Scheduled Downtime: VideoSift v4.0 Launches

This Saturday night, US Pacific time, siftbot has ordered us to upgrade VideoSift to the fantastic, new version 4.0.

During the upgrade, the Sift will have to be put into Razzleberry mode. It will probably take a couple of hours, but good things come to those who wait.

We can't wait for you all to see what v4.0 has to offer. Siftbot has outdone itself this time. We'll catch you on the flip side.
EndAll says...

I figure this is the spot to suggest a certain change for 4.0:

Blocked videos. Particularly from Comedy Central - can there be a 'Blocked' box to check alongside 'Brief' 'Long' and 'NSFW' when submitting so that they are automatically marked as blocked before submission, therefore sparing users from having to mark them blocked, and for anyone else viewing, sparing them the small amount of time/frustration that comes from realizing you can't view all these quality Colbert/Dailyshow/etcetera clips?

geo321 says...

I'm just reiterating Endall's point. There are so many comedy central videos that are sifted that can't be watched outside the US (for me in Canada i don't know about other countries). Comedy Central has a deal with CTV in Canada where they block their videos to Canada and you have to watch them through their site which is a total and complete piece of crap of a website. Obstacling thru the ads and trying to find the clip u want to see is never ending. I know I'm drifting more and more the more I type but I have to say fuck you CTV for denying me my Daily Show clips. BTW you can usually see the show a couple of hours after it aired on

Man a ranted a bit off topic. I can't wait to see the new layout of 4.0.

EDD says...

Great job guys, pat yourselves on the backs and enjoy many cold beers, you've earned them. I can't wait and I know it's going to be awesome.

geo321 says...

I'm looking forward to seeing the new 4.0. I have to say you guys have created something great in videosift. It's a unique, fair, funky, democratic site.
I just hope there wasn't a coup that disposed Dag to takeover videosift and created 4.0.(lol). anyway cheers.

lucky760 says...

>> ^darkrowan:
Will there be a meebo chat in the mean time?

Certainly. (For all the uninitiated, the meebo chatroom is titled "Razzleberry" which is what I was referring to ^up above).

>> ^jimnms:
Can you lose the votes on all the videos again, that was fun.

Oh, absolutely. That's the biggest new feature in v4.0. Not only will we delete all votes, but all the videos too!

>> ^fford:
This Saturday night, US Pacific time, ...
Any particular hour of the night? Should that read, "This Saturday at midnight, PDT, ...?"

Nope, no particular hour. Just whenever I become available to start working.

>> ^ant:
I'm scared!!
Also, do our queued submissions get extra hours extensions?

Hmm. Interesting question. I won't make any promises, but I'll keep that point in mind. Trying to muck with stuff like that can cause unforeseen problems (particularly if I make a mistake and screw it up) and I'll already have a few hours worth of mountainous tasks on my plate.

Throbbin says...

I think a nice addition would be the ability to combine channel searches. For instance, when I click on channels, I would like to be able to select *Comedy* AND *News*, and see all videos with both tags.

Just a thought.

laura says...

>> ^dag:
A cam would be very boring on my end. I'm lieing in bed nursing a migraine. Lucky is managing all the updates from his side.

oh, I'm seriously so sorry...I get screen on very very low brightness if at all...the good news is that it does end ~ eventually.
*smooch on forehead*

ant says...

>> ^dag:
A cam would be very boring on my end. I'm lieing in bed nursing a migraine. Lucky is managing all the updates from his side.

What kind of partner with you in this VS project? j/k! I hope you feel better. Those suck!

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