Giant octopus

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I won’t imply, I will state implicitly, the frequency and strength of this storm was man made, the second “once in a lifetime” storm in the area this decade. There’s another building right now that might hit you again next week, and insurance companies are leaving the coastal states, but sure buddy….You, who has gotten every bit of math and science you’ve attempted in the last 15 years embarrassingly wrong know better that millions of scientists and analysts.
You are just such a blathering idiot.

What would one expect from a fool who listens to a man cry to the heavens that his opponent’s rhetoric is too violent as he goes out to tell his people he wants “one really violent day” when police can purge the nation of “thugs” (read anyone who votes against him), cut down the criminals in the streets (but not the multiple convicted felons, just the misdemeanor petty theft criminals) and fails to see the hypocrisy? I expect exactly the kind of stupid blather we get from you, and I’m never disappointed.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’m disappointed the idiotic maga government shutdown tantrum failed…it would be just deserts if all those red states got zero federal assistance because the government is shut down for Tangeriney Mousolini, leaving them incapable of participating in the election….or even better would be if Biden was like the felon and refused to provide meaningful assistance because the maga governors weren’t nice enough to him (he actually delayed assistance for weeks in North Carolina a few years back)….he should come to your town, bob, with paper towels for anyone with a “Harris” hat, then nothing more.

JiggaJonson said:

Hope you were punished for your anti climate activism recently by the hurricane.

I'll enjoy watching trump lose this election again.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Love it.
He whined nonstop about the temperature in his courtroom for him, but for you, cops should be more violent….WAY MORE VIOLENT….like a day a year when they can “PURGE” the citizens they dislike.
Nobody should get overtime and 2025 will end it….he used to do anything to reject overtime for his employees. Then he said “you get killed on taxes on overtime, I’ll save you from that”. (Not by ending overtime taxes, by ending overtime pay).
This is what he thinks are winning policies!?!
Maybe that’s why he’s holding rallies in venues that hold 1500 and are only half full, and half of those leave while he rambles about snakes, sharks, batteries, and Haitians. He can’t pull in 4 figure crowds, Harris is pulling in 5 figure crowds daily.

Maternal mortality rates are up >55% in Texas since their abortion ban was enacted. Good job killing more women on the altar of insanity.

The vp debate will likely be worse for you than the first…Vance cannot speak, nor can he explain his flip flopping positions on everything including being gay/trans himself, tariffs, project 2025, and his campaign partner who he rightly called “America’s Hitler” before selling out to him for power and money.

It’s over.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Sam Elliot For Harris

Andrew Jackson: Most Terrifying Man Ever Elected President

Voyager 1 The INSANE Journey to the Edge of Our Galaxy

Voyager 1 The INSANE Journey to the Edge of Our Galaxy

Copy Shop

The Apprentice (trailer)

newtboy says...

You’ve seen the movie, don’t miss the prequel

Never let the liars whitewash over Jan 6 and the attempt to end democracy in America, and don’t let them lie their way away from project 2025, their new plan to end democracy in America.

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