lesbians subjected to corrective rape


What flawed logic.
If you rape a woman she will want to be straight? Or even better yet rape her to show her that she needs to be straight or suffer the consequences.

I fail to see what is so wrong with homosexuality.

This deeply saddens me.


If you disagree with this you are a racist:

Most of the following; your neighbours, your best friend, your parents, your lovers and you are exactly the same as the men in this video.


If you disagree with this you are a racist:

Most of the following; your neighbours, your best friend, your parents, your lovers and you are exactly the same as the men in this video.

Wrong. There are many, many reasons that they are the way they are that have nothing to do with biology.


>> ^gorillaman:
If you disagree with this you are a racist:
Most of the following; your neighbours, your best friend, your parents, your lovers and you are exactly the same as the men in this video.

gorillaman, I think I get your sentiment, that people all over the world are capable of horrible things. That much is true, if you look at the history of any area of the world, there are examples of acts of incredible cruelty that at the time went unpunished or even tolerated.

You are however way the fuck off in the details of what you're saying.
All of my friends and family (at least the ones I know) would be utterly disgusted by the thought of torturing another human being like that, much less an innocent stranger. Their empathy is such that it would hurt them almost as much as the victim. I bet the same can be said for you and your family as well. And I'm certain the same can be said for most individuals in the world.

But wherever you go in the world, there are a certain minority of people, who, for whatever reason, lack empathy, or can switch it off like a light. Personally I think it's just a matter of natural variation that a few people simply don't have it, and for others some have been so psychologically traumatized that their natural compassion has been broken down.

To put it simply, there are cruel people in the world, and they are evenly distributed. Therefor, our only hope of having a just society is to consistently defend the vulnerable against the aggression of the cruel. Something easier said then done, since the cruel will not hesitate to turn their attention on you.


>> ^gorillaman:
If you disagree with this you are a racist:
Most of the following; your neighbours, your best friend, your parents, your lovers and you are exactly the same as the men in this video.

It's a misconception to think that there are evil people and there are good people. There are people who do evil things and people who do good things. I firmly believe that at their core, most people want to do good. Some of them need help to differentiate good/bad though; and education, and philosophy, will be their salvation.

Misinformation, indifference, and ignorance lead to situations like this. They are the antithesis of tolerance, understanding, and reason.


im not trying to condone the subject of this video at all...

but as an aside, do you think that male-on-male rape in our own western prisons is a form of 'corrective' punishment, or at least a very real threat in imposing proper comportment and coercing us to bide by current legislation?

as an example... in my college days i got in a bit of trouble with cocaine - not in the buying/selling/etc part, but in simply becoming addicted to it and having my family find out...

my mom was a well-known lawyer in a long-time relationship with a powerful district judge, and the district attorney was my grandfather's former law partner -- so together they held a drug intervention for me...

aside from the shame i felt, nothing made as strong an impression on me at that meeting as having all three: mom, judge and da... tell me how if i didn't quit and enter rehab, that they would catch me, throw the book at me, and have me locked up in the local prison - they went on to detail how a cute, slim white boy like myself would be anally and orally sodomized while being a ward of the state's penal system

now, i realize that my circumstance was rather unique... but do you think that the same sort of threats, even tauntings, are being used casually by our own police forces, states' attorneys, judges, and correctional officers with the 'strangers' they deal with in the course of their work?

if you can imagine that the above is possible and even probable, then haven't 'we' consentually institutionalized such barbarity as a likely punishment for those who may have fallen afoul of some state or federal statute?

i dunno... maybe im off-base -- but as ive grown older, and not gotten in any other trouble, i still look back on that situation and wonder if such threats were: A. hyperbolic or fallacious (i neither consort with law enforcement nor frequent criminal court cases, but i have seen/heard these sorts of threats made in the media), B. worthy of the trust i had in those individuals (and that we all should have in our government), and C. inappropriate in that applying illegal punishment for illegal behavior doesn't exactly send the right message



>> ^longde:
Horrific act; but let's not demonize a whole country based on the acts of a very few.

