MINK says...

all my days i see talented creative people waste everything because most of retarded society will never understand them, so they selfdestruct as a protest, like a monk covering himself in gasoline.

there's a reason great rocknrollers go out with a bang. shame choggie went out with a little naughty invocation instead.

Farhad2000 says...

By banning him you made him more powerful then you can imagine...

Choggie is born in the wrong time, he would be a good crazy prophet of some tribe living in the Amazonian jungle back in BCs.

kulpims says...

I miss him, I guess. However annoying some people might find him, he is a permanent feature of this site, like the dead pool or something. I just thought we'd cut his sentance short...

maatc says...

Yes, he is an important member, but amnesty after just a few days would defeat the purpose.

I say be consequent and stick with the suspension, then welcome him back.

After all this is VideoSift, not VideoSoft.

Ryjkyj says...

I don't really talk to anyone directly here but I agree, it's nice to have choggie around. He reminds me of one of my best friends that is simultaniously loveable and shockingly repulsive, with great taste in movies.

jonny says...

heh - that was an accidental upvote on maatc's comment, just looking to see who had voted for it already.

To be completely honest - I don't especially miss him. While choggie can be one of the more insightful users here, he is also usually the most obnoxious, excepting myself, of course. Seriously, he intentionally pokes people in the eye for seemingly no other reason than his own humor. That's funny a few times, but it gets old after a while. If I have to read one more conspiracy about 9/11 or HAARP or global warming or the free masons or whatever other power structure he's on about, it'll be too soon. I neither look forward to nor dread his return. He's another part of the humanity here, and to give him some special throne from which to spew his bias is as silly as giving one to me. pffft to all of it.

videosiftbannedme says...

,,,,Meh-trying to decipher his schizophrenic "posts",,with their lack of Proper grammatics bores me easily.i've got the dark recesses of my own mind to keep me company...;
i don't need to go stumBbling around in his--but!!!!, never let it be said that he doesn't have a right to share his *opinion. that's what's so great about "IGNORE". I'll be the first to welcome back the ol' blowhard..er...blowfish...er, blobfish...

(Damn, that actually takes some work. I don't know how he does it.)

K0MMIE says...

That retort was classy... about as classy as your public love letter to choggie. Whats wrong? Not enough text-based diarrhea for ya?

>> ^kulpims:
^relax, k0mmie, looks like it's just me. other people seem to be ok with it. and, no - how could we miss the village idiot when we have you (just kidding. meh)

schmawy says...

Not just you, Kulpims. Having a choggie is the mark of a healthy community, and although I may be alone in making this assertion, not all he says is madness. Some of it is scarily true.

blankfist says...

If you were banned would you become an obsessed lurker and beg people to email you, or would you just sit it out for the two weeks and quietly try to regain a semblance of dignity? I'm not pathetic and in need of attention, so I'd most likely sit it out. But, that's just me.

kulpims says...

chill out, everybody. i'm not choggie's advocate, neither am i secretly in love with him, k0mmie. just checking if there's any revolutionary spirit left in this place.

10444 says...

I feel people take him too seriously. If you take what he says with a grain of salt and a bit of humor he's pretty entertaining ( and if you pay attention, you'll realize his comments are pretty whacked out but he does have some sort of alien intelligence in there lol ). We should take away his *discard ability or something. Then maybe he wouldn't cause such a fuss so much.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Recidivism. Not a pretty word. We need some kind of sift rehabilitation program to help reintroduce banned members back into the community free from the desire to discard others' things. Rather than studying grammar or spelling, Choggie is probably hanging with other banned sifters as we speak, learning how to be a better sift criminal.

spoco2 says...

I for one have found his views on many things repugnant, his personal attacks on people out of line, and his abuse of sift power just plain childish.

I, for one, think that two weeks was lenient, so the least that can be done is to at least let it run its course.

NordlichReiter says...

You know that choggie will be back... and much stronger than before.

