Well, at least he wasn't behind this: http://www.videosift.com/video/Bugatti-Veyron-Crash

I read it wrong. I was expecting antlers as I thought I was going to see a moose.

Perhaps he should do that for tomorrow night. A Buggati moose for another $1.5 million!


I also don't believe they bought the Veyron... BUT even a rental of such a car has to be pretty expensive, AND the Rolling Stones music was in fact used, and that can't be cheap AT ALL


Yeah I don't see how they'd be able to actually buy the car, but the music would definitely cost, and the fact that they cut the segment for the Internet broadcast says something.


>> ^direpickle:
You think the Veyron is ugly? o.o
Are you British?

Umm... Top Gear (a world renowned British car television programme) declared the Veyron the car of the decade and it's generally very well received in Britain, so I'm not sure what you're trying to imply there.


>> ^arghness:
>> ^direpickle:
You think the Veyron is ugly? o.o
Are you British?

Umm... Top Gear (a world renowned British car television programme) declared the Veyron the car of the decade and it's generally very well received in Britain, so I'm not sure what you're trying to imply there.

I was just kind of being an ass, but Top Gear is actually exactly what I was talking about. I mean, yes, they loved the Veyron, but in general they have appalling taste in the looks of cars. They're real fans of cars that look like boxes.


Well that was fun until he put a price on it and forced you to realize that NBC spent almost as much on this as the Israeli government has spent on emergency aid to Haiti. They couldn't have done an unfunny skit about a huge donation they were making to ActionAid instead?


The fact that this segment was completely taken out (cut immediately after the hamster bit) on Hulu and all other internet rebroadcast makes me feel that this was pretty genuine and real.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'conan obrien, nbc, cars, luxury, stickin it to the man' to 'conan obrien, nbc, cars, luxury, stickin it to the man, rolling stones, satisfaction' - edited by kronosposeidon

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