Ignoring Member Comments
A new feature has been unveiled that should be of usefulness to many members. You may now ignore the comments of any other member.
There's a new "ignore" link on the comment vote line you can use to add the author to your ignore list. While you are ignoring a member, the body of their comments will be hidden.
There's a new "ignore" link on the comment vote line you can use to add the author to your ignore list. While you are ignoring a member, the body of their comments will be hidden.
Maybe I should ignore quantumushroom's comments, but downvoting them are much more satisfying.
Thank god, some balm for the faint of character-ignore what taxes the mind, always good for keeping the status quo....
So what happens when blocked member comments don't appear on the post threads of these whiners, and their brains implode for lack of the complete picture???
Oh, nothing, never mind, that will simply be a comfortable zone for the mentally challenged whose gray is already in that safe, secure state of decomposition-
We require a list of all blocked user comments, blocker, and blockees....in order to make this pogram a huge success
Bad idea Lucky, short-sited and foolish, wouldn't you agree *cough *cough freedom of speech, *cough *cough
Reminds of that great Dead Kennedy's song....
knew it-
No need to tell us what/who/how prompted this, like santa's list-
Terrible idea.
I mentioned my greasemonkey page filtering idea to Lucky (tired of reading shotgun namecalling/negativity/threadjacking like http://www.videosift.com/video/Bill-Moyers-Honoring-our-Soldiers) and he told me he was already working on an ignore feature...
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Care to expand on that a bit?
>> ^Irishman:
Terrible idea.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
No one is infringing on anyone's freedom of speech. You can call this freedom of earplugs if you like.![](https://videosift.com/vs5/emoticon/wink.gif)
comfortable labels.
Is the lone dissenting opinion hi-jacking sir?, or more like having a black guy at yer white party, attended by folks who praise the brotherhood of man....UNTIL a brother shows up?
QM should know well the power of the Bolshevekis: he has stood his ground, at his level of eloquence, since the beginning-I disagree with most of what he says, and have called him out publicly and privately for the abject bullshit.... but I understand him better than he understands himself-does this make me the enemy? Put a man in a box, so the shape and not the content becomes easily sortable, categorized, and digested.....put someone in a box who is a human "being"....and watch the box change shape, as those who attempt to contain him/her twirl-
You few who become uncomfortable when the picture you try to paint of yer worldviews is dappled with the brush of another artist??? You bought into this when you decided to take part in this collective graffiti called the videosift, and when not everyone agrees with your filter, you whine and kick and scream until something happens(infants)....well guess what? That shows extreme lack of character, and is a watermark on a defective process-
When I first got here, I endured third degree immediately, I put up with it daily, and love this place....not because i can shit on everything w/o consequence, but because I have the freedoms to be who the fuck I am and am becoming, and enjoy the few folks who make this place worthwhile-ALL OF YOU!!
Comment blocking-Last refuge for the mental midget(s).
so yeah, this is a weak idea, wrought from steel made in China, not unlike like the folks who chased Frankenstein with torches-mob rules my ass, mobs are FUCKED UP!!
call it what dag???....oh, silk purse on a sow's ear kinna plugz-call it spinelessness-
Don't really approve of this idea either, but then again I'm also against sifting regionally blocked videos. Isn't the option of downvoting comments enough?
*quality !!
ant cannot award a quality point for this Sift Talk post because ant does not have enough Power Points - ignoring quality request by ant. (You can always purchase more Power Points.)
I think its a good idea. Not much needed perhaps but a nice option. So we can ignore siftbot? Might that be courting disaster?![](https://videosift.com/vs5/emoticon/wink.gif)
I'd propose the following as "ear plugs":
-comments with more than 3 (or more/less) downvotes in total are not shown, cf. the situation at YouTube: when you really want to see the comment, you can click on a link that enables you to see the comment.
-Comments that are NSFW can be hidden by flagging them as such when posting or retroactively when you edit your comment or when someone else thinks the comment is NSFW.
A filter setting could automatically hide NSFW comments (or make then only visible when clicking on a link that enables you to see the comment)
I mean, if I want to ignore a comment I can do this by checking out who posted the comment and/or skimming the text superficially for key words, this takes very few time. (e.g. We're not having comment loads like at Huffington Post..)
Furthermore the quality of comments a sifter makes changes over time (for the good and the bad) and represents a world view that one can ALWAYS partly (dis)agree with. This blocking option creates fragmentation on the site and narrowing of/polarisation in people's minds.
I think it's a fine idea. I suspect that in the future "well, just ignore him if he bugs you so much" will be a fine thing to say. I also think, whether or not they release the statistics, knowing that a particular user is ignored by x number of people will be interesting data for the devs.
Say what you want, but you can't force others to listen.
Previous discussions about comment filtering I could find before this feature was implemented:
There may be more?
Not sure why there is such dissent. It's a pretty innocent feature. Perhaps those who complain should take it for a test drive first. Ignoring a member doesn't make their comments disappear. Rather, the comment "block" is still present, while only the actual contents are hidden, but those can be viewed with a single click.
Why should people be forced to view comments from people they don't want to read? The real catalyst for this feature had to due with some members attacking other members to the point they felt ready to quit the Sift. By "attacking" I mean making personal insults, threats, and intimidation repeatedly via private profile comment.
If you think there's a more desirable way to handle such problems, we're always open to suggestions. But if you still have a problem with this feature, please explain what it is. We'd like to hear that too.
(It would be nice if all Sifters were mature/friendly enough not to resort to harassing other members, unfortunately that's not the case.)
I've had offline conversations with other sifters who were upset about comments enough to consider leaving. I think this feature is great. If nothing else, it means you can choose to read the comments only when you are feeling strong, or whatever.
Note, I don't normally attract enough notice with my comments to need the feature, but I'm awfully glad it's there.
There are different ways to enjoy, and to contribute to, the sift. This doesn't prevent anyone from interacting in their preferred manner, but it does add some slack for those who need it.
Wow, I didn't know that comment blocking was going to lead to Communism, choggie. This is a little surprising coming from a guy who says that opinions are like you-know-what.
Look, I don't plan on blocking anyone's comments, but if someone else wants to block them then who gives a rat's ass? People filter shit all the time in their lives anyway. Many choose not to watch FOX News because it sucks. Some people will only read the New York Post and refuse to even look at the New York Times. Some people refuse to read a single word of Ann Coulter's, and others can't stand to even hear the sound of Keith Olbermann's voice. What are you going to do, force everyone to watch and read everything so that they know all 879,000 sides of every story?
Now you could argue that the world is in such bad shape these days partly because people are always selectively filtering information. However I don't see human behavior having changed so drastically over the millennia to say that people only started selectively filtering information just recently. People have ALWAYS done it. It ain't the end of the world.