You people take the sift to serious. The sift is after all a clustering of binary digits in the vastness of cyberspace. It is a collection of XML, HTML, Data Tables, (C# Java or some other behind language) Transact SQL... I digress.

Any way Choggie(his name makes me think of haggish) will always push the limits of the rules, that is what many of us do, and some of us will break those rules.

Ad Hominem here Beware:
Just because some of you (I wrote it) got offended or hurt by him shows that you care to much for what may be going on in this social experiment.

spoco2 says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:
You know that choggie will be back... and much stronger than before.
You people take the sift to serious. The sift is after all a clustering of binary digits in the vastness of cyberspace. It is a collection of XML, HTML, Data Tables, (C# Java or some other behind language) Transact SQL... I digress.
Any way Choggie(his name makes me think of haggish) will always push the limits of the rules, that is what many of us do, and some of us will break those rules.
Ad Hominem here Beware:
Just because some of you (I wrote it) got offended or hurt by him shows that you care to much for what may be going on in this social experiment.

I really hate that as an argument when people are rude or verbally abusive online. "Oh, you're taking it all too seriously, this isn't real life".

Well screw that, I really don't think people should get some free pass to be complete dicks just because we aren't face to face, that's a great way to create an environment that people don't want to have discussions in.

Be civil everywhere, in 'real' life, online, on the phone, via letters... it's just decent dammit.

rougy says...

This thread made me laugh.

I'm sure Choggie's floating around out there, kind of like a ghost eavesdropping on the conversations at his own funereal.

But he isn't really dead! It was all just a dream! Just a crazy little dream! And Kommie was there, and Jonny, and Blankfist....

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I should preface this by saying I'm not a psychologist but I play one on TV.

I agree with Spoco that for many people there can be a mental disconnect between the way we behave in real life and in a place like VideoSift. It's hard to remember sometimes that there are minds behind the avatars - we are all real people and words can hurt us.

Some people may use their online life as a way to vent sublimated aggression, anger and stress.

I'm all for venting on VideoSift - making your point passionately- with or without swearing is OK by me.

Just don't be mean. Don't do or say things that are destructive or deliberately hurtful to another member.

I'm not innocent in this. I've definitely written some things here that I've later regretted.

alien_concept says...

>> ^kulpims:
^99% of the time sift talk is just a pissing contest, nothing more

Hahaha! That's exactly what it is, and we're all guilty of it. Anyway, from what I can gather, Choggie doesn't give a shit if he was banned or not, he asked for it. He didn't seem to think he was above the rules, he just made it very clear that when he wanted to make a point (reasonable or not) he would and damn the consequences. So of course he should sit it out and take it like a big boy. What's the problem?

kulpims says...

there's no problem. like i said, i just came up with this proposition and if you don't like it - and most people don't - just say so. that's all. it's not like he's fucking me from behind while i'm typing
i'm already sorry i brought it up in the first place

gwiz665 says...

I'll point to a fresh example: Mr.Fisk (sorry for calling attention to you, if you don't care for it). Fisk did some dumb thing and was judged to two weeks ban. He accepted the punishment and is now an accomplished member of the community. Choggie did some dumb thing and was punished similarly. If we give him amnesty "because he's so cuddly", we might as well demolish all the laws of the sift and make anarchy-sift. The ruling should stand. There is room for rebellion to a certain degree, but the law is the law.


schmawy says...

Good lord K0MMIE, what were you thinking?

[e:] See, that's the thing about choggie, he discarded that video at -2 votes, and as far as I'm concerned that's just putting it out of it's misery. Borderline behavior for sure, since that's technically against the rules, but not really that out of line, because one more down-vote would have discarded it anyway.

My problem with choggie is some of the outright meanness he sometimes shows. Really hurtful stuff that he feels justified in laying on people because of something he thinks is wrong with them. Sorta like ThePinky, but with teeth.

And Chogs, If you're out there, sorry, it's how i feel. Don't be hard to love.

