How we give out moderating powers to Sifters
A recent Sifter comment:
I think this is a valid criticism of our community. I like to describe VideoSift as a meritocracy, but the evil flip-side of that coin is a "popularity contest". It may be time to make changes that emphasise the meritocracy part of the Sift. We want people to feel like they can participate.
I've heard word that some Sifters feel like they are not equals or not valued enough to do some basic things on the site. Things they get nothing out of but only benefits the site. So as is our way - I'd like to get your input on future changes.
Examples of the kinds of changes we could make are lowering the level required to do basic things like promote or down vote, or even opening up more types of invocations.
"I love this site because the community is generous and welcoming, but I'll never feel comfortable sifting a video and trying to get votes for it just to gain a 'level' in some such thing.
To this day I still can't downvote videos, promote, or create related links, and to me is more of a confirmation of why such a system is a bad way to reward participation, rather than a motivation to participate further. I went through the popularity-gauntlet enough in grade/high-school, so any system like this rubs me the wrong way."
I think this is a valid criticism of our community. I like to describe VideoSift as a meritocracy, but the evil flip-side of that coin is a "popularity contest". It may be time to make changes that emphasise the meritocracy part of the Sift. We want people to feel like they can participate.
I've heard word that some Sifters feel like they are not equals or not valued enough to do some basic things on the site. Things they get nothing out of but only benefits the site. So as is our way - I'd like to get your input on future changes.
Examples of the kinds of changes we could make are lowering the level required to do basic things like promote or down vote, or even opening up more types of invocations.
Maybe if possible also base invocation powers, not only on star points (basically # of videos sifted), but also by time served and or # of comments posted.
A list of siftbot invocations that weren't allowed. May help to determine which invocations to make easier to obtain.
Stickying this post at the top of Sift Talk - sticky requested by eric3579.
how is this sifter defining "participation" is it just merely existing on the site? If it's just throwing up comments, I'd say that's not good enough as I can already think of someone here who does nothing but comment, he doesn't submit videos, he doesn't contribute to keeping the site free of dupes or dead videos (don't need to have powers to help out, you can point out dead or dupe videos to members who do have powers)
I'd say if you want to prove you are part of the community, make the low level powers available earlier. for example, all I can do is flag a dead video and set time, I can't invoke dupe or set channels or etc. I don't see why you have to "establish" yourself with the community to get those kinds of innocuous powers. but downvote or promote I would say still needs to be earned through submitting videos. I don't think we should have to apologize for having a certain culture on this site and if certain people don't fit in...tough.
It's my understanding from talking to other sifters that it's bringing back individuals who have been banned is what made some long time sifters abandon this place, not lack of powers for the new meat or the people who just lurk.
I think there needs to be more uniform and consistent application of the rules. posts that had been acknowledged as hateful by the staff still went without punishment or even a warning and that sends a really bad message that rules will be applied selectively, inviting people to see if they can "get away with it"
Perhaps badge levels should part of the mix for privileges.
I think some of the powers should be reworked/respecced, and the site needs more and better documentation.
I think many powers should be available earlier, like VoodooV says.
I think @Zawash should be black listed and banned for the point of view and opinion the user has listed.
Dissent should be cut off at the start.
Before anyone knows it sifters might be asking for equal rights for female users and superior male users.
Well, the issue is that the only way we measure contribution is with video posts and "quality comments". Both of those two tend to be very binary, in that either they give you a point or they don't.
I would like to see a more gradual approach to putting a value on a user - stack overflow uses an interesting system, which I'm sure videosift is also inspired by.
I think, for instance, comments should give more, but not if they're negative or 0 votes - as soon as they've been upvotes, they should give something - maybe even on a increasing scale: 1 vote, 1 point, 2 votes 3 points, 3 votes 6.5 points etc something in that vein. Yes, this would mean that each person would get many more points, but the star thresholds should be adjusted accordingly.
Same with videos - a video with 4 votes, should still give you something in the form of value; lets say it gives 10 times the amount as a comment. Then the video posters are still the most valuable players, but commenters aren't completely powerless.
Sift talk posts could also give something, using special powers in a positive way could give something.