Besides, those who filter comments will probably notice that some threads won't make sense because they chose to filter out comments. Oh well, that's what they chose to do, so those are the consequences they'll have to accept.
If in a few days time we all start calling each other "comrade" and start posting old Soviet propaganda videos, then we'll know choggie was right after all. However I'm still banking on comment filtering not even registering a blip on the social-interaction radar here. And I watch the radar, people. Trust me.
If people want to filter comments, thats fine. But in doing so, I think that they give up some thread posting rights. If your going to be filtering comments, then the thread might not be the same. If its not the same, then you can't add to it all, unless from a purely objective standpoint. Just my 2 cents.
..as far as I read in previous discussions there were already quite a few people against such an option. There may be a sifttalk I missed?
I'd be in favour of a ignore (hide content of specific users) function for profile comments and make it possible to delete/hide specific blog comments, as they are considered more private spheres within the community.
As I said one's not really forced to read a certain comment: one can quickly skim the comment and/or see who posted the comment.
Maybe it should be made easier to contact an admin about personal attacks/threats/intimidation? What about a "send to admin for consideration" option below each comment: one can click on it, write a short notice what bothers you about the comment..the admins judge the case and send a comment, a warning, temporarily ban, or a ban (ultimum remedium) to the user in question.
"Comment blocked."
The intention is good, but the execution seems to be flawed in that it doesn't take into account the general online community mentality.
You disagree with me? Ignore, since you're obviously wrong and stupid for not understanding that I'm always right, and there goes part of the community.
You sift/say stuff I don't like? Ignore, HAH that'll teach you. That's another healthy chunk of the community.
You're a scientologist/atheist/muslim/whatever? Ignore, you people are just stupid because you're not like me, and now we're starting to fragment the members into more closesly knit bands who don't have to deal with the other pesky dissenters of the former community.
You downvoted my video/comment? Ignore, I hate you, you racist. And now we have a hundred gated communities all safe from horrible words that could possibly be spoken in ignored posts at this very moment!
Not to worry though, theoretically it's still possible that someone who has you on ignore clicks on your ignored post to find out what you have to say, even though they've made it clear that they don't value your opinion by ignoring you.
This kind of reminds me of how children deal with arguments, holding their hands over their ears and shouting "lalalalala" every time the opposing party walks into the room.
But hey, if you want to know what that party says you're free to stop at any moment and hear them out...
Now I'm being dumb and boring and will probably rack up one or two ignores just for that. Go figures.
^You see what I just did there? I had something really witty and insightful to say, but you all will never know because my comment was blocked.
^I saw it. There's no filter that can stop a Greek god/titan.
Ha! That was a good one! That man from Nantucket sure is a scamp!
respectfully, most of the folks here that have a problem with choggie comments who don't care for the tone, the timbre, pitch, etc., are the ones that use the place to grandstand on certain subjects-politics, atheism, racism, here of late, the fringes of the homosexual community-all I have done, by paying attention to them, is make them uncomfortable and frustrated- Like me, they are also a minority-Divine juxtaposition-opposite poles in conflict affords equilibrium, such is the nature of all things-
Too bad, this will not change, or is constantly changing, however you wish to perceive it- Traveling with prevailing dogma has always been dangerous, considering the opinions are usually not one's own, but have been shaped by years of mental manipulation, that only natural disaster or deprogramming could correct-
Think what would happen if the world had to absorb the entire population of North Korea, the anguish and conflict that would never end, as these poor folks, tainted since birth, their minds putty in the hands of one man's regime, struggling to adapt to something other than Il Il Il-Imagine those in that place, the very few who stand up to the bullshit in their minds, and work as they can within their personal circles, to save at least one or two minds/souls-If you can picture this, you can begin to imagine my indignation, regarding a few inert minds, who beat a drum continually, contrary to healthier sensibilities, and are just as damaged, as the aforementioned NK goods.
And kronos??? Dare i pick apart your diatribe above, or simply the preface that sets the tone?...That communism remark, being a label referring to some association to dupes, who, in the same manner in which the dupes of the 00's, are being manipulated to think a certain way for the sake of an agenda, then bemoan the abrupt end when they were wholly complicit in heir own demise....and then the outro, placing me in a convenient box, assuming much -You are a smart fella, figure it out-Maybe I should have used an example more directly associated with social engineering, alla, B.F. Skinner-I do agree wholeheartedly, that comment blocking, will do little to quiet the bitching, as feathers are ruffled, and life will go on-
In reality, my constant harranging of certain users who use the place as a pulpit like the very preachers the same usually call idiots and ignoramouses, is nothing more than someone pointing out the futility of the endeavor, as it relates to what is real-
never play nice
never play favorites
never give in to passive-agression
and be damned, never honor a request for respect, when none is offered in kind-These new folks, as long as I am here, will take the good with the bad-
Perception, again I say, is the crux of the biscuit-
I am only going off on his post, because I am assuming as well-assuming that the reason for the damn thing has to do with a few people who can't process information, and take shit too goddamn personally-that shit being mine-because I read a lot of other folks stuff, and none is as raw and as personal, w/o actually pointing a finger-sorry, I get project-oriented-Post some fucking music fer crissakes...or lolcats-sorry folks, ignore is not part of some monkey's vocab-
I would name names and apologize, but it would only digress into indignation, as the comments to follow said apology, would probably be like reading shit on bathroom walls, reading a newspaper, or watching the nightly news-maybe we could send you a pm....-why bother, with the new feature, one can simply light a book, relax and enjoy...
(*maybe he'll get tired and go away)
Done-still say the idea blows-
Say you have someone on your ignore list. And say this person leaves a message about one of your videos not playing correctly. So this means you won't see that person's message?
>> ^dotdude:
Say you have someone on your ignore list. And say this person leaves a message about one of your videos not playing correctly. So this means you won't see that person's message?
You can always read a particular comment if you like. If someone posts on my profile, I suspect I will read it. But maybe not--if there is a real problem, siftbot will tell me--or if I've committed an infraction, a dev will.
Don't look for rare problems--or even common ones--until you see they happen I suspect there will be no broken threads or disfunctional profiles. This feature will discomode very few. And will make the place bearable for others.
(For the curious, while this feature isn't crucial for me, there is one person I plan on ignoring. But it is no one who posted or was mentioned in this thread, I am sure he won't care, and he never responds to any communication, so there will be no broken threads.)
Maybe I should ignore quantumushroom's comments, but downvoting them are much more satisfying.
Spin the wheel, Raggedy Man. Ha ha ha ha.
One more step by VS towards Digg.com
I can't believe you guys capitulated to this terrible idea.
Comment ignoring, blocking and so on is the worst idea to hit the internet Web 2.0 ever, the great thing about the internet is that you get exposed to alternative viewpoints. As I said in a blog:
You think comment blocking is going to make this stop? It's only going to increase. You people fail to see the massive power that simple shunning will do.