K0MMIE says...

Don't worry Kulpims... one day you'll learn how to write an insult... one day.

Try not to punch your cat too hard as you pretend its someone who made fun of you on the internet today. Remember, snuggles isn't me.

K0MMIE says...

Reading Comprehension? Yes! Have some! Your feeble attempts at retorts make me chuckle. Sadly I tire of your 5th grade banter, begone! Wait until your boyfriend gets back, I'm sure he will shower you with the internet love you so desperately crave.

Fedquip says...

I never understood why or how a troll wields so much power and fame within this community, he maybe an internet artist and an icon to some of you, but he's driven many away from the sift (myself included) with his two faced comments (loves you one minute, insults you the next) he is likely responsible for more people leaving the sift then staying. But I'm just another random user, I could be wrong.

MrFisk says...

In reply to this comment by Fedquip:
I never understood why or how a troll wields so much power and fame within this community, he maybe an internet artist and an icon to some of you, but he's driven many away from the sift (myself included) with his two faced comments (loves you one minute, insults you the next) he is likely responsible for more people leaving the sift then staying. But I'm just another random user, I could be wrong.

You shall judge a man by his foes as well as by his friends.
Joseph Conrad (1857-1924)

And to hell with the ignore button; this town needs an 'adversary' button!
Mr. Fisk (1976-)

Don_Juan says...

>> ^schmawy:
Good lord K0MMIE, what were you thinking?
[e:] See, that's the thing about choggie, he discarded that video at -2 votes, and as far as I'm concerned that's just putting it out of it's misery. Borderline behavior for sure, since that's technically against the rules, but not really that out of line, because one more down-vote would have discarded it anyway.
My problem with choggie is some of the outright meanness he sometimes shows. Really hurtful stuff that he feels justified in laying on people because of something he thinks is wrong with them. Sorta like ThePinky, but with teeth.
And Chogs, If you're out there, sorry, it's how i feel. Don't be hard to love.

Yo! Choggie! You REALLY HELPED ME!! Now I understand why I am SUCH a SHIT!! Don't give up!! Don't surrender!! Keep showing everyone their trash!! Trash! Trash!! Trash!! It's ALL TRASH!! Poo Poo!! Poo Poo!! I want to be CHOGGIE PURE!!! CHOGGIE PURE!! CHOGGIE PURE!!! CHOGGIE PURE!!

kronosposeidon says...

Just showing some choggie love that he sent me today in email:


Be advised ya thick lump, prior to my return to the sift. You have still not done what is righteous-Instead of trying to make amends with another human being (not simply a member of some video blog) ,you have defended your self feebly in the discarded post with the tombstone I made just for you........that discard came from schmawy's disgust, if yer able to glean from the post that, after yer "schoolyard-kid, defensive rant, where you attempt to make people feel good about you being a pathetic tattler, and a angry rage-filled one at that......
Yer a fool.....I have repeatedly made attempts to approach you, even called yer phone, and excuses, denial, rage and fear is all I am met with.....you are acting the bitch, you and yer pal blanky, WHO FEELS EMPOWERED BY YOU SHOWING YOUR ASS, BECAUSE HE TOO, IS AN ASS-SHOWER....the cat torturer and bad-likker drinker, yer both unheathy boys, and I wish for ya both to be healed.......

The message(s) I forward to you, I sent to my familiars, many of which have been here since the beginning, all of which are in my googlechat or gmail address book, and all of whom I trust to make righteous observations, and who also have a manner less abrupt, and much more polite and forgiving than my own....I call people like these "alllies"....whadday know, some are admins, and some are princes and priestesses.....I WISH NEITHER OF of yer dumb-asses any ill, I simply wish for you to to have NO opinionn whatsoever, as it relates to me, anywhere on the sift.....yer both assholes, of an order that if allowed to continue, will turn ya into loners and lumps of shit some day........salvageable???/...Always. But one first must be willing to admit, that they have a problem.. I KNOW WHAT MINE ARE AND YOU ARE NOT EVEN CLOSE! So keep yer pathetic observations to yerself, and know that everthing you know is wrong.....if you start from there, you might just learn a few things about yerself.


schmawy says...

