Man Struck Twice By Lightning


I'm with the majority of the LiveLeak comments, looks fake to me. I'm no scientist but wouldn't the flash be much brighter for a lightning strike that close? And wouldn't all that energy and the resulting thunder have at least some noticeable effect on the camera, the car, the leaves, his shoes? He just drops to the ground like one of those startled goats.


Unfortunately I have a hard time believing this as well. Most of these security cams have AGC and with it being that dark at night the lightning flash would have been a complete whiteout for at least a few frames of video. Instead you see a clearly defined bolt (for a single frame no less) and the rest of the frame looks like they just turned up the brightness.

Hell, even if this was broad daylight lightning that close would have overloaded the camera sensor anyways. Sorry. This is a bad attempt at a fake in my book.


Fake. I savetubed it and a snapshot of the single frame with the lightning shows no shadows thrown from the trees, and existing shadows, like in front of the closest van, are unaffected.

I recommend *nochannel *lies *comedy 'cause it's still funny.

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