How do you measure a man? Kronosposeidon

No longer contented with coasting by on his good looks and snappy comments, KP has finally sifted his last two videos and Actually sifted his 500'th video. Yes, he's been a silver diamond forever it seems, but he has enough applauded comments to make any probie gold. So, how do we measure a man? Let's use Lucky's fab search-o-tron and look at the numbers:

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ANAL: Videos (0) Sift Talk (0) Blogs (1) Comments(6)
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GAY:Videos (7)Sift Talk (1) Blogs (0)Comments (50)
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PROMOTE:Videos (3)Sift Talk (0) Blogs (0) Comments (223)
(emphasis mine)

So what we have here ladies and gentleman, is a sifter that loves more than he hates, never has to beg for vagina, promotes lots and lots of other peoples stuff. So let's toast the toastmaster with a quick Huzzah!

...and find out what that 'anal' blog post is all about.
dotdude says...


I'm not sure what this is about, but it makes sense right now.

kronosposeidon says...

Brother schmawy once told me that he didn’t care if this site was about nothing more than building bird houses; what he liked most was the people here. I couldn’t agree more. Even most of the people here with whom I disagree I still respect, because most of you here are at least fairly thoughtful in your responses, if not more so. And some of you on both ends of the spectrum write comments that are nothing short of brilliant.

I’ve been in many web communities over the years, and I have to say without a doubt that this is the best one I’ve been in. I’m a bleeding-heart liberal, mind you, so you’d think I’d be more at home at a liberal blog than here, but not so. Yes, I’m aware that the general political atmosphere of the Sift tilts left anyway, but the Sift still has what I call the ‘loyal opposition’, consisting of (to name just a few): Gorgonheap, Gunny, Doc_M, Arsenault, snoozedoctor, and others (no offense if I didn’t mention you), and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I don’t want to live in an echo chamber, but neither do I want to be pestered by trolls spouting nothing but ignorance and hate. So this place has been a blessing to me, in that I get to hear both sides of the story, but from people who are smart enough to express their thoughts without habitually falling back on the same old talking points. Who would have thought that a web site simply devoted to videos could have produced such an outcome? If you had asked me that before I came here I would have laughed at the notion.

If I made a few of you giggle on occasion, I’m thankful. Let me remind you that everyone needs inspiration, and I thank you all for the inspiration you’ve given me. Not just to post a few wise-guy comments, but to help me reach into my higher mental faculties to pull an occasional thoughtful response out of my hiney. And let me tell you that the journey from rectum to cerebrum is long and tortuous. Just ask snoozedoctor.

Thank you schmawy, for your typical beautiful post, and thanks to ALL of you, for helping me to be the best community member I can be.

*quality, because I know you hate it.

schmawy says...

I just did this 'cause KP is always giving parties for everyone, and I thought he deserved one for himself. I guess once you hit silver diamond there doesn't seem to be much occasion. Removing cross-post, if anyone wants to cuddle him, come on over to BOOKS for a snuggle. Thanks KP for all your kindness.

guessandcheck says...

nice to finally know that your "higher mental faculties" truly are in your hiney. congrats.

>> ^kronosposeidon:
If I made a few of you giggle on occasion, I’m thankful. Let me remind you that everyone needs inspiration, and I thank you all for the inspiration you’ve given me. Not just to post a few wise-guy comments, but to help me reach into my higher mental faculties to pull an occasional thoughtful response out of my hiney. And let me tell you that the journey from rectum to cerebrum is long and tortuous. Just ask snoozedoctor.

ashes2flames says...

>> ^laura:
oh squirrel nuts, I lost my bag of extra long thin balloons or I would have made him a balloon penis sculpture avatar for the occasion!

lol .. "squirrel nuts"! I'm going to add that to my favorite new phrases I learned on Video Sift. Right next to "douche nozzle".

choggie says...

♪ ♫What makes a man, is it the woman in his arms,♪ ♫ just cause she has big titties?♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
Or is the the way, that he fights everyday♫ ♫ it's prob'ly the titties.....♫ ♫

8383 says...

^Wow! Choggie actually posted in one of these topics?

On behalf of the sift community, I would like to officially welcome you to the never-ending circlejerk.

Crosswords says...

Wow, the big FIVE OH OH, that's some serious siftin, and quality commenting. Your, what I like to call, amazing tales of Kronosposiden often leave me with an inability to reply, and my only recourse is to upvote by one measly point. Keep rockin the socks!

snoozedoctor says...

Sorry I missed the milestone and I'm showing up late, but I'm here. Thanks for including me in that small group of sifters rowing upstream. Minority we are, but I wear that badge with pride, and I'm still right and most of you are still wrong. Right, Gunrock, Doc_M? You guys watchin' my back?

Ladies and Gentlemen, my first post on the Sift went no where but the trash pile. But, one person weighed in on the video, my first comment received from the Sift community;

"Wow, I never knew this was a cover tune, and I'm a big Pearl Jam fan too. Great pick. And being agnostic I don't normally go for religious crap, but this certainly ain't crap. And I normally don't care for country or country-ish music either. Yet again, this song grabs me by the shirt collars and says "Pay attention! That is, if you want to call yourself a member of the human race".
I hope this gets sifted."

How can you not like that? That was from KP and that's the guy I'm here to honor. I'll call him "a member of the human race." Though, it's a stretch.

kronosposeidon says...

^I still remember that video - "Crazy Mary". I might have to resurrect that one tomorrow. Sunday's a good day for resurrections.

Thanks for your kind words, snoozie. And thank you to everyone else here too. I'd buy you all a beer right now if you were here. And if I wasn't in prison. Out of nowhere the MAN threw the book at me after I sold a few measly Stinger missiles to the Russian mafia. Go figure.

JAPR says...

KP, you're definitely one of the members that helps make VideoSift such a fine and addicting site. I've laughed myself silly over your comments many a time, and I check your queue and sifted videos often because you post so much awesome stuff.

Congrats, and don't go running off on us.

critttter says...

How do you measure a man?

I say toss him into a displacement tank. If he floats, he's guilty, burn him at the stake.

(recaps the Sharpee pen...)

Congratulatory Salutations, KP!

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