Maybe a heated discussion in a single thread could trigger something; each award could also result in a certain amount of points.
I would make videosift much more of a game.
Just two points to add:
From my personal experience, I have missed out on using * related, * promote, * quality and many other invocations time and time again. Ultimately if a user is unable to participate meaningfully when it benefits the site and other users, it's a loss for the community as a whole.
I also just learned I could promote my own videos two weeks ago. Before that I had 38 power points sitting unused because I was blocked at every turn when I tried to employ them. Those 38 power points were from all the Silver Tongue levels I'd earned over time, which felt great to be rewarded for my participation, but left me scratching my head when I could do nothing with them.
Thanks for this conversation.
Now don't hold me to this because I don't have any exact definitions in mind, but I wouldn't mind it if there was an alternate way to earn some powers so that long-time, active members who don't submit much don't have to be treated like second-class siftizens.
I think of it like a drawing where you can win either by making a purchase or just sending in a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE).
For members who've been here and participating actively for literally years, I always feel bad when they can't execute even the most basic of invocations.
But then I do also feel it may be too unfair to give them those powers when everyone else who has them got them by submitting videos. If a good number of starred members voted in favor of granting seniority-based powers, I think it may be a good idea.
Awarding dag with one star point for this contribution to VideoSift - declared quality by ant.
I think in particular promoting power should be awarded earlier. I think the Promote power should be available before you get the quality power.
Quality is a more special invocation - it causes the post to float high up just about forever, while the (in comparison) puny promote only seems to last for a few hours. A quality invocation is thus more powerful and special, and requires more judgement as to when it should be invoked. A promote doesn't mean quite that much, and it should be easier to promote other posts.
So - I suggest that promote should be available at silver, or rather already at bronze, while quality should stay at least at silver - it should IMHO be available after promote, not before.
I disagree. Firstly don't underestimate promote, but secondly few people realise how special *quality is until they have reached gold star and get promote too
Actually I don't really feel that strongly about swapping them... but I don't think bronze is the right time to get either.
I think in particular promoting power should be awarded earlier. I think the Promote power should be available before you get the quality power.
Quality is a more special invocation - it causes the post to float high up just about forever, while the (in comparison) puny promote only seems to last for a few hours. A quality invocation is thus more powerful and special, and requires more judgement as to when it should be invoked. A promote doesn't mean quite that much, and it should be easier to promote other posts.
So - I suggest that promote should be available at silver, or rather already at bronze, while quality should stay at least at silver - it should IMHO be available after promote, not before.
How about an alternate star system for non-video-posting members? Perhaps a special peanut gallery badge for people who have been an active member for a year, or have posted 100 comments or cast 100 votes? Give blocked/nsfw/related/channel assignment at that point.
You could even have a gold peanut badge equivalent to gold star at some higher level (5 years?).
On a related note, should siftbot really award x years of membership badges to members who haven't logged in for the last 12 months?
Now don't hold me to this because I don't have any exact definitions in mind, but I wouldn't mind it if there was an alternate way to earn some powers so that long-time, active members who don't submit much don't have to be treated like second-class siftizens.
I think of it like a drawing where you can win either by making a purchase or just sending in a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE).
For members who've been here and participating actively for literally years, I always feel bad when they can't execute even the most basic of invocations.
But then I do also feel it may be too unfair to give them those powers when everyone else who has them got them by submitting videos. If a good number of starred members voted in favor of granting seniority-based powers, I think it may be a good idea.
For my two cents...while I agree that those that add to the quantity and quality of video offerings do the most to add to the site and community, commenters do add a lot as well. Sometimes the comment thread is far more interesting than the video itself, but no single comment garners enough votes for 'silver tongue' or 'top comment'. I feel like that might be taken into account when handing out 'powers'.
As mentioned above, perhaps some point calculation per comment upvote would help, or even a single point per comments with no votes (but erase that point if the comment vote total is negative?). Then even less-popular contributors would be able to raise their standing eventually, while those making improper comments would not, making it less of a popularity contest to win basic powers.