Why I should just start banning people who might hurt people's feelings how about I ban QM, BillOReilly, CaptainPlanet420? Ohh and Blankfist because am so sick and tired of circle jerks and ass gravy mentions...
Slippery slope. We are gonna start banning people next.
Yeah, Boo. I take pride in how we keep this place the anti-youtube with our rapier wits alone. Was there some precipitating event? Maybe you're spending hours moderating arguments and deleting comments? I don't know. Seems too much too soon to me.
I'm plenty good at ignoring stuff, I don't feel I need a button for it.
Precipitating events? Yes.
When people are repeatedly victimized as mentioned above, the attacked never bring it to public light. They simply grin and bear it and politely ask and admin if there's anything they can do to help.
I think the main reason for such difference in opinion on the topic is most are thinking only about main post comment listings where it's quite easy to dynamically ignore unsavory comments. The primary reason for the new ignore feature is repeated, continuous direct assaults via private profile comment.
After feeling personally threatened over and over again, one can only come to the decision they need to leave the Sift. So the options are either silence the attacker by banning them or give the attacked the option to simply ignore the victimization as best they can.
Again, it's very unclear to me why everyone is so strongly opposed to allowing people to have an enjoyable, safe experience on VideoSift. It sounds as if everyone is saying, "Screw you if you're victimized. You have to take it and like it, otherwise VideoSift is becoming a communist DiggTube!!!"
What? Really? Why should people be forced to accept being attacked? Again, if you have any other ideas, please suggest them. Should we truly be more communist-like and simply snuff out the offender? Of course not.
There seems to be a population point within large social net communities when these issues will tend to arise.
I think it's safest direction for now is for us as a community, is to not implement this feature. Too many long time members are quite vocal and passionately against it.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't think about tackling personal abuse within our community.
There may be an easy solution, as Lucky states the abuse tends to happen behind the scenes and within Private messages. Perhaps the option should only be to ignore Private Messages only from members. Or if the PM abuse reaches a certain severity to simply warn, then ban the abuser.
You can delete or simply ignore multiple postings on your personal profile.
You guys are pushing for enormous feature creep now, this is just the start of a slippery slope, yesterday it was comment voting, now it's ignoring comments, next you will have a slide in to hide comments finally a Admin enforcement team to ban people who don't fit in.
This will not solve the problem and only aggravate it as this is the internet, and if you haven't gotten used to the fact that much of it involves greifing and people insulting you for no reason then I suggest you disconnect right now.
Its the reality of the beast you have to take it with the good and bad, and you people need to stop being so sensitive as to getting offended by someones words ONFUCKINGLINE.
But who cares what I say, you guys are rolling out features without even asking the community (as a whole) now.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Hmm, yeah- I'm kind of surprised by the objections as well. I would say it's coming from people who have not been on the receiving end of the abuse.
From a philosophical standpoint- I don't see the damage to the community in choosing not to receive any member's comments. Especially if the placeholder is still there and can be viewed if required.
The alternatives are:
A) Tell the abuse receivers to suck it up. We have lost quite a few quality members due to abuse already - so I'm kind of averse to this.
B) We admins take a harder line on abuse reports- and instigate bans. I'm averse to Siftquisitions as this would bring a lot of attention to the abuser which is often a positive reward for them. As much as people hate the ignore option - I think you would hate more - me banning people outright without a full public hearing. Kind of a rock and a hard place for this one.
Q) Do nothing - continue with warnings, threats and private wrist-slaps
Keep in mind that we're talking about no single user- there have been quite a few incidents with a range of members involved.
Internets is serious business.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Farhad- part of what keeps us from descending into Digg-like comment hell is a pretty tight control over what's acceptable and what's not in comments.
Unfortunately private profile comments are not something that we can monitor- for the most part, this is where the abuse takes place.
You can say "it's just words" but at what point do you draw the line- threats, constant name calling constantly abusing every legitimate comment you leave on the site with lots of profanity in your profile can eventually take its toll - and good members leave.
It's shitty passive-aggressive bullying and it's as real as in the workplace, school or anywhere.
Okay, because I can't sleep I'll weigh in on this one more time.
I really, truly can appreciate both sides of this issue. I really can. Though I already stated my position and still stick to it, I also recently mentioned elsewhere that I don't like echo chambers, and if you block out every single voice with which you disagree then you will have effectively created your own echo chamber. I hope that's not how this new tool is used, but if it is then so be it. However, keep in mind that people who routinely tune out opposing points of view already have a filter set in place, and it's called the "brain". I guarantee that virtually everyone here, even the most open-minded among us, has a mental check list of at least one or two users whose comments they already ignore or skim lightly at best. Therefore this tool will aid in ignoring only a little more than what we already do automatically, really. And when a comment thread becomes incomprehensible because of blocked comments, even the most diehard blockers will probably temporarily unblock an individual on their black list, if only to understand what the hell is going on.
Regardless of all the if's and and's of the previous paragraph, lucky's last comment is probably the one that really drives it home for me. No one should have to feel harassed by profile comments, either private or public. I've never been harassed here, so it saddens me to learn that more than one person here has had it happen to them. Therefore I think it really does come down to the lesser of two "evils", if that's the word one wants to use:
- Ban the harasser, or
- Block the comment
To me, blocking the comment is the lesser of the two. And let's be clear: Just because you think you're not being a harasser doesn't necessarily make it so. Maybe you think you're only being assertive or just inquisitive, but if someone is being annoyed to the point that he or she feels like leaving because of your profile comments, then chances are you're a harasser. It's not an automatic conviction; some people are too sensitive, I'll grant you. Still, if you're being blocked because of the profile comments you leave, then it's time to take a savage moral inventory, IMHO. And even if you're not a harasser, then it's still better to have your comments blocked than to have a Siftquisition called to have you banned because of your comments. Even if you're exonerated in the proceedings, I imagine it would leave a bad taste in your mouth.
In my mind there are no easy answers. Still, I believe dag and lucky's solution is the best, all things considered. However I hope and pray that no one says that the victims need to get thicker skins or toughen up. Sure, maybe they could. And when they do then maybe they might feel compelled to counterstrike, and then that brings about another counterstrike, etc. And then we have a flame war. Yeehaw! And those are just a riot, ain't they? So before we let every bad exchange turn into a shootout at the OK Corral, let's at least give comment filtering a try.
Good point about the flamewar, kp. That's a great thing that can be said about everyone who's been victimized thus far- they don't lower themselves (and the Sift) to that level. Instead, they do their best to ignore the problem and simply ask for a little admin help.
