Robot Sex Partners That Much Closer To Your Nightmares

This is all kinds of weird. For one thing it sounds like that "I'm not an addict" song in parts.

Is this meant to (eventually) be an alternative to synthesizing tones with software?

Also, the nose thingy above the mouth is hilarious. I guess they had to put that up there so it didn't look so much like a talking vag.


>> ^KnivesOut:

Is this meant to (eventually) be an alternative to synthesizing tones with software?
Also, the nose thingy above the mouth is hilarious. I guess they had to put that up there so it didn't look so much like a talking vag.

Well, that and the fact that when you speak a certain portion of expelled air goes through the septum and adds to the waveform.


>> ^TreacleMine:

That's really cool, and I'm sure it's a great technological achievement...but it's also FUCKING HILARIOUS.

I'm going to be making those noises at work all the time now. Every time someone asks me a question: MMMMMM!mmmmm! AAAHHH! EEEUUUHHH! UNNNNHH! MMMMM! AAAAAaaah!

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