Curse - fuck
Creature - chameleon
9) Past time - gaming and ill informed political banter
10)Person - my buddy.

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - cats
12) Sweet or savoury - savory
13) Cereal or Toast - toast?
14) Tan or pale - both in equal measure
15) Shoes or barefoot - shoes?
16) Desktop or laptop - desktop
17) Drive or walk - walk
18) Drama or comedy - sci fi
19) Sex or food - yes
20) Futurama or Simpsons - both jumped the shark.

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - all my videos are favourite submissions, but my Luna playlist has my fav muscial picks.
22) A great comment on one of your vids - The whole Andres Segovia comment thread! DOWN WITH JAKE SIKAKAKBURORMO!
23) Most off the wall member - choggie
24) Favourite user name - plastiquemonkey
25) Your most used channel - music and obscure
26) Personal dumbass moment - sifting and commenting drunk, then waking up reading what I wrote.
27) Best avatar - Rickegee and Ravenika.
28) Partner in crime - Mink and Kulpims. The Eastern European Mafia.
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - Not really. I kinda dropped the habit.
30) Idea for the site - The LONG FUCKING CHANNEL ironically we waited a LONG time for it too.

About you

31) Where do you live - Kuwait
32) Smoker/non-smoker - occasionally
33) Left or right handed - right
34) Hair colour - black?
35) Relationship status - single
36) How tall - 5 '4
37) Children - no
38) Ever had an operation - Yes, I enjoyed the drugs alot.
39) Best feature - I guess it's interesting to talk to me?
40) Use four words to describe yourself - nomad, aware, misanthrope

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Martin Luther King
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Amensty International
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Everyone...
44) Relive a moment in your life - My trip to Turkey.
45) Have a superpower - cloaking
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know -
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - crazy irrational emotionally unstable women.
48) Be president for one hour - Dissolve the Fed. open all state secret archives from 2000 down.
49) Delete a period in history - Bush's presidency.
50) Achieve one thing - Learn to fly a helicopter.

gwiz665 says...

>> ^blankfist:
35) Relationship status - in one, but there's always an opening for blankfist.
40) Use four words to describe yourself - 1)Blankfist's 2)ass 3)arouses 4)me.
27) Best avatar - Mine, but blankfist made it. Whatta guy!
39) Best feature - I've been told I have beautiful eyes (by blankfist)
23) Most off the wall member = homoerotic blankfist
23) blankfist
23) Most off the wall member = blankfist

Guys, I know I may seem like that hot chick in school you all wanted to bang, but seriously I'm not. I have a penis. And, come on, out of the entire Sift, I'm the most off the wall? Seriously? Choggie, anyone? Quantumushroom? Sigh.

You're in a good group... you're special.

Alien_concept: "26) Personal dumbass moment - Completely missing the point of a post, giving it the large one with a comment about it, hence losing my mojo and making me temporarily want to die"
Aw, comon, don't leave us hanging.. where is this comment?

CaptainPlanet420 says...

1) Season - dog season, it's always dog season
2) Place in the world - doghouses
3) Children's book - Dogbert goes to the store
4) TV Series - Dog Whisperer
5) Word - Doggles
6) Film - All Dogs Go To Heaven
7) Curse - Doggone it!
Creature - Dog
9) Past time - taking my dog for walks
10)Person - Rolph from the muppets

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Cat
12) Sweet or savoury - salty
13) Cereal or Toast - toasted cereal
14) Tan or pale - farmers tan
15) Shoes or barefoot - shoes with bare toes
16) Desktop or laptop - laptop on a desk
17) Drive or walk - ghostride = both
18) Drama or comedy - steven seagal does both
19) Sex or food - foodstamps
20) Futurama or Simpsons - hey dad, can i borrow the handgun?

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - see any of my fine 49
22) A great comment on one of your vids - "Oprah takes a dive" by gwizz
23) Most off the wall member - westy
24) Favourite user name - westy
25) Your most used channel - WTFFFFFFFF
26) Personal dumbass moment - hahahaha
27) Best avatar - John Goodman, clearly
28) Partner in crime - westy, though he doesn't know
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - no one still alive
30) Idea for the site - gimme 90's channel that I would care for like my own child

About you

31) Where do you live - in a big warehouse where dogs run loose, machines make noise and anything can happen
32) Smoker/non-smoker - plz see username
33) Left or right handed - I save the world with all 4 appendages
34) Hair colour - green, hello
35) Relationship status - I have 5 "close friends"
36) How tall - 6' 5" after I butchwax my 'do
37) Children - you are all my children
38) Ever had an operation - yes, i completed them all in 30 mintues too
39) Best feature - my voiceover
40) Use four words to describe yourself - By your powers combined...