Skin can only get so thick, and to continually receive comments along the lines of "I'm going to find your house and murder your family you cunt motherfucker," it can take a toll no matter how hard you try. Soon you get a nervous stomach thinking about checking your profile comments. Finally you just split permanently while the prick who started it all jots happily along to do it to someone else because they enjoy oh so much the power of bullying strangers on the Internet.
Maybe a third alternative would be to block members from posting private messages on your profile, so if they do post such offensive stuff it would at least be visible for all to witness...
I think Farhad is stretching it quite a bit to say we're on a slippery slope that will lead us to banning people who don't fit in, and then what, banning people from specific countries, then maybe no women allowed, then no Jews, etc. Come now. That's trying a bit too hard to make our attempted assistance for community safety/well-being seem like the work of the Gestapo, especially when this change does not harm anyone in any possible way.
H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007
Sorry admins. In your desperate attempt to please all of the people, all of the time, you ignore a fundamental law of the universe...that it is in a constant state of flux, chaos, and disorder, as much as you would like to see things (idol worship of mammon) flow progressively forward, you follow the same flawed model that has made some of the most dangerous individuals on the planet, the most inebriated with power consolidation and empire, into the neuvo-hitleresque herders, who have been granted license by the herd, to place rings in noses, and meat in corrals....as many as they see fit, to improve upon their totalitarian tactics, with a view to world domination.
You think that it is fantasy, the ramblings of perceived deranged and damaged minds....once you give in to the radical fringe's demand for "justice", you open the way to all manner of coop, control, enslavement, fear, and death.
Projected onto the internet dynamic, is may seen in the plethora of tunnel-reality blogs, the very beasts you seek to break from with this project....it is not reasonable, that one person, or group of persons, fueled by their emotional, irrational demands for "absolute fairness", should dictate...cloaked in what appears to be simple courtesy, respect, and the absence of ill-will or"hate" towards individuals, is the me me me me screaming, of an un-actualized, ego-driven child, screaming for the sake of screaming, in order to impose their will over all, and all the while, the only entitlement they truly have, has been stolen from them at birth by the grinch, and returned to them looking nothing like xmas.
Only the admins and these demanding children know who these vermin are, (ohhhh, was that hate speech??, go back to elementary school, motherfuckers!) but be damn these weaklings, vampires, and energy suckers. The only thing that will be missed, as these leech-like patrons come and go, is another juvenile link, some borrowed flavor-of-the-week diatribe about racism, fascism, or equal rights for the batshit-insane...and as sure as they leave, another will pop up in their place, devoid of anything but a pom pom and bullhorn for the home-team(prevailing, superficial yet destructive dogma, place in their minds by their programmers)And that is what prompted this post...some pm's to admins by a minority fringe, most likely some of the more vocal up-and-comers, who in their passion for promulgating fairness and love, non-hate and flowers, are really just screaming, "Listen to me and do what I say!!"...
"That's trying a bit too hard to make our attempted assistance for community safety/well-being seem like the work of the Gestapo, especially when this change does not harm anyone in any possible way."
funny lucky, you described in that statement, one of the fundamental flaws of not learning from history's mistakes....("we are only trying to help you, why are you so mad?..this can't possibly be bad, if on the surface, it looks simple and natural??")"what does "harm" mean in the context of that sentence? Rationalizations like these, are why the world is going down the shit-hole, at break-neck speeds.
but don't mind me, I am simply an observer...trapped in a world I never made.
"mein fuehrer, der hitlerjugend hast been offended! hier, hier, und hier"
"tell me when alles in ordnung kommen"
"wir haben ein kommentbloksistem installed and yet the russians keep offending us somewhere because wir haben ein bizarre interpretation of freisprach"
"wir haben that getried already. feldmarshall MINK ist in Paris. He will no longer us torment"
"everybody leave the room! except Lucky, marinegunrock und oxdottir"
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Hooray - this thread has been officially Godwinized. ^
HAH!! I saw "Blocked" on an unsifted viddy, and thought it was blocking me....
prolly would have down-voted it anyhow, for the same reasons I always do....
Apologies, NetRunner!!!
" I would say it's coming from people who have not been on the receiving end of the abuse."
Point taken.
How about cruel voices growing ever dimmer...
-1 comment votes
-3 comment votes
-5 comment votes
-7 comment votes
-9 comment votes
can anyboy hear my hate?
i'll use another hackneyed analogy construction then, the car analogy:
if you keep fixing a car with sticky tape, you end up with a big ball of sticky tape. maybe you can roll it down a hill and pretend it's still a car.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
No, no - stick with the Nazi stuff.
Man, thanks winkler!! I never knew what I was until that link you blogged(flame warriors)
I'm a, Tireless-Rebutting Kung-Fu Bong Warrior!!!...but you can calls me Truckfoobow!!
knock knock.
Who's there?
VideoSift who?
VideoSift hates black people.
I don't even have a clue what MINK was saying.
But as for the hiding comments - People are acting like thread integrity will be ruined for all if Sazry decides block QM. It's not like its going to affect any other sifter in any way - so I don't really see what the concern is about.
And Farhad? Seriously, Dag is right. Lighten up. Just becuase I have the option to ignore someone doesn't mean that Dag and Lucky are scheming up ways to ethnically cleanse the community.
"I'm going to find your house and murder your family you cunt motherfucker"
Wow. If that's a direct quote, just wow.
lucky, if someone says something along the lines of "I'm going to find your house and murder your family you cunt motherfucker", then is there any reason to not ban them? Stuff like that shouldn't be allowed no matter who you are, on VS or in real life. Can't say I like this blocking of comments, wouldn't it be better if, for example, any one from bronze star and above were given a warning if they post a comment like that (and it was reported to an admin), and banned if it happened again. It would of course mean you admins get a tight rope to walk depending on how offensive the post is, but nevertheless it's an alternative I believe in.
>> ^lucky760:
[..]and to continually receive comments along the lines of "I'm going to find your house and murder your family you cunt motherfucker," [..]
I'm pretty sure that repeated threats of this nature would be considered a crime in the United States.
I wouldn't call this new feature a good or bad thing without any evidence, but I will say that ignoring threats like this is dangerous because in this day and age you never know when they may come true.
So why can't I ignore my own comments? Is it too much to ask to not hear myself speak?
Personally I like the idea of collapsing a members comments and blocking any PMs they might fling your way. There have been some members who have just been downright rude, obscene or inflamitory. The last thing I want to see VS become is the new YouTube where people post poorly constructed comments and spout more B.S. then you'd find in a North Korean PR think tank. (ZING!)
Just to advocate for Dag and Lucky for a second, I'm sure as the site continues to grow it might become a management burden. I'm imagining a sudden influx of youtube users causing someone to spend all day weeding out the pointless, hateful comments. As for threats, Twiddles is right. There's plenty of precedent in real life for how this is dealt with.
