Mid-Air Collision of RC Plane and RC Helicopter

The most epic crash ever caught on camera at the Santa Clara County Model Aircraft Sky Park in Morgan Hill, California. (dailypicks)

YouTube Description:

This was a collision between a World Models 80" Mitsubishi Zero with a Fuji-Imvac 50 cc gas EI engine & a 450 size electric helicopter on 03/24/2012 at SCCMAS.org

This is why you fly with a spotter. This is also why most fields have different areas for Heli's and Airplanes. Watching it I actually think this is the airplane pilots fault. He's calling low pass, but he knows there is a helicopter on the field. Calling low pass doesn't mean that you automatically get to come roaring down the center line. Especially if there is a helicopter, which doesn't and can not clear the runway like an airplane. The heli has just as much right to the airspace as the airplane. And that whirly bird is closer to $500 and the plane is about $2000 with the gear in it. Most likely most of the gear survived (Too bad he hit pavement), Fuji's are built like bricks.


When you say 25-scale do you mean 1:4 scale because that is what it is. The chopper looks like a Blueray 450, list price over $600 but can be had for under $300.


But....that's his hobby-thingy?!

No way man, that RC Chopper chump needs to fork-out for retired air-force over there-Your $30 off-the-shelf whirlybird in the $1200, 25-scale fighter plane's air space.


I kind of disagree. Those stunt helos can accelerate to a blur and then make a complete dead stop in a fraction of a second. Given the usual "he who is less maneuverable has right of way" rule of thumb for everything not on wheels, I'd say the helo is at fault. Works for sail boats up to oil tankers...



This is why you fly with a spotter. This is also why most fields have different areas for Heli's and Airplanes. Watching it I actually think this is the airplane pilots fault. He's calling low pass, but he knows there is a helicopter on the field. Calling low pass doesn't mean that you automatically get to come roaring down the center line. Especially if there is a helicopter, which doesn't and can not clear the runway like an airplane. The heli has just as much right to the airspace as the airplane. And that whirly bird is closer to $500 and the plane is about $2000 with the gear in it. Most likely most of the gear survived (Too bad he hit pavement), Fuji's are built like bricks.


I'm going to say it's no one's fault.

You can have rules of etiquette and debate minutiae all day but the bottom line is, if you're flying around other people, shit's going to happen despite everyone's best intention.

Here's why the differing values of the aircraft is meaningless also; my $500 may be just as large an investment for me, as your $2000 is for you, relatively speaking. I only bring this up because I personally have learned a valuable lesson concerning hobbies that seems to be relevant to this incdient:

Never invest more than you can comfortably afford to lose.

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