rottenseed says...

stank you very much my friends. Because I've been here long enough, I think I can trust you all with a little secret about myself...

...I don't know when to use a semicolon. Thank you San Diego City School District. Also, I'd like to take this time to give some more recognition where it is definitely due.

Those I'd like to thank for making this even more difficult:
- My bosses/coworkers for whom I have to minimize my window and act like I'm working.
- My girlfriend who always yells at me for being on the computer
- The price of gasoline that keeps on escalating, making it harder to pay the rent which houses my computer
- My 7 year old computer that has had seen more porn than the QC workers at Hustler and Penthouse combined.
- The police that arrested me at work for a pesky bench warrant and took me away from videosift for 2 days
- ant, who downvotes everything

Those I'd like to thank for making this possible:
- You, my loyal fans and friends. ::Crowd goes wild::
- My mother for half-assedly instilling a half-assed work ethic, yielding a net one quarter work ethic.
- The late kronosposeidon who curled up like a kitten when confronted with conflict, but who was always there to defend me, or any of you other knuckleheads when the siftmob turned against you
- swampgirl for being so polite about calling me out, yet making me feel only 10 inches tall (2 inches shorter than my penis)
- schmawy for being too nice to downvote anything I posted
- Everybody who has upvoted my dumb comments
- choggie and MINK who always drove me to try and submit higher quality videos until I realized that their standards were impossible.
- Bob Dole for planting all of those delicious pineapples I eat.

Arsenault185 says...

Well its about damn time, RS. You've been here for what? like 10 years? One would think you would have gotten this along time ago. Then again, if you could sift porn, you'd probably be a gold crown by now. Congrats man, I can't wait for your new channel.

rottenseed says...

my channel *drugs has now been (re)activated. I guess somebody had it before but abandoned it for dub-sack or a trip to san quentin. I'll try to be more careful with it. Now...stick with me here, I'm gonna be revamping it throughout the next couple of weeks.

critttter says...

Congratulations Rottenseed...your videos are always a roll- of-the-dice for me, which, I guess, means you capture that old 'Vegas feeling. By that I mean empty and despairing.

choggie says...

was gonna suggest drugs m'self....esp. nitrous oxide, codeine, bourbon, ganja and mushrooms....not necessarily all together or i and i any particular order..

kulpims says...

yay, long live and prosper and all that crap. congrats on your diamond. been so stoned last few days I failed to notice we have a drugs channel. i know this means shit to you but european footbal championship started and it's hard to stay sober when the nearest pub with live outdoor big-screen projections of the games is also your closest neighbour.

lucky760 says...

>> ^rottenseed:
stank you very much my friends. Because I've been here long enough, I think I can trust you all with a little secret about myself... ...I don't know when to use a semicolon.

By the way, your boyfriend says you definitely know how to use a semicolon... knowwuimseyn? knowwuimseyn?..

No? Nevermind-

You use a semicolon as you would use a period (not that kind, sicko), but where the two independent sentences are very closely tied to one another or the second is sort of a continuation/completion of the first. It is used in place of a comma conjunction ("and", "or", "but", et cetera).

It's just not clean form to use it very often, like more than once every several paragraphs in a term paper, for example.

I'd like to give you an example; this is the best one you'll get outta me.

Alternately, it is used to separate items in a list. For example, here are some random words: 1) bird; 2) poop; 3) car; 4) windshield.

rottenseed says...

Oh...that's a semicolon? I thought it was like a secondary colon I was supposed to semi-poop from every once in a while. So there's no such thing as a semicolonoscopy or semicolon cancer? Jeez now I fee embarrassed!

Seriously though, that makes sense.

my15minutes says...

seed - you swiped the *quality new channel i had planned to create since i got here.

so, you owe me an ounce of weed.
which i'll split with fed, kulpims, and the rest of the stoners.


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