Unfortunately I'll have no way of knowing because I have Lucky's comments blocked, as he suggested. I see him in the thread but I'm ignoring him. Not bad, but if I continue to participate in this thread, I won't know his viewpoint.
But I don't think that's what this is. This is about someone being aggravated by someone else's viewpoints or language. I've found some of the most valued discussions are the ones that made me uncomfortable. I don't want people to be able to turn other people off. If they do, I want to know that they have. If you want a little ear plug icon next to their username, tell me the size and file type I'll make one.
I come from bar culture. I spend a lot of time in bars. The roles people play are very similar to an internet forum. If someone is too loud or offensive, you have two options. Leave or challenge their viewpoint. If it's threats and real abuse, 86 'em. For a while.
Perhaps this should only apply to profile comments. I have a feeling that some pitbull members can be a little too aggressive in getting their point across, and wrongfully consider it their duty to change other's minds. Yeah, I'm talkin' to you, Don Quixote.
I've 'ignored' most all of this thread.. and skipped down here to add my comment that this is a BAD idea.
It goes against the spirit of this site, seriously. I have a bad feeling about this.
Do we really HAVE to have this? really? Are you guys so delicate that you are compelled to be injured when you read anything you don't like? How do you get through day by day?
Heck, I ignore half of the long winded comments here all the time.. all by my self. Just scroll past people and move on to my queue where its happy all the time.. I have a basset hound taking a shower video.
Let me guess without reading the above thread.. This is all about Choggie's weekly tree marking sessions isn't it? Good grief.
You know what would work better and just MAKE Choggie's day? Weekly free-for-all roast his ass off. We're not little sissy's that need a mommy button!
I'm not sure I like this feature. Couldn't we just use the youtube/wowhead model and hide comments with many negative votes? Ignore is against the spirit of the Internet and Videosift in my mind and will eventually cause a lot of people to miss the gems of choggie and qm.![](https://videosift.com/vs5/emoticon/wink.gif)
One more thing... Lucky you're a really really nice guy and I'm sorry we constantly whine for more features from you. You do way more than enough to make the workings of this site wonderful. You don't have to please all of us all the time.
Now some css questions I've been wanting to ask you about....
I have to say that these threads scroll alot faster now that I've blocked Choggie's comments in addition to Lucky's. Now I'm going to watch that basset hound take a shower again. That made me happy.
And Lucky, tastefully done with the simple "ignore" and "unignore" toggle. That's useable and classy, even if I don't like it.
^ fine idea, enough of the nattering nabob of negativity. A certain swampy girl seems to have cornered the market in basset management.
I don't know what Dag, Lucky or MarineGunRock said because am ignoring them all.
In an effort to manage an ever growing community, it becomes necessary to employ new ideas in maintaining quality for everyone. This make sense.
Now here comes my big but...
BUT.. Everytime we add another automatic feature to manage the society of our site we take away the human element that makes us BETTER than other sites, don't you guys get it? Yes, it's more work to deal with people on an individual basis.. but we're not about a community of screen names we're people right?
This site will only retain the feeling of family we enjoy if we treat each member as individuals..good and bad.
There is no Utopia, there's only the real world..even here in Internet land we have to model the community on something real. The only ignore button in real life is just.. .well ignoring!
Haha! I got sucked in! Ok, I'll arbitrarily blame Farhad (you brat). I'm ignoring you all now.![](https://videosift.com/vs5/emoticon/tongue.gif)
I'm going to start a thread so we can all have a kick Choggie party and all feel better about ourselves.
I miss Choggie already.![](https://videosift.com/vs5/emoticon/frown.gif)
In general I think most think the ignore option is too radical: there are more moderate options available (see several comments)
Viva la Bar culture!:)
ad hom is now officially ok, because if you don't like it, you can just ignore it, you fucking cunts.
then you can bask in the glory of having a discussion where nobody knows who heard what.
here's the thing:
the ESSENCE of community is friction and discussion and living WITH each other. If you think this place should have an ignore button, you've just admitted this place is not a community. shatter that last shred of illusion guys.
A kick choggie party??? can I play??!!...(you did mean like a habit, right??)
Aw fuck it-Line up kids, and take yer best shot...I have a narrow little ass and can move pretty fast-
At least this current implementation is opt-in, rather than 'opt-out', so nothing is forced on you. I won't be using it, but I can see it's useful to stop personal profile/message abuse...
If there was a group of people on this site who are mainly concerned with voting for every video a member of their 'gang' posts, whilst only reading posts from other members of said group... this function should be useful for them to avoid any criticism creeping into their self-congratulatory 'pet-fests' (yes, I just made that phrase up - I think).
If such a group of people did exist, then they are probably immune to logical and valid discussion.. this new ignore function could be a big time saver for everyone.
Apparently calling people idiots, pathetic bitches, cocksuckers and telling them to kiss your ass is just fine. Small sample.
What's the big deal? Ignore is an optional feature.
No playing Choggie, just have to bend over and take it. Winkler can have the first whack if he likes..![](https://videosift.com/vs5/emoticon/teeth.gif)
Habit? Yeah I've always thought a regular whoopin would do you some good.
>> ^MarineGunrock:
People are acting like thread integrity will be ruined for all if Sazry decides block QM. It's not like its going to affect any other sifter in any way - so I don't really see what the concern is about.
Exactly. I'm glad some people are of the same mindset. I honestly don't understand why people care so much about something that will not affect them in any possible way. Why such a strong need to control how other people use the site? I can only imagine it's gotta be an issue of ego. ("Everyone must read my comment!" "Everyone must take the abuse and have thick skin! If you don't like it you're too weak to be here, so leave! Survival of the fittest, bitches!!!")
But really, people also don't like videos from the Politics channel so they filter those out of listings. Is that also some communist function of VideoSift. Why didn't everyone get up in arms about that addition? I heard no one say, "Screw you if you don't like politics videos! You have to watch them all!!!"
Regarding banning offenders: As I've said multiple times now, the people who've asked for help have all been very mature and thoughtful about it. They don't want the offender punished and especially not kicked off the site. They have all simply asked if we could aid in providing a safe, comfortable experience and allow offensive people to do what they obviously can't help doing, just without harming anyone who doesn't want to deal with the stress.
My contribution- http://blog.videosift.com/winkler1/AutoMotivator
Flamewars..are like a scab you can't stop picking (for me). Have a hotdog everyone!
Lucky, the "weak" "survival of the fittest bitches" comments I feel supports *my* argument instead of yours![](https://videosift.com/vs5/emoticon/smile.gif)
You may be right about egos and all, and I know one can take it or leave it... I disagree with it on principle.
you don't want to ban offensive trolls who make personal threats of violence? lololol. this is like some kinda twilight zone shit right here.
your arguments are all retarded and shit.
dag probably still hasn't watched idiocracy. scared of the truth.
btw, if you don't understand farhad, you know what? it's possibly because you are retarded.
not understanding someone doesn't necessarily mean that they are wrong. it means one of you is retarded.
