Oh Dear God… This Is Our Country

From sea to shining sea… like it or not, this is our country. Happy July 4th!

Granted, we have much better novelists than O.J., but none of them could slash a throat as well. USA #1!!!

>> ^spoco2:
And I'm sorry, but currently... this is kinda how the rest of the world views you.
Hope your next president can turn things around.


Sorry, have to downvote. It was a reflex reaction when they showed mcdonalds with fine dining over it. Want to see american fine dining? Try Alinea or MOTO or The French Laundry, or WD-50, or any of a hundred different places. America actually does have a cuisine. STFU. Fucking big mac. Argh.


America hasn't any more or any less than any other country, they just seem to like broadcasting the worst of it all the damn time.

It's like picking pimples. You KNOW you shouldn't, but...


>> ^djsunkid:
Sorry, have to downvote. It was a reflex reaction when they showed mcdonalds with fine dining over it. Want to see american fine dining? Try Alinea or MOTO or The French Laundry, or WD-50, or any of a hundred different places. America actually does have a cuisine. STFU. Fucking big mac. Argh.

I just watched the Alinea video, and while I'm sure the food is delicious, I HATE that form of cuisine...
"Here is your main meal sir"
"There sir, on the plate"
"I can see a flower petal on a stick"
"Yes sir, that is your meal, a dandelion petal infused with Yak butter broth, perched delicately atop a reduction of baby seal flipper, drizzled with aioli and ground camel hoof."
"Well, that sounds great, but I think I'll eat that in, erm, one, maybe two mouthfuls"
"Ahh, but of course, you just need to order another 18 courses sir"
"This one cost me $45 on its own!"
"Is sir a cheapskate?"
"No, but I do need to pay the bills"
"I scoff at you sir... scoff"

Really, a complete wank... I enjoy good food, I enjoy food with great presentation, but I can NEVER come at food where the portion sizes are so insanely small that even after a 3 or 4 course meal you're left empty. I don't suggest just going to a steakhouse and getting the largest damn slab o' meat you can, but come on, I go out to EAT not to sample.


>> ^quantumushroom:
And I'm sorry, but currently... this is kinda how the rest of the world views you.
Then return all the foreign aid so we can spend it on border fences...to keep us "in" of course.

Gee you're a swell guy QM... swell.

Perhaps you might want to look at just how 'great' the US is at giving aid?

Hmmm, well, let's look at these figures, hmm, per capita pretty darn crap... 19th... and that's using figures from 1997, I would bet my left butt cheek it's gotten worse in recent years thanks to Bush.

And what about if we read here Hmmm, it would seem that even with its already poor performance at giving aid, "it “ties” a large share of this aid to the purchase of U.S. goods and services."... ahhh, beautiful, 'tit for tat' if you will, lovely.

Now, good old Australia (my country) rates pretty darn poorly too, depending on the figures either just above or just below the US... and we've had a pretty bad environmental track record along with the horrendous US of A... but while this: "Along with Australia, it is one of only two CDI countries that have not signed the Kyoto Protocol." was true up until this year, our new prime minister ratified Kyoto pretty much as soon as he took power.

Hopefully we're on our way up.

I really hope your next president, who'd better be Obama and not... shudder, McCain, will be able to lift up your country, because the people that you QM, love so much are pulling the country, and the world, down, down down.


And I'm with Spoco on everything he just said.

I like how one of those chefs in sunkid's videos said "we're not pretentious."

Um, if you charge me $45 for a serving of something that's smaller than half my hand, then yes, you're pretentious.


The study of food relates to the human sciences (ethnology,ethnography, sociology, medicine, history), to environmental analysis (geography, climatology, botany, agronomics), and to the economy, where nutritional requirements are both an initial and a final stage (as in the markets for sugar and potatoes).
-History of Food


Gee you're a swell guy QM... swell.

Aww shucks. You mean, you're surprised when people get mad at cheap shots taken at their country? Am I supposed to think that since you're an Aussie you ride around on twin crocodiles like skis in the water and in a kangaroo pouch on land? Chugging Foster's in between throws of the boomerang? Laughing it up with Yahoo Serious?

Perhaps you might want to look at just how 'great' the US is at giving aid?

What a delightful socialist website!--according to which "Low gas taxes ($0.11 per liter; rank: 21)" is a "weakness."

