Avengers Assemble

Latest trailer. Looks even better than the previous one.

This story is way too big for it to be a single good movie.
This is gotta be at least a trilogy.
I think they will spend too much time on the "assemble" part and then rush through the rest of the story.


>> ^Ryjkyj:

I love the low "honking" sound that must now accompany any large, moving object in any Hollywood movie.

I kinda like how it turns into a dubstep riff in the Battleship trailer. Funny how "the honk" and "dubstep", things I normally hate in movie trailers, combine make something I actually like. Not that I'm actually going to see that terrible looking movie.


I don't care who plays Bruce Banner anymore, just please stick with Mark Ruffalo from now on, preferably with a 10 year contract? He seems like an OK non-diva dependable choice for the role. Otherwise, can you imagine the next Bruce being played by Zach Ephron or the twilight werewolf guy? That would be the end of the Hulk for me.

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