Don't fret folks, Mink is only sound testing the the ignore button.
what was that?
Well, it's been slightly over 24 hours now since the ignore link was unveiled, and I'm LOVING it, comrades. Party loyalty is at an all-time high, thanks to Glorious-Ignore-Feature. I look forward to seeing all of you in Gorky Park for the public reading of the Siftbot Manifesto. And you DON'T ignore the wishes of Comrade Siftbot, comrades.
Oops! Seeing that dag made himself look like Hitler in his new avatar, I realize we settled on fascism instead of Bolshevism as the new paradigm. Heil SiftFuhrer! I'll see you all at the Munich Beer Hall for the public reading of Mein Kampf. And you DON'T ignore the wishes of Der SiftFuhrer, mein damen und herren.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
For mein first decree. We shall all sing "I'm a little teapot" in the original low German. Einz, zwei, drei ... Ich bin ein wenig Teekanne ...
I can understand most of the arguments against this feature- but honestly don't think it warrants quite the response its getting. Some members will be ignored- probably not many and I don't believe it will be enough to change the structure of threads.
I agree with Lucky that people should have the right to filter what they want to watch and read.
While I'm not fond of having an ignore function, I do think it's a necessary evil.
As I understand it, it doesn't allow someone to completely blind themselves to reality -- they'll still see the ignored person's videos, and that they'd left a comment, and with a click of the button they can view the text of the comment.
I don't plan on using it, though given that this is at least in part prompted by an incident I was part of, I want to say that I did not make any appeal to admins about the issue, and at no point was I thinking of leave the sift over anything anyone said.
If anything, I feel guilty for not just refraining from comment, and ignoring what was said the old fashioned way. Maybe having an ignore tool would've made a difference, but I don't think so.
Still, there needs to be some sort of mechanism in place to deal with situations where disagreements turn into harassment. An ignore tool is probably the least intrusive method to use.
I just don't get the furor here. I've been heavily involved in online communities since the days when only people on the original ARPA-net had email addresses. Sometimes some forums or newsgroups had an ignore feature, and sometimes they didn't. It wasn't a huge deal. The ignore feature is ALWAYS circumventable and always little used. You want to make sure someone has to see your comment in a public thread? Get someone to quote it. You want to make sure someone sees your comment in email/profile notices? Get someone else to send it. It's a bandaid. A totally small, tiny feature that adds a bit of comfort to some users without impacting anyone else. You complain this will lead to the slippery slope of banning people--didn't you hear them say they are doing this INSTEAD of banning people? This is not a violation of free speech, this is not a way of forcing VS to follow an ideology, this is not the apocalypse!
You guys already say you fail to read things using various personal algorithms--so why do you mind for it to be done totally programatically? You guys are all taking it to the extreme and announcing you are ignoring all of the popular posters and predicting doom--well, how fun will that be for how long? This feature isn't going to change the sift unless the objectors make it change the sift.
I was not involved in the incidents that birthed this feature in any way. I am not an evil person for giving Lucky and Dag a backpat instead of a kick in the yarbles.
I just realized "bar culture" has a double meaning..
I still don't understand what every one is bitching about. No one is affected by this feature unless they ignore or are ignored.
All the time on various threads, sifters will talk about gay marriage saying "if it doesn't affect you, then STFU and get over it"
They're the same ones bitching about this feature.
PLEASE tell me how the same doesn't apply here.
Both cases deal with people's right to being acknowledged, don't they?
I believe "new feature outcry" is in the nature of the Sift. I also don't understand the amount of complaints against such a standard feature, Like Ox mentioned, the Ignore Feature has been part of online communities since the introduction of Trolls.
Personally, Like Netrunner, I feel a part responsible for the inception of this feature as I have recently complained about the nature of some comments I have personally received in my Inbox.
Of course, I understand the nature of my politics has the tendency to attract negative attention and I have developed what some would call a "thick skin" over the years, but even I still get knots in my stomach when I receive threats against my well being in my mailbox. I for one appreciate the option to Ignore users who make my time here less enjoyable. Especially when I understand those users are, to some degree, part of the community and calling for a ban would be counter productive for the community.
I am aware many GREAT members have left the sift because of personal attacks, an ignore feature is good feature for sifters who don't want to have to deal with this type of abuse.
As mentioned earlier, the feature might be best if only made for private messages, but I trust the judgment of Brian and Rommel when it comes to implementing this feature because they have a better view from above.
Well, like I mentioned earlier. I don't really care if there is an ignore feature or not. Just so long as the users ignoring people understand they give up some discussion rights if a thread is laden with comments from the user being blocked.
AWESOME!! I really appreciate being able to ignore MY comments (I HOPE this is also possible!!)! Most of them are inane and quite disgustingly stupid!! Yes, I HATE my comments, but I adore choggie's comments because they make me feel better!! Remember choggie: NEVER SURRENDER!! NEVER GIVE UP!! (A lesson I learned from watching Galaxy Quest!). Yes, I realize this comment will be blocked. Damn!!
Yo! Der Deutsche commentar sind ganz gescheid. Wir sollen nie vergessen wie schoen alle Deutsche sprechende Leute versuche Deutsch zu sprechen ohne Worte! (everyone that can't speak German will wonder what I wrote here, and never guess that It makes NO sense). Hopefully, THIS comment will be banned by ALL VS'rs, and ALL of the BOOKS I have ever written will be BURNED (and that I will be invited to the enormous bonfire where I can roast my marshmallows!).
I know I'm late here, but the most surprising thing about this thread for me is the revelation that people are having their lives threatened over their politics.
Disturbing indeed. I'll stay silent on the issue of the 'ignore' feature, but I will say this to the people who've been making threats: may many tiny ants sting you on the genitals.
ok.....Who the fuck is threatening someone's life over their dime-store political views.....some flavor of the week motherfucker shows up to whine, and 90+ comments later, the sift bends to comment blocking, I'm still pissed-
Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about tofumar?? Because injecting something on assumption or heresay, esp. when it has to do with me, is seriously flawed-
Personally, users who use the sift as a goddamn pulpit for politics, I fucking despise-it's nothing personal, so if anyone thinks I had anything to do with threats, if you have any idea of my persona here on the sift, you are a fucking idiot...and a child.
Will the turds who complained to the admins, come out of their holes and explain themselves???
Hope against Hope.How about, whoever it was....Fuck You.
I know you vote-happy robots???!!
Lets take a vote, shall we???
Then the admins can breathe a goddamn sigh of relief!