While you're at it, why don't you blame Bush for stubbing your toe and burning your toast.

Now, good old Australia (my country) rates pretty darn poorly too, depending on the figures either just above or just below the US... and we've had a pretty bad environmental track record along with the horrendous US of A... but while this: "Along with Australia, it is one of only two CDI countries that have not signed the Kyoto Protocol." was true up until this year, our new prime minister ratified Kyoto pretty much as soon as he took power.

Hopefully we're on our way up.

Kyoto? Why would you celebrate another blow to your economy over a fictional weather crisis? I can see how you might be concerned about rising seas, living Down Under, but waters rising less than one foot in one hundred years should be manageable even by descendants of criminals.

I really hope your next president, who'd better be Obama and not... shudder, McCain, will be able to lift up your country, because the people that you QM, love so much are pulling the country, and the world, down, down down.

Unlike say, the UN, that wonderful band of Turd-World despots whose 12 years of resolutions against Saddam did nothing, or the Red Chinese harvesting the organs of their prisoners, or the new Euro-Muslim Union? All crap. I didn't weep over the fall of the soviet union, so the collapse of all the aforementioned wouldn't bother me either.

Any time I annoy a socialist, it's a good day. And I'm not even trying! All one has to do to upset left-wingers is declare love of America and/or believe in God.


>> ^Payback:
America hasn't any more or any less than any other country, they just seem to like broadcasting the worst of it all the damn time.
It's like picking pimples. You KNOW you shouldn't, but...

I have to agree with you. I enjoy self depreciating humor, and while I can laugh at this, i have to say that the whole "America is crap" thing is getting stale. Every country has its fair share of stupid things... I mean, common... the mullet is universal!


>> ^quantumushroom:
Gee you're a swell guy QM... swell.
Aww shucks. You mean, you're surprised when people get mad at cheap shots taken at their country? Am I supposed to think that since you're an Aussie you ride around on twin crocodiles like skis in the water and in a kangaroo pouch on land? Chugging Foster's in between throws of the boomerang? Laughing it up with Yahoo Serious?

QM, Im confused, is that supposed to be a cheap shot at Australia? Cause, it sounds a little AWESOME, to me! Seriously, I would LOVE to visit THAT Australia!


It's trendy right now to "dislike" America and Religion. At one time maybe it was independent thought, but now it's just trendy. Most people can't even come up with good reasons "I just have problems with religion. I just have problems with the way the US handles things."
QM why do you even feel the need to defend anything? The only time that people need to defend the US is when the people who complain actually do something. But right now, it's like someone who refuses to get a new job because they are having too much fun bitching and moaning about their current one.
And find me someone who's never accidentally tried a door that didn't work or was locked because that man is a god.
Oh, and OJ Simpson is black, no one would ever consider him a novelist... duh.
He's our athlete, cause americans have the most unreasonably violent athletes and sports fans in the world, oh wait... damn I can't even type it with a straight face.


>> ^iloseatlife:
It's trendy right now to "dislike" America and Religion. At one time maybe it was independent thought,

Oh, really, we're just doing it to be trendy?

Ok, here are some reasons:

USA: I think what most of us can agree on is that we don't dislike the USA as such, just what the current government is doing, and the voting majority who brought the same moron back into power a second time. With some of the populous actually getting behind bullcrap like 'Freedom Fries' when the French refused to join in on the lie of a war that was/is Iraq. With the ridiculous 'you're either with us or you're against us' attitude towards your own populous by many... Your insane love of humoungous gas guzzling SUVs that has leached over to other countries (sadly Austrlaia is afflicted with this too), the general impression that you lot seem to think that the USA is the be all and end all of what a country should be. That is spends such an ungodly amount of money on war when just a fraction of that being spent on your failing education system would create a new generation of elightened kids who could help steer the US of A back on course.

These things and more are what annoys a lot of us about the US, and the fact that it is the largest, and the strongest country in the world and does these things affects ALL of us.

Religion: Oh this so isn't badnwagon jumping on the anti religion crowd, this is those of us who don't believe in religion getting to a point of deciding enough is enough and having to speak up. When religion starts forcing its way into politics, when schools start having their SCIENCE classes changed to teach 'INTELLIGENT DESIGN'... COME ON, how can we not get angry, you are creating children who think it's ok to believe in something jut because a book colaboratively written by a bunch of guys a long time ago and then altered inumerable times thereafter says so.

