With this show, TV has finally reached it's cultural apex...

"The idiots are winning" - Dan Ashcroft (in Nathan Barley)

we have reached the same level of the movie Idiocrasy now...

the government's IQ is below retarded, the national average IQ is now hitting retard levels...

As Bill Hicks said "Go back to sleep America, go watch your 'American Gladiators', go back to sleep'

I wish I had the momey to leave this country, so embarrassed to live in it.


Yea, that's generally the attitude of the people sneaking into the country "I wish I had enough money to make it 100s of miles on a raft or through the desert to freedom." Must be a charmed life where your comfort outweighs your apparent need to leave. Yup...go back to sleep, shang.>> ^shang:

we have reached the same level of the movie Idiocrasy now...
the government's IQ is below retarded, the national average IQ is now hitting retard levels...
As Bill Hicks said "Go back to sleep America, go watch your 'American Gladiators', go back to sleep'
I wish I had the momey to leave this country, so embarrassed to live in it.


Wow, that's... wow.

So, we take freshman initiation bullshit rituals and put them on TV now?

Fuck me, could not get through that, such a horrendous waste of air time.


Apex? I think the word you're looking for is nadir.

In fact, I hope it's nadir, though I suspect we will never reach the nadir as we continue to plumb the depths of human stupidity.


Seriously? Poisonous snakes, spraying skunks, etc.? What was in the next one?

Beauty and the Geek Australia (scared baby ducks, meat, ice, roaches, earthworms, etc.) did this, but not this crazy!

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