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Princess Di
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - OJ is still innocent fund
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Princess Di
44) Relive a moment in your life - with my DVR, I relive them all
45) Have a superpower - mine are Superhuman strength, speed and stamina, Flight, Invulnerability, Super-breath, Telepathy, Psychokinesis, Shape-shifting, Control over the elements, Matter transmutation
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - who crashed the exxon-valdez
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - big oil
48) Be president for one hour - I'd consume the EPA
49) Delete a period in history - every time someone litters
50) Achieve one thing - make a television comeback

Abducted says...

45) Have a superpower

46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know
Why can't I leave it up? Do you want me to tinkle on it?

Oh yea and,
Couldn't remember the greatest post in the world, no...

MrConrads says...


1) Season: Late spring and mid fall
2) Place in the world: Where ever I am at that time
3) Children's book: Where the Wild Things Are
4) TV Series: West Wing
5) Word: Bullocks
6) Film: Battle of Britian
7) Curse: Such gooood looks *wink
Creature: titmouse
9) Past time: playing with my hotwheels on my parents couch

Which one?

11) Dog or cat: one reeeeeally lazy cat... I think he was born with a marijuana gene that keeps him constantly chill
12) Sweet or savoury: savoury
13) Cereal or Toast: cereal
14) Tan or pale: pasty scotch irish, german, swedish boy
15) Shoes or barefoot: depends on where im a walkin
16) Desktop or laptop: lappy 2000
17) Drive or walk: prefer to walk
18) Drama or comedy: both
19) Sex or food: yes please
20) Futurama or Simpsons: SIMPSONS!

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission: because I used to fall asleep to the radio program every night as a kid
22) A great comment on one of your vids: "It doesn't mention anything about needing to be nude in a Greco-Roman building. I guess that's up to personal preference."
23) Most off the wall member: ummm.... ill get back to you on that one
24) Favourite user name:
25) Your most used channel: not sure
26) Personal dumbass moment: this answer would be shorter if it was personal awesome achievement.
27) Best avatar: Crosswords
28) Partner in crime: mums the word
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem: only the ones that attend the sifters anonymous meetings with me
30) Idea for the site:

About you

31) Where do you live: St. Paul Minnesota
32) Smoker/non-smoker: non
33) Left or right handed: left
34) Hair colour: blo..brow...... yes
35) Relationship status: taken
36) How tall: 5'11"
37) Children: 43 that i know of
38) Ever had an operation: nope, but i have broken a couple things
39) Best feature: not good at that one
40) Use four words to describe yourself: well, i like to.... awww

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead: Churchill, seemed like a good honest man
42) Give 50 grand to any charity: Design for the other 90%
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon: meee
44) Relive a moment in your life: "hey! HEY!!! get out of my stuff!!!!"
45) Have a superpower: I dont care how over used it is, i wanna fly!
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know: will my country make it another 50 years?
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to:
48) Be president for one hour: I would rummage through the oval office for hidden treasure
49) Delete a period in history: bush bush bush bush bush
50) Achieve one thing: confidence.

MrFisk says...


1) Season - Summer
2) Place in the world - Probably ain't been yet.
3) Children's book - Aesop's Fables for Children.
4) TV Series - Simpsons
5) Word - Meatloaf
6) Film - Wild At Heart
7) Curse - All of 'em
Creature - Woman
9) Past time - Intoxicated
10)Person - Ghengis Khan

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Dog
12) Sweet or savoury - Savoury
13) Cereal or Toast - Cereal
14) Tan or pale - Tan
15) Shoes or barefoot - Barefoot
16) Desktop or laptop - Desktop
17) Drive or walk - Walk
18) Drama or comedy - Drama
19) Sex or food - Duh
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Simpsons

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission -
22) A great comment on one of your vids - *beg
23) Most off the wall member - Meh...
24) Favourite user name - MrFisk
25) Your most used channel - NSFW?
26) Personal dumbass moment - the beginning
27) Best avatar - My original
28) Partner in crime - Partners
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - Few
30) Idea for the site - Points used promoting should have a one day recharge.