We have more than enough reason to be really shitty at religion and the US at present.


I know a number of people in the states personally, and they're great people who also hate the direction the country is headed, I know there are millions more of the same mindset. If you can just get the country to start going in the right direction there is still hope and the US can become a beacon once again, rather than a demonstration of how NOT to do things.

And religion... in the right context can be great, when you don't try and force said beliefs on others, don't try to teach 'gospel' in our classrooms as scientific fact, don't persecute people because they don't believe in what you do... then it's fine. Live by those 10 commandments (actually live by them, especially 'do unto others') and we'd all be happier I think.

Don't try and belittle people who have valid concerns by trying to suggest we're just 'bandwagon' jumpers, that's just small minded and cheap.

Of course, we know this video is all about the cheap shots... doesn't mean we don't find it funny... Find me a similar one on Australia, and I'll upvote that too... we have a sense of humour about our country, we don't get all antsy at the smallest whiff on 'non patriotic' behavior.

edit: Actually, The Simpsons take on Australia I remember I got a bit shitty about this way back when, took it to heart a bit. But these days I find it piss funny. You have to know with these things that people don't think they're REAL, they know it's all a JOKE... Lighten up.



I agree with a lot of what you said, but I would just like to add a few things. I think it is hard for USAmericans to accept criticism for several reasons. We can all see and sense that something is wrong. We want things to change, but change is slow. Our economy is plummeting and our president is a joke and we do what we can, but democracy has started to fail us. Or we have failed democracy. It seems to me that the middle class is either apathetic or powerless. Those of us who oppose socialism are watching as our country slowly withdraws from the ideals that made us what we are (or what we used to be). Since, as you said, we have a huge influence on the world at large, the critical eye of other nations is upon us. Try to put yourself in our place. Take me, for instance. I'm a college student studying english and education. I'm worried by the state of education and by the moral decline of the world, and I'm getting into the field where I can help make a difference in education. I'm somewhat disillusioned with my own country. That is a hard thing to face. Do you know what that feels like? It's painful. It's hard for me to hear people from other countries mock me, as if they know anything about what it means to be USAmerican right now. And I'm doing what I can, which is why I get frustrated and discouraged by USAmericans who think that bashing the USA is the new form of revolution instead of what it is: hot air.

Yes, I know we have a pretty high standard of living here and have no real reason to complain. We can get a bit ethnocentric. But I think the intelligent, educated, and/or thoughtful among us realize that the USA is not the center of the universe. We are stereotyped by other nations as prideful and egocentric and perhaps we are a bit, but it's still a stereotype, and it's small of you to ascribe to it. I've known Europeans (and Australians) from several countries who have been far more puffed-up than most USAmericans currently are. And everybody seems fond of bashing us, as if they couldn't hear themselves sounding like the very people they are complaining about. So please try to understand that the USA isn't the devil and that we're not all content to watch the decline happen, make fun of ourselves, and take the criticism of people who don't really know us. When USAmericans get a little bit defensive and angry, it's probably because a lot of us are feeling vulnerable right now.

P.S. Money is not the problem with education. We pump more money into education per student than almost any other nation. The money is mismanaged and education is failing because we insist on relying on tradition instead of adjusting to a globalized economy and a technologically advancing world. And I despise SUVs. And many of us didn't vote for Bush, and many of those who did regret that decision. Your language is a bit accusatory, as if they knew what was going to happen when they elected him. Like Australia hasn't ever had bad leaders. What are we supposed to do? Suggestions welcome.


the reason some of us Americans get annoyed with the constant "yah yah America suxorz" is because hey, wow, a lot of Americans feel similarly! That's right, WE aren't thrilled with the way things are going either and to hear outsiders bitch at us left and right gets a bit too much to bear. WE have to live here, deal with the problems and try to fix them, all ya'll have to do is sit there and be smug. And its not as simply as "amerikkans sux"

Change the record already.


I'm quite amused by why people use 'Socialist' as such a bad word?

Let's see, you have state run Police, and state run Fire services, and they seem pretty good, would you like them to be privately run? No, because then you'd run into the rich getting better service.

So why are you SO, SO against a proper state run health system and social welfare? I just don't get it...


Self promoting this video back to the front page; last published Monday, June 30th, 2008 5:48pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter MrFisk.

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