You don't get it.

South Africa is composed of many tribes all of who were killing each other brutally before the white man arrived. Even during appartheid, the tribe vs tribe violence was still brutal and ongoing, that is how severe the hatred is. The concept of appartheid is horrible, certainly, and it's yet another black mark on humanity that it even happened. But brutallity is a way of life in South Africa regardless of the white mans involvement and since power was handed back, the people have certainly suffered for it. The safe areas during appartheid are no longer safe, the unsafe areas are constant war zones.

We aren't talking about a population brought low by the white man like the American Indian or the Australian Aboriginie, we are talking organised tribes who indulged in wanton brutallity for centuries. Where do you think most of the black slaves came from? Prisoners of war taken by other African tribes. Often raids were lead specifically to get slaves.

So yes, while this is brutal and horrific and I in no way condone this mistreatment of women, this is a part of the culture as much as eating and breathing. You can try to break the cycle but you (and the many thousands of others) would be fighting against millenia of momentum.

For more info have a read of: http://oneafricanow.com/

Truly sad stuff. The worst part is short of escaping to another country, there really is no way to stop it in the short term.


Asmo, I reject your racist characterization of black South Africans. You sound just like the fools on the video talking about lesbians.

The problem I have with this video is the same I have with any that goes out and cherry picks responses. Four or five guys living in the most ignorant and destitute parts of South Africa are supposed to represent all the men.

Give me a break.

I have to say that I could go out to a pristine suburb of America, wait around after church services, and find 5 well-dressed white men who would tender the same sentiments about lesbians.

Has rape been eradicated in the West? If so, I must not have gotten the news. There is even a prevalent rape problem with the US military and contractors in Iraq; in fact, it is not rare to hear cases of our some of our male troops raping their female counterparts. Does this condemn the whole army or all male troops? Of course not. Does the high incidence of date rape condemn all american male college students. Again, of course not.

I condemn what happened to these women; I am wary of replacing one hate for another.


Diogenes, that occurred to me as well. Male rape is prevalent in the US prison system, yet nothing is done about that. One may say that the people in prison deserve it for committing crimes and immoral acts; well, that is what the men in this video are saying about lesbians. Why is one more acceptable than the other?


>> ^entr0py

But wherever you go in the world, there are a certain minority of people, who, for whatever reason, lack empathy, or can switch it off like a light.

"I just went, my mind just went, I didn't and I wasn't the only one that did it, a lot of other people did it. I just killed, once I started the training, the whole programming part of killing, it just came out... I just lost all sense of direction, of purpose. I just started killing in any kind of way I could kill. It just came, I didn't know I had it in me, but like I say after I killed the child my whole mind just went, it just went."

- Vernardo Simpson on his participation in the My Lai massacre

Not to get bogged down in the details of that particular case, but I think looking back at history you'll find plenty of cases of perfectly sane, empathetic people turning into killers and torturers when the circumstances are right. In fact, in the light of the last century, I'd say it's a minority who will without fail keep to what we under current circumstances deem moral. People are not stable, they change according to the circumstances they are in.


as a south african, this is a horrible to admit but this is _NOT_ a misrepresentation of african culture. sure it may not be an universal opinion but considering our high rape rate here (1 in 4 women can expect to be raped) I actually find it quite insulting that you guys are comparing this to 'prison rape' or say this claim is racist.

let me fill you in, you have several 'traditional' cultures for whom it's a 'right' to sleep with a women. they are 'supposed' to be raped if they refuse, irrespective of their being lesbian or not. t

his isn't a south african thing tho. it's a 'african' traditionalist culture thing. not a result of 'white' vs 'black' this is just how it's been and what is done , since the time of shaka zulu. (read up on traditional zulu culture , you'll wanna throw up at points and at other's you'll be dreaming of the the nobal savage)

there is a culture "war" that is going on at the moment here.. 'modern' 'westernised' african culture vs. 'traditionalist' culture.

