Bill O’Reilly interrupts President Obama 48 times

Bill O’Reilly interrupts President Obama 48 times during this past Sunday’s pre-Super Bowl interview.

It should also be noted that each time he brought up a subject he ended the conversation on that subject by saying what "is right"(what he thinks) and then quickly moving on to the next question. This guy doesn't interview, he dictates.


Bill is a a completed arse wipe , but fact is obama and just about every political person spews shit in interviews.

In many ways this interview is one of the better ones , its soiled by Bils obvouse agenda but if interviewers that didn't have an agenda litraly stopped polaticions on each piont and didn't let them get away with smarmy bullshit and question dodging polatics would be allot better for it.

Interviews and speeches made by political figures are pretty much redundant nowadays. the only way you can evaluate a polition is by looking at there track record or when they sign or oppose bills.


I'm somewhat amazed Bill kept it down to 48 times. Must have caused him physical pain to keep himself so far in check. Good for you Bill! Keep trying! Next time it'll be 32!


This is very different from those impartial State-Run media interviews, which begin: O Noble Messiah, do you ever feel annoyed at those evil Republicans for daring to oppose your obviously beneficial legislation?


To be fair, I sort of like the combative style of many British journalists; it's often less of an interview and more of a cross-examination. If Bill 'O did this well and used interruption to challenge and keep the guest on point, I'd be cool with it. But usually he's just trying to launch into his own exposition, as if he were the one being interviewed.


This appears to just be a conversation between two equal individuals about current events, and of course therein lies the problem.

Bill O'Reilly is incredibly self absorbed and has no respect for Obama but he should at least have respect for the office that Obama holds and as such should maintain some sense of propriety when speaking with him. Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting that he should show reverence, I am just saying that civility and courtesy would add legitimacy to this so called interview.

Bill doesn't care about the answers to the questions as to him the question is more a method through which he can express his own opinion on the matter. So why should he wait for an answer? He must truly think that people are more interested in his opinion than they are the President's.

As for the general value of this "conversation" that we have been made privy to...
Well, this dynamic has been around for a long long time.

"The 'interview,' as at present managed, is generally the joint product of some humbug of a hack politician and another humbug of a newspaper reporter." ["The Nation," Jan. 28, 1869]

Humbug - a person who is not what he or she claims or pretends to be; impostor.


>> ^quantumushroom:

This is very different from those impartial State-Run media interviews, which begin: O Noble Messiah, do you ever feel annoyed at those evil Republicans for daring to oppose your obviously beneficial legislation?

Mind posting a link to one of those? I can't recall an interview where he was called the noble messiah, but then again I'm not privy to your delusions... = )


Obama is a great orator, but man, the guy just won't stick up for himself in an interview. He doesn't even let on that he notices O'Reilley is being rude to him. He comes off like that kid in the schoolyard who likes it when the cool kids beat him because he thinks it means they're going to be his friends.

Does he have no handlers? Did nobody prep him on how to speak with such a skilled aggressive windbag hater like O'Reilley?


Funny how Obama went from the political candidate who wouldn't speak with FOX News to the president who suffers 48 interruptions from one of their top men.

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