You were right to downvote my comment, KP. and I'm glad you did. That was not a civil tone. I've been talking to Choggie since then, and have great hopes for peace. He really does like you. He said a lot of nice things. He considers you worthy of bashing antlers, and that means something. I'm sorry I said you and he suck. It was an emotional response and usually I can get those in check. This whole thing is frankly a little upsetting.

Again, my apologies.

blankfist says...

I guess Toto also sucks for pulling back the curtain on the Wizard of Oz. You know, the Wizard, right? He's that guy who tricked everyone around him into believing he was something better than a just a inutile troll mortal man.

kronosposeidon says...

>> ^schmawy:
You guys suck.

Your visceral response to this conflict is understandable, even if I didn't appreciate it. Now maybe you can better understand why I responded in the visceral manner that I employed.

Unfortunately choggie is lying to you, schmawy, because he has no respect for me. None. However to avoid further escalation of this war, I shall for the first time ever use the "ignore" button, solely on choggie's comments. And I am also filtering all his hate email, sending it directly to the Trash. After receiving half a dozen of his ill-written missives in the span of 8 hours yesterday (quite similar to the one above), I decided that I no longer felt like being called a motherfucker by him.

As everyone can plainly see, I am cutting all lines of communication with choggie. By corollary, this means I don't want anyone forwarding any messages from him to me. Not a one. Choggie is not interested in peace; he's interested in dominance. Some say I'm also displaying alpha male behavior right now, so let it be known here and now that I will not figuratively "mount" choggie to show him who's in charge. Can he do the same thing? We'll see.

choggie says...

[I never understood why or how a troll wields so much power and fame within this community, he maybe an internet artist and an icon to some of you, but he's driven many away from the sift (myself included) with his two faced comments (loves you one minute, insults you the next) he is likely responsible for more people leaving the sift then staying. But I'm just another random user, I could be wrong.]

I am happy to hear that a heartier soul and spirit than my own*cough was driven to such a state through my stalwart efforts...Confrontations' a bitch to most folks who lack critical thinking skills-Hardly a random user fedro, you have helped shape this place-and a fucking troll???....Lives under a bridge and exacts tolls from unsuspecting passers by for no reason other than their own nastiness......Fuck your internet terminologies created to compartmentalize "types" of users. Choggie does not fit conveniently into limiting or defective categories created by folks with ass-flatening, adjustable chair-warming skills-

Once again, you are wrong, like others here, comfortable to wallow in similar illusory whims of lazy minds and perception-bound processeeees...Head-in-ass disease is something one must work years to cultivate-Passive-Aggression walks hand in hand with this sick bitch as well-All about the evolution of the site, and the dissolution, of deleterious aspects of this community, when a pattern begins to emerge......

Clever motherfuckers have clever going for them,(how's that working for ya??) but it takes more than smug and snappy and a trivial pursuit knowledge of the world witha thousand dollar vocabulary to make a lasting impression, and communicate or transmit knowledge.....

I am so glad to be back!! thank all of you who made my vacation possible, who supported me while dealing with assholes, idgits, and imbeciles from the bottom of a clouded ocean-I have learned a valuable lesson.....Perhaps next time I break the rules, they won't be written ones, and the next time I step on some fat fuck's toes, I'll make sure I do it heal-first with a stamping and twisting motion, with full weight and force directed at point of contact....

That's what a crazy person would do, innit?? A meeeean person??? A Haaaateful person???
Fuck yer labels people, fuck your symbol-addiction, and fuck marching lockstep to some idyllic, "nice" to everyone pipe-dream of a future based on worn-out, defective, and limiting models.....yer all meatbots to me!!!

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