traditionalism is winning just look at who president zuma is , what is attiude is to aids and women. hell, he literally said in court in _HIS_ rape "case" that 'when a women is wares a skirt' she's asking for it. she has no right to deny a man.
and this man is an apartheit war hero , viva le revolution..

i bet i can do someting very few of you can do .. name 6 women in my imidiate every day enviroment that have been raped/gang raped for the sake of raping , no 'justice' no legal recourse ... nothing .. because the cops are way too closely tied to the communities and because they are just as tradtitionalist as the government pretends not to be. no evidence, it goes missing, no treatment because the community clinics think you 'deserved' it. hell, you ever wonder why aids is so high here???

the 2010 viva world cup is going to be truely interesting , i wonder how many of your women are going to be raped and what excuses will be used to explain it away. (american / eurpeans)


hi, sorry about the tone of the previous comment , it just get's very very frustrating living in a place like this and being confronted with this thing while the majority of people keep quiet because you're not allowed to say anything about traditionalist culture ... seriously , we're heading into the stone age here and the majority accepts and almost worships it. ... -frustrated in south africa.


Ah....."modern, westernised, african culture". That burst of fresh air that produced black people disappearing during apartheid, people tortured in tanks of sulphuric acid. School children being massacred, Steve Biko, Sharperville--really wanton killing. I am also reading a book about the great job the british colonial judicial system did in Kenya called, "History of the Hanged". Among the British civilizing accomplishments there was forcing thousands of Kikuyus into concentration camps. Thousand were massacred in Nyadzonia in Mozambique, Chimoio, Zambia, innocent refugees including women and children.

Yeah, western values practiced in Africa can be called anything but brutal and inhumane. Not to mention rape. The right of a white man to rape a non-white was as sacrosanct as you say it is in "traditionalist" cultures. A good portion of the mixed population is testament to this indulgence.

It seems to me that if we want to reduce crime as well as the violent and inhumane attitudes in South Africa, western culture is the last place Africans should look.

The west institutionalized brutality against black people and de facto made rape against black women a right. Shaka didn't have anything on the British and the Dutch.


I saw the title of this video and was thinking this was another excellent Onion video, so I load it up and sit down to enjoy.

Needless to say I was pretty... well, speechless when I realised it was real.

How can that guy possibly say "I have no time to rape them" whilst being completely serious? I just... wow... words fail me right now.



longde , i agree.

we're not talking Nobel savage here. traditionalism means killing people in horrific manners and really generally acting absolutely horrific to people who aren't your kind.
the thing is , apartheit here had an interest in keeping people ignorant so a lot of "tribalism" made it very very far into the "modern" age. the daily "extreams" we go through are far bigger than in other places. superstitions and old ways of thinking in terms of how to enforce your position in society are taking over. traditionalism means things like , killings because or driven by superstitions or enforcing your dominance over other by _rape_ whether male or female...
your rights as a man! your duty as a man! you want to be a man don't you? remember how it felt when this happens to you or people you know? how perfectly acceptable. for me? i have no time to rape them. as if he knew he should have.

think about it.. by any standard westernised or not that is wrong. but the power stays with the masses , the ignorant masses .. we were promised freedom but all we got was the right to freedom. we simply didn't expect people didn't want to choose it because of all the responsibilities and needs.

so what we choose is the crazy but safe superstitions of the past.
i give you south africa. bleek but true.

if anyone wants to know more about specifics about examples etc. feel free to ask i'll try find you an article or two.


Oh @longde, it seems you just cannot accept that non-whites are people too, capable of having disgusting, barbaric traditions as well? Not everything in the post-colonial world is colonialism's fault you know; positive discrimination is discrimination nonetheless.

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