About you

31) Where do you live - Nebraska
32) Smoker/non-smoker - Tobacco?
33) Left or right handed - right
34) Hair colour - black with grey
35) Relationship status - there
36) How tall - 5'12
37) Children - amazingly not yet
38) Ever had an operation - more than a few
39) Best feature - me
40) Use four words to describe yourself - curt, funny, gallant, morbid

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Julius Caesar
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Fuck that
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Donald Rumsfeld
44) Relive a moment in your life - the beginning
45) Have a superpower - Apocalypse
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - What happens after death?
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Trying to get laid.
48) Be president for one hour - Blowjobs
49) Delete a period in history - George W. Bush
50) Achieve one thing - 11 wives at once

Thylan says...


1) Season - Autumn (which intrigues me)
2) Place in the world - woods. coast. bluebells.
3) Children's book - Magnus Powermouse
4) TV Series - I collect them (alias/24/buffy/angel/babylon5/west wing) but possibly west wing if pushed. (edit FireFly)
5) Word - nembler
6) Film - LOTRO-(extended edition all 3 parts as 1)
7) Curse - bollocks. it sounds good. satisfying. improves with volume.
Creature - Smokey
9) Past time - completing System Shock 1 for the first time on 4/4/4/3
10)Person - ... I have many important people, but I would like to have 1

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Cat. Yes they are evil bastards. Evil bastards need love too.
12) Sweet or savoury - savoury. Take my chocolate and I will eat you for it.
13) Cereal or Toast - Hot toast with butter and things made by someone else is wonderous
14) Tan or pale - pale. I think. Try me.
15) Shoes or barefoot - barefoot when warm and soft and nice
16) Desktop or laptop - Desktop. Laps are for other things
17) Drive or walk - Drive. But walking to work is great.
18) Drama or comedy - Good drama lasts. Good comedy was funny.
19) Sex or food - Both (sex involves eating)
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Futurama. Simpsons hasn't been funny in a long time. it is tiered. it should mumble quietly in an old peoples home.

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - I love that this sifted
22) A great comment on one of your vids - This comment by Constitutional_Patriot
23) Most off the wall member - I dont keep my member on the wall? oh, VS, sorry...
24) Favourite user name -
25) Your most used channel - comedy/music
26) Personal dumbass moment - submitting a vid to rant about something, and then deciding the vid was itself guilty of thing it/I was ranting about and discarding it.
27) Best avatar - probably mlx or oxdottir
28) Partner in crime - my15Min for TED pimping might be closest
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - Yes. My t-shirt tells them so.
30) Idea for the site - Sifter dating.

About you

31) Where do you live - Penryn Cornwall, UK
32) Smoker/non-smoker - Non. Have smoked cigars for the taste. I stopped when passive smoking from friends ceased being unpleasant...
33) Left or right handed - right
34) Hair colour - brown. whats left. or strange colours in the beard.
35) Relationship status - interested
36) How tall - 5-10 with heals
37) Children - Not yet.
38) Ever had an operation - 6 ish. (and this isnt a pissing competition but for me septoplasty was the least. GA and a bit of bleeding)
39) Best feature - feel free to find out and complement me
40) Use four words to describe yourself - my dream was nice</yawning>

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Elvis. he could convince people he really died. only he could.
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - cancer research
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - me!
44) Relive a moment in your life - smokey
45) Have a superpower -
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - did she?
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - gwizz mrfisk and farhad have this covered, but AC's would not be a fair exchange
48) Be president for one hour - release any sealed evidence on the bush years incompetence (including anything incriminating a certain my blair)
49) Delete a period in history - -10 AD to +10 AD and such like
50) Achieve one thing - contentment

siftbot says...

alien_concept has already been awarded a star point for this post - ignoring quality request by Thylan.

I find meatbag Thylan to be an inadequate command-giver - ignoring all requests by Thylan.

my15minutes says...