Popularity be damned and at pennies on the dollar, the site has once again been wrested by a cabal of regular back-and-forthers, none particularly clever or interesting, whose banal commentary could fill a modest tome printed on onion skins, bound with viscous expectorates, and disposed of at one's next convenient expurgate repose the lucky hoarder having been thankful to have kept it for a fresher feeling behind after schnapps.
I like it. VideoSift: RPG
Instead of set sift powers, you could have character leveling points and pick your own unique skills and abilities. Probably would be a pain in the ass for lucky to create, but would be fun.
I would make videosift much more of a game.
it's more like text adventure with embeded video:P
on the other hand, I'm all for giving power to the people. the way VS is set up now, you're driving people away. lately it seems like there are always the same avatars posting, not counting occasional spammers. and the visit to the site has surely dropped too (would be nice if you could inform us with some site stats from time to time, @dag) so you've got nothing to lose if you open up invocational powers for "the lower classes"
I thought we already had that - badges!
I like it. VideoSift: RPG
Instead of set sift powers, you could have character leveling points and pick your own unique skills and abilities. Probably would be a pain in the ass for lucky to create, but would be fun.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Although I love badges, they're more about recognition of service and don't really designate any special powers.
I thought we already had that - badges!
Adding post to channels (Controversy) - requested by MrFisk.
But.. but.. I thought - I thought...

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Although I love badges, they're more about recognition of service and don't really designate any special powers.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Oh yes. I forgot about that one. You are superduper - that's your super power. ;-)
But.. but.. I thought - I thought...
But.. but.. I thought - I thought...
I agree with Zawash for the same reasons he states, but not only do i think quality should be switched with promote (harder to obtain). I also think it should cost 2 pps (see reasons Zawash gives).
Promotes however i think should be available immediately(preferable) or bronze. Gives users something to spend their pps on. Also extend the time a video is promoted for as sift traffic has diminished quite a bit so i think a longer time is justified.
I think in particular promoting power should be awarded earlier. I think the Promote power should be available before you get the quality power.
Quality is a more special invocation - it causes the post to float high up just about forever, while the (in comparison) puny promote only seems to last for a few hours. A quality invocation is thus more powerful and special, and requires more judgement as to when it should be invoked. A promote doesn't mean quite that much, and it should be easier to promote other posts.
So - I suggest that promote should be available at silver, or rather already at bronze, while quality should stay at least at silver - it should IMHO be available after promote, not before.
I know, why not give moderating powers wholly to the sifters who swing the lowest-hanging sack of hollow, worm-ravaged nuts inhabiting the most struggling of fruit-bearing trees in the orchard at any-given-time as an homage to all insect species of the entire planet? That's an easy-out and it saves on the effort and drain of pesticide costs, yeah??
This said in the spirit of tongue-in-cheek, powers to play here commensurate with efforts to enhance and expand the video content rather than involvement lopsidedly focused upon popping-spit and clicking up or down (as always, more down please) would be best bestowed quickly to keep the rabble form thinking too fondly of themselves..The preceding message is to most of you "P's" who chime-in incessantly, frequent the place, but contribute very little eye-soul-essence candy.
We love you anyhow, go find some cool shit for us to watch why dontchas??
This is an excellent post in my opinion. I agree with what dag says. I used to frequent this site multiple times a day, enjoying videos while also putting up with favoritism and sanctimonious commenters. Content (videos and comments) from "popular" sifters was seemingly favored. After I received my bronze star (a small rank in comparison to most), my mindset was essentially... "yep I did it". And even though to some that may have been a minor achievement, for me and I think many other casual sifters it was a pain in the ass. And once I received my star the thought of trying for the next rank was unrealistic. Now I only occasionally stop by to check out the top sifts. Other sites like Reddit (*gasp*) don't have these preconditions and I think as a result are more welcoming. Reducing the contribution requirement to be a little more inviting may be a good idea.
Also, one power that always rubbed me the wrong way was that some established video site embeds were only available to higher ranked sifters. That my friends is favoritism. I can't post what I feel is a quality video but other higher ranked sifters can. Who really suffers at that point is the site as a whole - missing out on content that may bring in new visitors and submitters.
I'll just leave this here
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