Does the Sift feel faster since the upgrade?
How does the Sift feel for you since the upgrade? (I for one have never seen it running so blazingly lightning fast. I need to wear silicone gloves so the keyboard doesn't scorch my fingertips.)
If you vote no, please mention where in the world you are, as it seems likely you'll be somewhere outside the U.S.
To me it does. I notice it clearly when I load comments on the front page. Faster than ever.

I know there are still people stuck in razzleberry though.
>> ^gwiz665:
I know there are still people stuck in razzleberry though.
Word. It's common knowledge that it can take up to 24-48 hours for a DNS change to propagate, but it's a surprisingly long wait nonetheless.
gwiz was stuck too, until he swapped his DNS servers to Google. From what ant posted, OpenDNS works too. If you can, post that suggestion for people still stuck there to let them know. They can't read this
I don't really notice any difference. My login cookie seems to be fubared though, I have to relogin every visit. Had some other weird quirks pop up early on, but they seem to have been resolved.
Oh thank SiftBot, I'm out of Razzleberry hell.
It seems a little faster to me, especially loading comments.
I'm back thanks to the hosts file thing. I note that visiting a subdomain will cause Razzleberry to come back.
I've said "nah" to the speed increase but maybe it's too soon to tell...
@Deano: You'll have to add a hosts file rule for every subdomain you want to visit (until your local DNS is fully up-to-date). Or do as someone else suggested and change your primary and secondary DNS server IPs to use Google's: and
Front page generated on web1 in 2.2251 seconds, definitely a big time improvement over how it was a before the switch. Though it was super slow last week (20+ seconds) so it's hard to compare to when the site was running normally. Feels faster though, and comments are definitely loading faster. Still getting some stalling when voting but it's probably just the dns thing working itself out. I vote hells to the yeah.
It seems much faster, but the pop up screen below my name has lost its functionality. It won't show me unsifted or recent videos. It also won't allow me to submit embeds. The submit button just greys out and that's that. This may be a firefox issue.
Hmm. ^That does sound like a Firefox issue (or some other kind that's not a server issue) because it seems to be working for everyone else. Try deleting all your videosift cookies and doing a hard reload.
Does seem a bit faster now. Not blazingly fast but a nice boost.
Sift Talk and the Lounge were always the slowest to load for me. But they're both a lot faster. Not instant, but an order of magnitude better.
Good work guys.
I don't know why, but the Sift isn't playing nice with my Opera 10 any more.
Keeps hanging up and never fully loads about half the time.
You should have just lowered the TTL first.
>> ^lucky760:
>> ^gwiz665:
I know there are still people stuck in razzleberry though.
Word. It's common knowledge that it can take up to 24-48 hours for a DNS change to propagate, but it's a surprisingly long wait nonetheless.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
This is double true. Unfortunately as a legacy of the olden days- our domain is with a registrar that doesn't allow adjustments to TTL. We're fixing this. Better late than never.>> ^brain:
You should have just lowered the TTL first.
>> ^lucky760:
>> ^gwiz665:
I know there are still people stuck in razzleberry though.
Word. It's common knowledge that it can take up to 24-48 hours for a DNS change to propagate, but it's a surprisingly long wait nonetheless.
Omg. It's so much faster now. I'm not having any lag at all moving thru pages. Well done.
Much faster But...
You do realize that the People in Neverland AKA Razzleberry Hell - Won't be able to check that on the poll because they cant get in to even see the poll exists - I'm just sayin'....
Not fast anymore! "page generated on web2 in 7.3205 seconds" on ...
Are there people that can't access the site? I noticed the numbers are way down but I wasn't sure why.>> ^Sagemind:
Much faster But...
You do realize that the People in Neverland AKA Razzleberry Hell - Won't be able to check that on the poll because they cant get in to even see the poll exists - I'm just sayin'....
>> ^geo321:

Are there people that can't access the site? I noticed the numbers are way down but I wasn't sure why.>> ^Sagemind:
Much faster But...
You do realize that the People in Neverland AKA Razzleberry Hell - Won't be able to check that on the poll because they cant get in to even see the poll exists - I'm just sayin'....
I couldn't access here at work due to outdated DNS. I had to use the hosts strick.
DNS still not working for me. I've applied the two entry in the hosts file, thx for that.
>> ^Sagemind:
(But it was ruined by people actually casting votes for that option.
You do realize that the People in Neverland AKA Razzleberry Hell - Won't be able to check that on the poll because they cant get in to even see the poll exists
Of course - that was the joke!
Is Siftbot still able to send out e-mail? I haven't gotten a single automatic email from Videosift since the move, which is unusual for me.
Yep, still working. I've been flooded with them.
>> ^NetRunner:
Is Siftbot still able to send out e-mail? I haven't gotten a single automatic email from Videosift since the move, which is unusual for me.
No problems on my side.
I'm good here @ work, but I was razzleberried at home last night, and completely unable to connect from there this morning.
So - my average connection speed is much lower, but it does seem quicker here.
Seriously, congratulations on a seriously badly fucked up server upgrade. 5 days to propagate DNS updates, and you think that posting 'helpful' instructions on how your users can edit their registry settings is acceptable? Shit, it's lucky that none of you guys do that for a living.
-frustrated venting concluded
My office's DNS still has the old IP address. I have to use the hosts trick.
I'm not receiving any either and I know I should have. I'm guessing that the DNS issue is still affecting this as my mail server's DNS probably hasn't been updated yet which would mess up the reverse DNS lookup when receiving the message. This is an incredibly long time to have to wait for a DNS update.
>> ^lucky760:
Yep, still working. I've been flooded with them.
Voting for this poll ended with the majority of users voting Hells to the yeah.
I'm not sure why outgoing emails would be affected by a DNS change...but links I email thru the sift are definitely not arriving at the recipients' mailboxes. Last test was about 3 hours ago, and like every other such attempt since the upgrade, nothing has actually arrived.
Definitely not an emergency, but that's a really handy feature I use regularly.
That said, emails about comments and such are making it to -my- mailbox. So it's not a general email problem.
I think my initial enthusiasm concerning the site speed increase has died down a bit. I think the speed increase was partly down to a lot of people not having access at the time, so not many active users.
Sift Talk is now taking anywhere between 2-3 seconds to load. It was less than 1 around the time of the upgrade. But before the upgrade it was 7+, so it is faster overall... just not quite as blistering as it could be.
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