Trump praises Putin's invasion of Ukraine as 'genius'

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday called Vladimir Putin a "genius" after the Russian president made moves to take over parts of Ukraine.

Seriously, fuck Trump. What an asshole.

Is this real?

Fuuck if it is. Lost for words. Brain haemorrhage. Kindergarten level thinking.

Trump watching a bank get robbed: "This is very clever, they have guns, big guns, and theyre going in, very clever, with stockings on their heads, I know stockings very very well, and now they come out with sacks of money, this is genius".

He is like a stupid teenager watching a movie.

Putin is already talking pre-1997 NATO borders shit, must be stopped. People are dying.


my avatar was always correct and now no one can deny it: trump and his bootlickers support attacks on democracies.

if you are a republicant you gotta look yourself in the mirror and see how far youve gone and how anti-america youve become. truly incredible lol!


Of course. Any time Trump goes too far against America and democracy, he’s just kidding, but if there’s no outrage, he means every word.
Notice he NEVER goes too far supporting America or democracy, he never praises America like he does China, Russia, and N Korea.

This is the right now.
They hate America because liberals live here.
They hate us for our freedom.


Follow up: Fox News host rushes to do clean-up for Trump after he gushes over 'genius' Putin.

"While talking with fellow host Jesse Watters, Hegseth dismissed criticism of the former president for gushing about Putin by claiming he was only doing it to get a reaction out of the American media."


pure hate porn.

vichy americans.

back bending, soul-selling, truth denying, exploitative snake-oilers.

but jesse's mom still loves him. doesn't agree w/him and wishes he'd listen more - but still cares for her little boy.

all these types - fox, the blaze, daily wire, & ilk - have put money ahead of country, fellow citizens or personal honor. purveyors of intellectual stupidity. like Amway of the airwaves.

door-to-door whores.

so don't listen to them.


Follow up: Fox News host rushes to do clean-up for Trump after he gushes over 'genius' Putin.

"While talking with fellow host Jesse Watters, Hegseth dismissed criticism of the former president for gushing about Putin by claiming he was only doing it to get a reaction out of the American media."


It should be remembered, at least the big boy, Fox, is owned by a far right anti American Australian…

….theys listnin to furinurs.


pure hate porn.

vichy americans.

back bending, soul-selling, truth denying, exploitative snake-oilers.

but jesse's mom still loves him. doesn't agree w/him and wishes he'd listen more - but still cares for her little boy.

all these types - fox, the blaze, daily wire, & ilk - have put money ahead of country, fellow citizens or personal honor. purveyors of intellectual stupidity. like Amway of the airwaves.

door-to-door whores.

so don't listen to them.

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