I apologize to dag and lucky, for their having to have lost any sleep over this pathetic, ancillary issue....
Stickying this post at the top of Sift Talk - sticky requested by choggie.
yes siftbot, please...move this to the retarded channel, immediately!
The argument that this is a "standard" feature on many forums is not valid. Videosift is very unlike other forums, or at least tries to be. I would like us to set a good example by precisely not having a pseudo-censorship via the ignore button. I'm like swampgirl; I disagree with it on principle and I think it should be removed again, however well made or tastefully it's done.
I may be a bit on the fence, because I don't like the term "ignore". If it had been called "Hide comments from this user", I would probably have been OK with it.
I would like to see poor comments hidden instead automatically instead. (we should just be able to disable that as well)
Welcome to sunny Siftardia, where ignorance is only one click away!
The rule against no ad-hom attacks has been in place. Having the ignore feature in place is a way of not dealing with rule breaking members. If we have rules, then follow through with suspending a member no matter how popular the member is.
I hate that because some members I care about will get ticked off and might not come back, but the ignore feature looks like weakness.
I'd much rather Papa Dag put a foot up their hinder and give them a few weeks banning..
Anyone receiving death threats (wtf?) should submit the post to a sift talk where we can have banhammering event.
The last thing we need is a siftquisition. Why don't we just trust Dag and Lucky with this decision, they are the administrators of this community, they had a problem with abuse and this is how it was corrected. If this is your first online community it might be harder to understand, but consider there are thousands of users and micromanaging inner squabbles is probably the last thing our admins want to deal with.
It's great that we all have hidden theories about communism and hitler running rampant behind the scenes, but the simple fact is the admins were trying to help users deal with abuse without having to publicly out users.
If there are still strong censorship concerns the best suggestion for you is to not click the "Ignore" button on the website, because that is the only way something will be censored from you.
I have been trying to understand what is worst, the censorship that will take place with an ignore button. Or the continued loss of members who are forced into silence because of intimidating threats.
Unstickying this post from the top of Sift Talk - unsticky requested by Fedquip.
I don't understand the logic behind giving an ignore feature while at the same time allowing so called threatening members get off. Siftquisition is there for a reason.
I been in other communities and each time small steps towards censorship started eventually back fired, if this is really a 'community' then let all these questions come to light to be handled by the community as a whole. It worked before and it was different for once over other websites.
And towards losing members, most members are not leaving because they are being threatened but because this community is becoming less and less what i became part of some 2 years ago. But that's another issue entirely.
Bah, am tired.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Having the word "censorhip" anywhere within this discussion makes my eyes roll - unless it's in the sentence: This has nothing to do with censorship.
This is the filtering of content that you receive as an end user - by you. We are all individuals and we do not have to have a single unified view of the Sift.
Ant hates political videos- he's viewing the Sift through non-politically rose tinted anty shades. He's effectively cutting out whole swathes of discussions.
This is not punitive. It does not effect you and your comments. It's only a view of the Sift that some people may use to make their experience a bit more enjoyable.
And people saying that all of these kinds of crappy profile comments should be outed on Sift Talk - no one likes a narc - and sure enough there would be comments of "suck it up cry baby".
However, if people do want to report seriously aberrant anti-social behaviour to us admins - we can and will respond - and not call you a crybaby. But this doesn't seem to be the favoured route for most people.
You don't seem to realize the pendulum swings both ways. Someone ignoring your posts is effectively cutting not only the flow of information from them to you, but since you're not getting anything from them there will be no discussion and as such no communication from either side.
Also, add the fact that you don't know if someone is ignoring you and you'll end up with weird situations where one party tries to talk to the other and not getting any feedback, resulting in even more animosity.
Now, if it'd been ignoring personal page-posts only from that particular member, then that would certainly solve the issue of people being unable to remove the offending posts in question just the same, aswell as keeping the community alive.
>> ^Kreegath:
Someone ignoring your posts is effectively cutting not only the flow of information from them to you
Yes, but that's their decision to make, not yours. If they don't want to hear what someone has to say they can/should/will not be forced to. For those making comparisons to communism and fascism in this post, forcing unwilling people against their will to accept things is much closer to those than our simple offering of an opt-out option.
Try to release from your death grip the idea that everyone must have the opportunity to read all the words you type, and consider that just as you have the right to speak, others have the right to not listen.
This is an issue of personal choice and peace of mind. I still can't for the life of me understand why so many feel people so righteous in declaring no one is worthy of such basic freedoms.
Life's not à la carte..
@lucky: I meant
"Life's not just à la carte as you described above"
The comment refers to what one considers to be a lively community, which I think can be described as a "bar culture" in the café sense.
>> ^Eklek:
Life's not à la carte..
In life...
If a neighbor is bumping music you don't want to hear you have the option to close your window.
When you get to the gory scenes in Hostel you can cover your eyes.
When a telemarketer calls during dinner you can hang up your phone.
If you don't want to watch commercials during your favorite show, you can skip them with your Tivo.
If you're bored on stage during a MLK Jr. Day speech you can doze off.
You call this a community, but you consider everything on an individual level, as if there's no such thing as "knock-on effects". Myopic is the word.
You introduce features and then stare blankly at the dissenters, shrugging your shoulders and saying "but we can't see the problem".
good luck with that.
for more information see USSR, 1984-1991. Not Hitler. Hitler would have sorted this place out in no time.
For what it's worth, let me point out that the root of the problem is with personal comments and the community uproar is over PUBLIC comments. I don't see an impasse here...
PS: I didn't know it was possible to get so many comments without ANY cats farting at all!!
I dont like it, but I guess I can live with it. I'd rather have a hide/collapse button for long posts that I've read (or ignored, the old fashioned way
This isn't about censorship..so stop rolling your eyes Dag. You know there was a time you cared more about what people thought around here. (And don't you dare get mad at that statement, you know I've never criticized you before.) This place is big now and I appreciate how that changes your approach to us.
We're only concerned about the community here. If we could rewind back to when we were first asked about filtering, with the exception of nsfw and something on the kids channel, I would lobby against filtering.
All the filtering we need is our scroll bar as we move past what we don't like on to what we love.
You guys think why the big deal, SG? Because some of us are concerned that these little steps here and there will eventually bring an end to the unique experience we've enjoyed here as a community in Videosift.
Dag and Lucky, please take care and don't get angry. You should not roll eyes when long standing faithful members are sharing concerns. We helped build this place too and have a personal stake in it's future. Not for profit, but for out of love of the place, alright?
Changes to the social workings of this site should be considered more and perhaps polled before implementing. You did this in the past and the community appreciated it.
established wimmins, are formidable, and knows bestfsisss...
Can we please put it to a vote?...'cause this, "One bad fry-cook, spoilin' the French fries shit, is making for a pain in the ass......
here, watch this and stand in the choggie shoes for a few ticks....