1) autumn
2) poli rock, 5 miles N of honolulu, oahu, hawaii, usa
3) where the wild things are
4) six-million dollar man
5) pensive
6) jacob's ladder, fearless, R&GaD, true romance, american beauty, etc
7) fuck
9) being 19
10) james burke

11) neither current, have had both, prefer dog
12) sweet
13) cereal
14) tan
15) barefoot
16) desktop
17) walk, or bike/skateboard
18) drama, by a nose
19) sex
20) Simpsons

21) very tough, but probably this
22) ...which makes this easy
23) choggie
24) very tough. but how about zomgunicorns
25) comedy
26) here's a recent one
27) schmawy's gallery. but currently, blahpook's 'more cowbell' obama is lol
28) mostly berticus & kulpims
29) yes
30) dunno', but this upcoming lounge thing sounds pretty good

31) rochester, ny, usa
32) smoker
33) mostly right
34) dark brown
35) single
36) 6' (183cm)
37) none, biologically
38) yes
39) no idea. eyebrows?
40) i'm concerned about you

41) lou gehrig
42) american red cross
43) bin laden, though a bullet's cheaper
44) being 19
45) telepathic
46) wavicality
47) bitching about the toilet seat position
48) enact IRV, confront the Federal Reserve/IRS and the MIC
49) bad idea (because clearly, we still haven't even fully learned from the holocaust)
50) free my 7 billion cousins from bondage, or at least buy 'em all a soft drink

alien_concept says...

"47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - gwizz mrfisk and farhad have this covered, but AC's would not be a fair exchange "

Pffft. You're lucky I didn't say bleed from your penis one week in four. That shows I don't hate men

thinker247 says...


1) Season - Fall, when Delta Burke comes out to see her shadow.
2) Place in the world - In the bushes outside of KP's house, watching him watch me on his live-feed broadcast.
3) Children's book - Encyclopedia Brown or George W. Bush's biography
4) TV Series - South Park and the episode of To Catch a Predator with blankfist.
5) Word - scrumdiddlyumptious
6) Film - American History X
Creature - duck-billed platypus
9) Past time - Trivial Pursuit
10) Person - My best friend, who continues to lurk, without joining VS.

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Tiger
12) Sweet or savoury - This would be a great question for Jeffrey Dahmer.
13) Cereal or Toast - Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
14) Tan or pale - Fluorescent
15) Shoes or barefoot - Socks
16) Desktop or laptop - special underwater goggles with high-speed wireless Internet
17) Drive or walk - bicycle
18) Drama or comedy - dramedy
19) Sex or food - Why can't we combine them?
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Futurama

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - McCain's Press Conference in Front of a Cheese Case, or Tool's Sober
22) A great comment on one of your vids - "More proof god hates orphans." From blankfist, on my post about the orphans.
23) Most off the wall member - QM, if that wall is made of rationality
24) Favourite user name - schmawy
25) Your most used channel - comedy
26) Personal dumbass moment - I only get one? Hmm. Probably when I mocked the brother of Soulja Girl, and bi-polar sufferers everywhere. Good times.
27) Best avatar - Emperor Blankfist
28) Partner in crime - I have so many circle jerk partners. Where to begin?
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - my lurking best friend does. And my other friends know I love the site.
30) Idea for the site - Give me a crown, and a jar of marmalade.

About you

31) Where do you live - A decent house in Boise in Ada county in Idaho in the United States of America in North America in the western Hemisphere in Earth in the solar system in the Milky Way galaxy in the universe in God's puckered anus.
32) Smoker/non-smoker - It depends on what we're smoking. I don't smoke cigarettes.
33) Left or right handed - LEFT. You know we're better!
34) Hair colour - Brown, with an ever-growing tinge of grey.
35) Relationship status - Single and stalking. I mean looking.
36) How tall - Taller than Jon Stewart, but shorter than Michael Jordan.
37) Children - Hell no. I can barely take care of myself.
38) Ever had an operation - On my left knee when I was ten. They let me watch. It was AWESOME.
39) Best feature - My ravishing blue eyes, or my tattoos.
40) Use four words to describe yourself - intelligent, sarcastic, procrastinator, under-achiever

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Bertrand Russell
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Nope.
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Does the Bush administration count as one person?
44) Relive a moment in your life - [redacted] That is privileged information.
45) Have a superpower - Invisibility
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - Find out what would happen if Hitler had won World War II.
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Getting a boner in public, in the most awkward of situations. Then trying to hide it.
48) Be president for one hour - FIRE ZEE MISSILES!
49) Delete a period in history - The fall of Greece to the beginning of the scientific revolution.
50) Achieve one thing - Write and publish a book.

xxovercastxx says...


