BreaksTheEarth and GOLD discovered on Easter Island

B to the T to the motherfu**kin E got his gold star! He describes himself as "an American archaeologist in London", which sounds like a Sting remix or something. But don't hold that against him, BTE is a helluva guy! He's constantly excavating unsifted videos and helps send them on permanent display in Her Majesty Dag's Sift Museum. On his free time he posts some excellent videos, everything from the best of British comedy to fascinating scientific stuff.
America better watch out before Ye Olde England steals all her best citizens! Congrats, BreaksTheEarth, you're a quality member of this
Self promoting this Sift Talk post - promote requested by original submitter rasch187.
Nice! You are a classy guy, I'm sad you couldn't make it to the siftup. But use your newfound powers of promoting well, and all is forgiven!
Congrats, Breaky! As an American abroad I hope you represent your fellow countrymen well.
We've got a lot of lost ground to recover.
Many congrats BTE! See you next euro siftup.
Good job BTE. Enjoy the Gold, and remember who your friends were when you were a lowly silver
Awesome work, Earthbreaker!
Major congrats! You are more better than ever! More better! Keep breaking the Earth, my favorite monolith.
Grats Breaker!
Thanks everyone! Now all my hard work can pay off and I can promote the hell out of the vids I like!
Oh and by the way, I was going to go to the SiftUp but I realized that I had a girlfriend and I take showers regularly so I wasn't sure if I would fit in. If people are around next year or something, I am sure this relationship will go sour like all the others and I will stop showering for lack of a compelling reason to wash my balls.
Thanks for the picture Rasch!
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Congrats and thanks for your effort BTE. Let the promotions begin.
That's some GroundBreaking work you've done, getting to the gold.
You do realize that Gold comes from the Ground, Right? But they don't break it from the ground. They use cyanide to separate it from the ground. Which of course is breaking the earth in a whole different way. So here's to your kind of breaking and not the other way because either way, you still end up with GOLD!
Sonny, I remember back in the day when it took 12 long years to get your gold star! Not with all this flabbety-floo, but good back-breakin' work! Now with all this fancy hoidy-toidy Internet, well you can just sit around and have them falling from the sky! Ain't like the ol' days....nope...not one bit....(smacks lips)....uhm....what were we talking about again?
Congrats man!
Congrats, destroyer of worlds.
B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E! B--T--E!
100 Gold Stars expressed in Binary would be 1100100 Stars!

So that means only 10010110 until Ruby! (a total of 11111010)
Yay, good job! Congrats!!!
congrats - I enjoy most of what you post, admire you voting for most of mine, and long walks on the beach.
Congratulations BTE! Always good to see a goldie take flight. Good luck on unearthing Ruby!
Yey! Thanks for breaking out all those atheist, science and engineering sifts and for being such a pleasant presence here.
Congrats, BTE! Make sure to let us know if you find any Stargates.
BTE&FINDSTHEGOLD,the golden star that shines at the inner core of the Earth, now exposed!
Great taste in vidz, more please!:)
BTE, Congrats on the gold star! (Sorry i'm so slow).
Congrats on the gold star, blockhead! Don't break it!
Gratz, man, you're one of my favorites.
Reaaaally Late CONGRATS to you on your GOLD!!!!! Meerowowow! Quality Siftin', BreakyEarthmon!
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