Please Don't Open My Personal Queue and Upvote Everything!
I wanna point something out. Now if I went through someones personal unsifed queue and downvoted everything, I'd be banned quickly.
In my humble opinion, upvoting without watching videos should be frowned upon. Otherwise this happens:
Videosift front page, ordered by newness:
15 videos sifted by Eklek, none have more than 12 votes.
So, right this instant, there isn't a single video on page 4 (ordered by newness) with more than 12 votes. That's my entire point.
But I upvote politics videos without watching them all the time. That should be the exception.
In my humble opinion, upvoting without watching videos should be frowned upon. Otherwise this happens:
Videosift front page, ordered by newness:
15 videos sifted by Eklek, none have more than 12 votes.
So, right this instant, there isn't a single video on page 4 (ordered by newness) with more than 12 votes. That's my entire point.
But I upvote politics videos without watching them all the time. That should be the exception.
Sounds like someone needs another Upvote Everything Day.
Maybe someone was in Eklek's PQ and decided to watch a bunch of videos. What makes you think they were upvoted blindly?
I had a few slow days, so I went through several pqueues and upvoted what I though deserved that. I did not watch THROUGH all the videos, but first of all: lots what I have been watching have been music videos, which I can tell pretty much after 30 seconds if I like them or not. Other have been animated, which I have watched on my wonderful new smartphone but did not vote while watching since I was not logged on, or not at home. So I came back to just upvote bunch of stuff later.
I do not upvote blindly even if it might feel like that. Besides I there are people who downvote blindy, solely based on which tags the video has. I think that's worse. but that might be just me.
If it offends you, fine, I will stop browsing through pqueues. Or at least now I know who's pqueue to avoid.
>> ^Sarzy:
Maybe someone was in Eklek's PQ and decided to watch a bunch of videos. What makes you think they were upvoted blindly?
In that case I'm off base.
I came here to defend you, but as you've spoken up already I'll just say thank you for seeking out deserving videos, watching them, and upvoting
I haven't seen much evidence of blind upvoting by anyone on the sift... not sure about blind downvoting, except to say that I never have and I'd always assumed nobody else had either.
>> ^mintbbb:
I had a few slow days, so I went through several pqueues and upvoted what I though deserved that. I did not watch THROUGH all the videos, but first of all: lots what I have been watching have been music videos, which I can tell pretty much after 30 seconds if I like them or not. Other have been animated, which I have watched on my wonderful new smartphone but did not vote while watching since I was not logged on, or not at home. So I came back to just upvote bunch of stuff later.
I do not upvote blindly even if it might feel like that. Besides I there are people who downvote blindy, solely based on which tags the video has. I think that's worse. but that might be just me.
If it offends you, fine, I will stop browsing through pqueues. Or at least now I know who's pqueue to avoid.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Burn them! Burn them all!
@dag aren't you ban happy anyways
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
So I've been told. In general, the rule is vote on things you've seen. It's not a large infraction to vote up on something sight-unseen, but you're not helping the community - because the idea of Sifting is to use human beings to filter in the good stuff based on the content - not your feelings about the submitter.>> ^Lawdeedaw:
@dag aren't you ban happy anyways
>> ^dag:

So I've been told. In general, the rule is vote on things you've seen. It's not a large infraction to vote up on something sight-unseen, but you're not helping the community - because the idea of Sifting is to use human beings to filter in the good stuff based on the content - not your feelings about the submitter.>> ^Lawdeedaw:
@dag aren't you ban happy anyways
You can tell that the 10K long vids are not watched all the way through! Ban them all
thanks for your upvotes, many of those had been waiting to see the end of their queue-state long enough, now I hope others will give them a chance too!
it's quite a few, they're now in my sifted videos folder so you can consider them later as well:)
says the now Diamond VS user:)
I'll confess to doing it. I thought it was standard practice.
I'll stop now.
The lure of the 8 and 9 vote vid is soooooo strong.
I admit to upvoting videos that I haven't watched. When I've already seen the content. When someone posts a clip From The Daily Show or Colbert from the show I just watched last night--or a clip of a news report that I've seen--or a real long post that I think is important to have on VS that I don't have time to watch right now.
what about videos with cleavage in the thumbnail
i do it the same way mint!
there are some real gems wallowing in pq hell and if i can help pop em..thats exactly what im going to do.
and sometimes ill pop em if it may help a sifter get a new shini-shiny.
sometimes ill pop a vid just to piss people off because i know it will enrage them.(thats a secret pleasure, to watch nerdrage blow up).
i used to pq dive and not view the vid...
yeah..that didnt work out to well.i ended up sifting like 3 dead videos,which is contrary to what the sift is all about. and learn.
so yeah.
basically i enjoy helping a fellow sifter out and will take the time to watch a bit to make sure its sift worthy (even if i disagree with content).
thats me anyways.
i dont really understand your reference to the 12 votes deal.many of my vids have 10-13 votes but have 800 views.
not everybody votes.
ps:eklek has the BEST obscure music vids on the planet.
I also have done a mass upvote on occasion. This is not done blindly and has little to do with my "like/no like" of the Sifter. I do try to watch the entire video but I just have a soft spot for 14+ minute vids that showcase loud people telling me what they know.
That being said, if I am thanked when I mass upvote then I know I dun good. If not, then I don't do it again.
When I go through a pqueue, especially a massive one (like Eklek's) I start with ones that have 9 or 8 votes. If it is a music video, or an animated one, I really do not think I need to see the whole thing to figure out if I like it, or if it is good. Like enoch said, Eklek has the best obscure music videos! I never thought of listening to something like Russian electronica until I checked out his videos!
I just think it is best to go through one person's pqueue at once, instead of 'one video here, one there', especially since I have lots of free time atm. There are tons of hidden gems in the pqueues, and most people are happy to have them found. If I had wanted to just 'blindly' upvote Eklek's pqueue, he's have almost 500 more votes right now. I would love to go through the rest of all of his videos, but that will have to wait.
If you want to talk about blind upvoting, then you'd probably end up with lots of dead videos with 10 votes in the 'just sifted' too. I have had that happen to my videos too thouugh, but I don't mind. I'll fix the video, if I can, and thank the person for the pqueue run. I truly appreciate it.
I do not want to stop checking out pqueues. Like I said, sometimes I just check the stuff out with my phone when I am not home, and then come back and just vote later. But anybody else who does not want me to touch their pqueue, just let me know and I'll gladly skip you.
I was wrong to think you weren't watching the videos.
I've made a little drama all by myself. Sorry.
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