Queen Humiliates Obama During Toast

Obama tries to toast the Queen. Everyone, including Queen, waits until music stops. He makes mad face. Pinkies out.

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That's awkward........ Doesn't he have someone on staff whose sole responsibility is protocol like this? Shouldn't he get a briefing/script when he meets with other heads of state?

She did say, "That's very kind." That was very gracious of Her Majesty the Queen.


Also, I love the YT description: "One of the tricks of monarchic protocol is to make it obscure enough to catch guests and make them feel lesser beings. That's the idea of monarchy! Make everybody else feel lesser beings!"


I think it's funny when the White Monarch of a country known for subjugating Africans (and half the world) is still putting black people in their place. Even the most powerful man in the world isn't immune to this old cunt and her cunty aristocratic ways.

Seriously this bullshit needs to stop, sell off those fucking castles and send the queen packing. The British Monarchs are just as bad if not worse than Hitler, but England wrote the history so we gotta respect that shit? Fuck them.


That's awkward........ Doesn't he have someone on staff whose sole responsibility is protocol like this? Shouldn't he get a briefing/script when he meets with other heads of state?

She did say, "That's very kind." That was very gracious of Her Majesty the Queen.


I can't downvote, but if I had to hazard a guess, I'd go with "monarchs just as bad if not worse as Hitler" as the bit of your comment that would be most likely to draw a "challenge" as you put it. You kinda godwin'd the whole thread right out of the gate which is a bit ... trollish.

I suppose one could maybe make a reasonable attempt at justifying that statement with regards to a few specific past monarchs, but even though I couldn't care less about the British monarchy I think it would be rather unfair to hold the current Queen accountable for what some of her predecessors may have done many, many years before she was born.

I'm an American citizen with ancestors originally from Germany, so by those standards I should personally be held to blame for slavery, Little Bighorn and smallpox blankets, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, AND the holocaust.


Yep negative vote. No one is brave enough to challenge me, just downvoting.


Well, get the pitchforks then! What are you waiting for?

Seriously, I'd rather be upset about the british government that does inacceptable things right now than an overpaid old lady who is only there for show. Unnecessary? Sure. Profiting from some very horrible history? Certainly. But which country is without skeletons in their closet? They all have bloodstains on their oh-so-white wests.
The only thing one should be mad about is the denial of those past crimes.


I'm an American citizen with ancestors originally from Germany, so by those standards I should personally be held to blame for slavery, Little Bighorn and smallpox blankets, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, AND the holocaust.


Here's an idea form another "troll" (As I'm often inaptly labeled by most shit-slingers) @ JustSaying & MilkmanDan: Humane sentiments for the inhumane, and a bit overly-forgiving of not only past atrocities and wholesale land-grabs avec/slavery both physical and economic, but their entrenched and continuing perpetration of the same....until we kill the mechanism by losing all the "nicey-nice" and start racking-up body-counts, the spectacle continues.
The empire will not stop until they have destroyed humanity-Annihilate them all, kick their poisonous bloodlines out of the gene pool, and sell all their shit at a discount!

Basically, what we are watching here, are international criminals at a circle-jerk, and common earthlings (we, the victims of their crimes) are expected to dutifully and respectfully stomach the ceremony without a cocktail.....of the Finnish, Molotov persuasion.


Yep. She obeyed proper etiquette in waiting for "God Save The Queen" to conclude before accepting the toast.
Any wonder??-The bitch has had 116 years (actual age, secret Nazi procedure) to sit on her privileged-ass and master the fine art of stick-up-ass manners.

Incidentally, "My Country Tis Of Thee" uses the same tune as GSTQ, was written before America was an entity for a fuck-stick named King George, in case the viewer be confused as to who owns who, who owns you.

Oh and yeah-Believe me: Queen Elizabeth and her whole crew hate black folks nay, the entire African diaspora.


Queen didn't do shit. Obama did that to himself.


WTF was that? Who was the jackass that started playing music in the middle of Obama's toast, and why did no one else stop it? I would have stopped and asked them to shut that racket off...fuckers. If they want to refuse, revamp the toast to "Well then, Fuck the queen, that disrespectful bitch".
The next time their royalty is here making a speech or toast, we need to interrupt it in the middle with our national anthem and just crank it up if they keep talking, with the crowd joining in!


Dude, haven't you learned anything from history?
If you go and kill all the rich, powerful, queens, kings, presidents and top managers, somebody else will just take their place. Everything might be nice and polite in the beginning but in the end there's always one asshole more powerhungry than his peers, there will always be greed and corruption.
You can not escape human nature.
You want to end this, end mankind. Suck it down or kill'em all. I choose not to become the Bond villian.

Although I'd have the laugh for the part.


The empire will not stop until they have destroyed humanity-Annihilate them all, kick their poisonous bloodlines out of the gene pool, and sell all their shit at a discount!


@JustSaying-True, true, but from from time to time cease-and-desist actions in varying degrees of magnitude do provide a modicum of balance and the temporary cessation of extreme bullshit. Now that the cunts have stuff like chemical and biological weapons, earth-rendering ordinance conventional and otherwise, and massive compounds to house detractors uhhhh....Maybe it's time to kill us some sibling-fuckers.

God shave the queen, and display her from the highest point in the square, next to her African buddy there....


In fairness though, the monarchy doesn't have much power. Just like the US, the power is in the Congress/Parliament. The idea being that the stupid people will pay attention to the soap opera that is the president /monarchy while the real powers are relatively unhindered without public scrutiny. Of course in the age of TV and the Internet, this is circumvented somewhat. But still, in general people pay far more attention to the president than Congress even though Congress affects you far more than the president can


I think it's funny when the White Monarch of a country known for subjugating Africans (and half the world) is still putting black people in their place. Even the most powerful man in the world isn't immune to this old cunt and her cunty aristocratic ways.

Seriously this bullshit needs to stop, sell off those fucking castles and send the queen packing. The British Monarchs are just as bad if not worse than Hitler, but England wrote the history so we gotta respect that shit? Fuck them.


The royal family may not have the power it once held, but don't you think any last vestiges of the monarch represents something reprehensible from days gone by? Doesn't the perpetuated existence in itself demonstrate a passing acceptance of them and what they once stood for? It's not like the English don't have to pay for the queen's luxurious lifestyle, either. That makes them somewhat culpable, in my opinion.


In fairness though, the monarchy doesn't have much power. Just like the US, the power is in the Congress/Parliament. The idea being that the stupid people will pay attention to the soap opera that is the president /monarchy while the real powers are relatively unhindered without public scrutiny. Of course in the age of TV and the Internet, this is circumvented somewhat. But still, in general people pay far more attention to the president than Congress even though Congress affects you far more than the president can

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