We Need A New Too Nice Country, I think Canada Resigned

Women attempt to defend their BMW from Vancouver Rioters

This is hard to watch. On one hand, its just a big piece of metal, and they should really have just collected their belongings and left it to the rioters (and collected their insurance later.) The last place in the world I'd want my teenage daughter to be is attempting to protect her car from a bunch of raving idiots. It's a good way to get gang-raped.

On the other, what a giant bunch of dicks. Seriously, fucking assholes all of them.


I said it in another post for a similar thread. Assholes aren't mutually exclusive to the USA, Canada, or anywhere else... they are among us no matter where you are reading this...

Was a fraction of a percent of the people even on the streets that night let along Vancouver or CANADA...

The stupidity of these morons just shines by virtue of how brazen they are in front of the camera. They are almost all going to get prosecuted in the end. It's still important to remember what a TINY group of people we're talking about here.


I really fucking hope someone recognises each of this pieces of shit. The fact that the owners are there in front of them, fucking shameless - its not "it's a BMW" - the car is not the problem, or any reason to be upset or annoyed - it is the total lack of respect for another's property, and the needless vandalism attached.

As stated earlier, this is not exclusive to Canada or anywhere, it's dicks being dicks. What goes around, comes around. I wonder what they think of this, their actions plastered all over the internet....


Dicks and all that but I hope her family explained ( ie went apeshit) to her about how stupid she was to put her cars safety ahead of her own. One of those gorilla sized half wits lands a punch and she has a life changing recovery ahead of her, or worse, but these things are easy to evaluate when they are on video and not unfolding around you.


Don't worry GDGD, you are not alone. I too was surprised to learn that not every single living Canadian citizen is courteous and good-natured to a fault. How embarrassing.

Thank god we have a community of worldly and generous sifters. How fortunate for us that they so freely share their great wisdom regarding the distant cultures of others and their oft mysterious ways.

I almost thought you were joking when I read the title of the video. You might want to change it lest someone get the impression that you are racist against Canadians.


It's never a good thing to destroy someone elses property.

Having said that I can understand "Mob Mentality" and everyone starts destroying shit and whatever. But when you actually have the people there that own the car saying "Please, this is my car do not destroy it" how can you just do it anyway?


Congratulations Vancouver!!

From now on, every time you lose the Stanley Cup, every aspiring vandal within commuting distance will come, buy a Canucks jersey, wreck your city, and leave. Enjoy!


If you thought I was joking, then I do not need to change a thing.>> ^Ryjkyj:

Don't worry GDGD, you are not alone. I too was surprised to learn that not every single living Canadian citizen is courteous and good-natured to a fault. How embarrassing.
Thank god we have a community of worldly and generous sifters. How fortunate for us that they so freely share their great wisdom regarding the distant cultures of others and their oft mysterious ways.
I almost thought you were joking when I read the title of the video. You might want to change it lest someone get the impression that you are racist against Canadians.


>> ^Zonbie:

I really fucking hope someone recognises each of this pieces of shit. The fact that the owners are there in front of them, fucking shameless - its not "it's a BMW" - the car is not the problem, or any reason to be upset or annoyed - it is the total lack of respect for another's property, and the needless vandalism attached.
As stated earlier, this is not exclusive to Canada or anywhere, it's dicks being dicks. What goes around, comes around. I wonder what they think of this, their actions plastered all over the internet....

This x1000.


Why does video about the 15,000 or so volunteers who went downtown the next day to help clean up get no votes? Most of you people complain about a biased, blood-thirsty media and look what you choose.


>> ^moodonia:

Dicks and all that but I hope her family explained ( ie went apeshit) to her about how stupid she was to put her cars safety ahead of her own. One of those gorilla sized half wits lands a punch and she has a life changing recovery ahead of her, or worse, but these things are easy to evaluate when they are on video and not unfolding around you.

I hope they buy her a handgun.


>> ^direpickle:

>> ^moodonia:
Dicks and all that but I hope her family explained ( ie went apeshit) to her about how stupid she was to put her cars safety ahead of her own. One of those gorilla sized half wits lands a punch and she has a life changing recovery ahead of her, or worse, but these things are easy to evaluate when they are on video and not unfolding around you.

I hope they buy her a handgun.

Yeah, introducing firearms into that situation would've made it so much better....

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