I think some of the above opinions and arguments reek of self-absorption. "How dare you not listen to me or value my comments!??!? ASSHOLE!"
You want a waaaaahmburger and some french cries? Get over it.
It's called a democracy; freedom of speech goes hand-in-hand with an individual's right to not have to listen to it. Suffer.
A right to be acknowledged? Since when is that a right?
If you guys are referring to my comments, you're not getting it.. that's ok though.
I'm not arguing over an individual's comments being forced on someone. Again, we that don't like social filtering are only wanting to preserve the Sift the way we fell in love with it. That's all. Not all change is progress.
Why do you guys always couch retorts in " thems fightin words"? You're reading in into what you wish in an excuse to flame. VSBM, it's boring.
I have a right to be ignored!
Wow. Over 5 hours without a comment. All quiet on the western front?
sorry dude, i was sleeping.
anyway... perhaps the "overreaction" to this feature stems from Lucky's choice of words...
the feature has been "unveiled".
that says a lot about how decisions are made in this "community". I wonder what the "SiftCouncil" are saying about it...? They don't seem to invite me any more...
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
>> ^swampgirl:
This isn't about censorship..so stop rolling your eyes Dag. You know there was a time you cared more about what people thought around here. (And don't you dare get mad at that statement, you know I've never criticized you before.) This place is big now and I appreciate how that changes your approach to us.
I'm not mad about this statement - but I would say it's untrue. I still care the same amount about what people think around here. The perception that I don't could be because:
A) There are a lot more people than the early days so there's more issues popping up that I'm responding to.
B) I'm working a full-time job at the moment- so the sheer amount of time that I'm here talking about stuff is curtailed. There have been periods where I've gone as long as six months just existing on VideoSift - and consequently my care factor probably appeared to be much higher.
But no- I still care about VideoSift, still care about this community, still want to keep it going strong - just finding it a bit of a juggling act at the moment.
So you could also see this feature in the light of giving users tools to help themselves because we're not always there to monitor all the comments.
*gasp again, that was a good response dag.
but i would argue your "features" are counterproductive.
siftquisition for adhom is still "helping ourselves", and with a clear definition you wouldn't even need to moderate the threads. three strikes and you're out, retard. then this juvenile thoughtless retarded slippery slope would disappear. i would even stop calling you all retards if that's the rules you set. it would be worth it for a more productive environment instead of a waste of time cock waving competition.
it's not censorship at all, there's plenty of other intertubes to be a wanker in. an internet community differs from a bricks and mortar community in that it is very easy to move, consequently you can't bitch so much about free speech or hide behind the excuse that you are "joking" ...if your neighbours tell you to stop being a misogynistic cunt, just move, you are a user, not a citizen.
of course i would argue for a definition of ad hom that allows for strong argument and strong language. it's just "die in a fire, bitch" should not be paraded as the pinnacle of commenting on here. the feedback loop of retarded comment voting is biting you in the ass.
I don't plan to ignore anybody, ever.
If a comment is total bull, it shouldn't upset me. If there's some truth to it and that's what upsets me, then I need to know about it.
In other words, there is no reason that ignoring comments should be a source of comfort.
People who make serious threats of physical violence to other sift members should be banned. People who make death threats should be reported to the FBI. If someone were serious about wanting to kill me I would want to know about it too. Ignoring comments is not the solution to that.
The only good reason to actively ignore something is to prioritize other information. Ideally we could all be aware of everything but there just isn't time.
Ignoring comments will just lead to a greater number of bad comments, because if you can't read something you can't reply in respectful opposition to it and contribute to that debate. Abandoning the debate just allows idiocy to flourish.
If someone put me on ignore, I would consider that worse than any written insult they could muster, though still not enough to apply "stress".
Serendipitous exposure to things outside your self-imposed box, from time to time, is a good thing, which filtering tends to obliterate.
" A) Tell the abuse receivers to suck it up. We have lost quite a few quality members due to abuse already - so I'm kind of averse to this."
>> ^gorgonheap:
So why can't I ignore my own comments? Is it too much to ask to not hear myself speak?
Personally I like the idea of collapsing a members comments and blocking any PMs they might fling your way. There have been some members who have just been downright rude, obscene or inflamitory. The last thing I want to see VS become is the new YouTube where people post poorly constructed comments and spout more B.S. then you'd find in a North Korean PR think tank. (ZING!)
IMO, one of the most instuctive activities in the world is ruminating over one's own past thoughts and words.
>> ^oxdottir:
I am not an evil person for giving Lucky and Dag a backpat instead of a kick in the yarbles.
Equating verbal disagreement to a kick in the nuts is absurd.
Choggie wrote:
Personally, users who use the sift as a goddamn pulpit for politics, I fucking despise
Choggie uses the sift as a pulpit for his socio-political worldviews. All matters of controversy are political.
I think it would be good to be able to see who is ignoring you, for the sake of not taking the time to send them PMs or ask them questions on any thread...
^yes, the ignore functionality causes disrupted/unresponsive comment threads/profile messages, but those are some of the reasons we need a less radical solution than the current ignore functionality..the current solution plus another functionality I think will not improve the community I'm afraid.
>> ^MarineGunrock:
A right to be acknowledged? Since when is that a right?
It's common courtesy to pay attention to someone who's talking to you, unless they're trolling or spamming. I wouldn't call it a right though.
"forced into silence because of intimidating threats."
Why would ignoring death threats accomplish anything? If you think they mean what they say then report them to the police, or if you think they don't mean what they say then cease caring what they say.
MG... ball of sticky tape... you still don't get it?
our studio flooded and you know what some genius said as a "solution"???
he said: "let's get a water pump and if the studio floods again the pump could automatically turn on and pump the water out"
i suggested blocking the hole in the wall where the water comes in instead.
jwray, my views may be interpreted as socio-political, or taken with a grain of sand, they are stream-of-consciousness, and fall outside the realm of feasible solutions to the worlds ills-In particular, so that all may know my motivations for blanket down-voting of certain subjects, in particular, the "he's better that the other guy" crap with respect to the psycho-circus and insult that politics in the United States has become-Horn-blowers and pennant-wavers for one side or the other, I find personally offensive, delusional, herd-like, and a complete waste of valuable synaptic resources-
So, no, none of the above, Obama sucks till the sack is blue, the same as Hillclit or Mc Skeletor, they all create vacuum , and to not demand abrupt alteration to the ways and means of leadership, is an affront to yours, mine, and everyone's self-actualizing potential-and since the demand will never come without some dire events, natural or otherwise (and when they do, check the source), it's eat, drink, be merry, for tomorrow a Tantric high priestess will knock on your door, and lead you into the wondrous land of immediate, and extended bliss......
Hail Eris
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