1) Season - Spring
2) Place in the world - TBD
3) Children's book - The Slant Book or Inside, Outside, Upside-down.
4) TV Series - I don't watch.
5) Word -
6) Film - Unbreakable
7) Curse - Fuck
Creature -
9) Pastime - Hiking
10) Person - TBD

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Yes
12) Sweet or savory - Whatever
13) Cereal or Toast - Cereal
14) Tan or pale - Pale
15) Shoes or barefoot - Shoes
16) Desktop or laptop - Yes
17) Drive or walk - Walk (see 9)
18) Drama or comedy - Drama
19) Sex or food - Sex
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Futurama, I guess.

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - That's tough... I feel like I have such an inconsistent collection. I'll have to go with
22) A great comment on one of your vids - none spring to mind.
23) Most off the wall member - I'm gonna go with Karaidl, though it was totally in a good way.
24) Favourite user name - videosiftbannedme is good for a chuckle.
25) Your most used channel - comedy
26) Personal dumbass moment - don't think I've had any significant ones on the sift.
27) Best avatar - rottenseed, schmawy or perhaps the aforementioned videosiftbannedme
28) Partner in crime - N/A
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - I don't have a problem.
30) Idea for the site - See my sift talk posts and comments.

About you

31) Where do you live - Sullivan County, NY; home to the original Woodstock Festival... and nothing else.
32) Smoker/non-smoker - non-smoker like woah.
33) Left or right handed - righty
34) Hair color - Started life blonde but I've slowly shifted to what can only be called "field mouse brown".
35) Relationship status - perpetually single
36) How tall - 5'11"
37) Children - I often refer to my roommate as my son since I'm always cleaning up after him.
38) Ever had an operation - no, but I've had endoscopy twice which is considered a "surgical procedure".
39) Best feature - beats me
40) Use four words to describe yourself

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Perhaps Einstein as Zifnab said.
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - I'm not that charitable and I really don't like working.
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Only one?
44) Relive a moment in your life - I met an incredible girl a few years ago and completely blew it. I'd sure like a do-over on that one.
45) Have a superpower - spacetime manipulation might be too much power. perhaps just teleportation.
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - Probably everything behind the JFK assassination.
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to -
48) Be president for one hour - No thanks.
49) Delete a period in history - that would undo the lessons learned
50) Achieve one thing - find the girl I can spend my life with.

inflatablevagina says...

I'm late but I am playing!


1) Season--Fall
2) Place in the world--Museum of modern art where I could touch stuff, smoke, drink coffee and bring my kid
3) Children's book--the pokey little puppy
4) TV Series--six feet under
5) Word--douche
6) Film--this is a hard one.. maybe Reservoir Dogs? Boondock Saints?
7) Curse--Fuck!!
Creature--one that doesnt hurt/kill me
9) Past time--talking all night
10)Person--my kid

Which one?

11) Dog or cat--dog
12) Sweet or savoury--sweet
13) Cereal or Toast--cereal!!
14) Tan or pale--pale
15) Shoes or barefoot--barefoot
16) Desktop or laptop--laptop
17) Drive or walk--walk
18) Drama or comedy--comedy
19) Sex or food--sex sex sex
20) Futurama or Simpsons--simpsons

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission--
22) A great comment on one of your vids--Call me crazy, Inflatablevagina, but I think you have "Penis Envy!"
23) Most off the wall member--yoghurt.. i like almost everything he/she does and I have never spoken to them
24) Favourite user name--mine
25) Your most used channel--rocknroll
26) Personal dumbass moment--everyday... cant pin point to just one thing...
27) Best avatar--schmawy
28) Partner in crime--bea
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem--some of them.. mostly no.
30) Idea for the site--my idea is to give me gold so I can promote

About you

31) Where do you live-Texas
32) Smoker/non-smoker--sometimes smoker
33) Left or right handed--right
34) Hair colour--blonde
35) Relationship status--married
36) How tall-- 6 foot...seriously
37) Children--1
38) Ever had an operation--no
39) Best feature--my eyes
40) Use four words to describe yourself-- uncomplicated,sincere,loyal,charming

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead--Silvia Plath
42) Give 50 grand to any charity--something for mentally challenged kids
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon--i dont want to do that
44) Relive a moment in your life--when my kid was born
45) Have a superpower--see peoples insecurities and then fix them
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know--i dont know..
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to--being groped.
48) Be president for one
49) Delete a period in history-nah it all makes this time what it is
50) Achieve one thing--raise a sane happy loving child

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