Go ! Bwaaah ! (3 seconds)

Dog obeys little girl

I don't find this funny at all. It sounded like she hit her head on the pavement.

I don't know about you, but little children getting hurt is not really my thing. I would downvote if I could.


I don't care whether you are a sadistic bastard blankfist or that you have moderator priveledges or the silver tongued award given to you on a consistent basis. Your comments are atrocious. Someday you will remember this comment when your child (planned or not) smashes their perfect little face on the pavement and requires reconstructive surgery and a couple years of dental work for the replacement of cracked teeth inside her mouth. And when it does happen and you think to yourself that you had heard the sound of another child's head hitting the ground before, remember your commentary. I hope you remember this rant. For those who up-voted this video, you should be ashamed and disgusted with the apathy that has taken hold in your hearts and minds. I have to say this really makes me question the ethics of video sift letting this get on the board, as it is cruel and not representative of anyone with a moral compass.


>> ^albrite30:

I don't care whether you are a sadistic bastard blankfist or that you have moderator priveledges or the silver tongued award given to you on a consistent basis. Your comments are atrocious. Someday you will remember this comment when your child (planned or not) smashes their perfect little face on the pavement and requires reconstructive surgery and a couple years of dental work for the replacement of cracked teeth inside her mouth. And when it does happen and you think to yourself that you had heard the sound of another child's head hitting the ground before, remember your commentary. I hope you remember this rant. For those who up-voted this video, you should be ashamed and disgusted with the apathy that has taken hold in your hearts and minds. I have to say this really makes me question the ethics of video sift letting this get on the board, as it is cruel and not representative of anyone with a moral compass.

People getting hurt has always been hilarious.
Whats your problem?


Here's how I look at it, I'd laugh if it happened to any one of my younger siblings (it's cool the opposite is true). She wasn't run over by a tractor and she'll certainly live, just chill out...

>> ^albrite30:

I don't care whether you are a sadistic bastard blankfist or that you have moderator priveledges or the silver tongued award given to you on a consistent basis. Your comments are atrocious. Someday you will remember this comment when your child (planned or not) smashes their perfect little face on the pavement and requires reconstructive surgery and a couple years of dental work for the replacement of cracked teeth inside her mouth. And when it does happen and you think to yourself that you had heard the sound of another child's head hitting the ground before, remember your commentary. I hope you remember this rant. For those who up-voted this video, you should be ashamed and disgusted with the apathy that has taken hold in your hearts and minds. I have to say this really makes me question the ethics of video sift letting this get on the board, as it is cruel and not representative of anyone with a moral compass.


It's one thing to laugh if, a skateboarder messes up a trick and lands with his crotch on a railing, but can walk it off.

It's a very different one if the skateboarder lands face first and is bleeding all over the place, or lands poorly and breaks his arm rather obviously (his arm getting all bent out of shape).

The difference is, people who laugh at the second situation, are sadistic. There's no other way around it. Not to mention if the person getting hurt happens to be a child. Then you're sadistic and cruel.

I would have laughed at this video, if the child landed on a softer surface, like grass maybe, and didn't land head first.


Yes, the kid fill and hit her head. I'm going to go out on a limb and say she's just fine and it wasn't that big of a deal. You know why? Because her parents posted a video of it on the internet. I seriously doubt that her parents would've been like "Ooh! We should upload that video of when Katie had to have her face reconstructed. That was high-larious!" Or, at least, if that is the case, then you've got more to worry about than those of who laughed at this kid going "Bwaah!"


After watching the video numerous times, she gets her hands out in front of her. The sound isn't her head/face hitting the concrete. I doubt she is hurt.

Although, (@digitalbombdog) you obviously haven't been on teh Internets very long if you think "Ooh! We should upload that video of when Katie had to have her face reconstructed. That was high-larious!" isn't exactly what half the parents on youtube say just before hitting UPLOAD.


>> ^albrite30:

I don't care whether you are a sadistic bastard blankfist or that you have moderator priveledges or the silver tongued award given to you on a consistent basis. Your comments are atrocious. Someday you will remember this comment when your child (planned or not) smashes their perfect little face on the pavement and requires reconstructive surgery and a couple years of dental work for the replacement of cracked teeth inside her mouth. And when it does happen and you think to yourself that you had heard the sound of another child's head hitting the ground before, remember your commentary. I hope you remember this rant. For those who up-voted this video, you should be ashamed and disgusted with the apathy that has taken hold in your hearts and minds. I have to say this really makes me question the ethics of video sift letting this get on the board, as it is cruel and not representative of anyone with a moral compass.

Holy fuck. You suck.


Kids fuck up all the time and the human body is not that fragile, no not even on a kid. If you mean to tell me, you have not seen COUNTLESS kids fucking face plant hard and get up fine (well, far less dramatic than your face surgery anyway, there's going to be a bruise), then your own experience with kids must be very limited and you're talking out that thing people have on the internet, their ass.

Thanks for the ethics lesson though, you can continue riding that morality horse all the way back to HighHorse Ranch.

>> ^albrite30:

I don't care whether you are a sadistic bastard blankfist or that you have moderator priveledges or the silver tongued award given to you on a consistent basis. Your comments are atrocious. Someday you will remember this comment when your child (planned or not) smashes their perfect little face on the pavement and requires reconstructive surgery and a couple years of dental work for the replacement of cracked teeth inside her mouth. And when it does happen and you think to yourself that you had heard the sound of another child's head hitting the ground before, remember your commentary. I hope you remember this rant. For those who up-voted this video, you should be ashamed and disgusted with the apathy that has taken hold in your hearts and minds. I have to say this really makes me question the ethics of video sift letting this get on the board, as it is cruel and not representative of anyone with a moral compass.


Go away.
>> ^albrite30:

I don't care whether you are a sadistic bastard blankfist or that you have moderator priveledges or the silver tongued award given to you on a consistent basis. Your comments are atrocious. Someday you will remember this comment when your child (planned or not) smashes their perfect little face on the pavement and requires reconstructive surgery and a couple years of dental work for the replacement of cracked teeth inside her mouth. And when it does happen and you think to yourself that you had heard the sound of another child's head hitting the ground before, remember your commentary. I hope you remember this rant. For those who up-voted this video, you should be ashamed and disgusted with the apathy that has taken hold in your hearts and minds. I have to say this really makes me question the ethics of video sift letting this get on the board, as it is cruel and not representative of anyone with a moral compass.


This video is from a while ago. I'll have you all know that after the reconstructive surgery, she had a long and successful life, growing up to be Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr Ban Ki-Moon.

Think about that.


I gotta agree with EMPIRE on this. Just think about what it would feel like to have your head hit the ground like that. Not so funny when you think about it.

Ugh, the sound reminds me of hitting a pumpkin and hearing that hollow sound.

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