Man Harassed By Fox News Simply Tells Them The Truth

A man whose co-workers and family have been hounded by Fox News reporters tells the reporter the truth about the network and his job. O'Reilly continues to climb bullshit mountain.

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And that's how it's done people. Don't feed the beast, and it will eat itself. If only other politicians would repeat this behavior.


As I see it, if you truly want unbiased news (in English, from an American perspective), you need to consume everything on Fox News, MSNBC, NPR/PBS, the BBC World Service, and Al Jazeera, and then make up your own mind based on all those sources. You could probably throw in a few more, but since that's all too much anyways, I concede that there is actually no unbiased news available. Of course, Fox and MSNBC are blatantly biased, and at least NPR, the BBC and Al Jazeera try not to be.


Fox is the only station where you're stupider about what's going on in the world if you watch it as opposed to not watching news at all.


People will still call you a liberal or conservative, whatever.
When you get your information like that you will have many different opinions that dont fit one side. People will attack you even more, since youre now in the middle, between the extremists. Even if youre on their side on some things, they will still attack you because you dont go the whole way. On the other hand people from the other side will attack you because you have a trait of their "enemy" on one topic, so you must be a full blown "other sideling".
But people want to be accepted by the society, so they most of the time decide for one side. Thats why the world is getting more black and white and reason is becoming extinct.


As I see it, if you truly want unbiased news (in English, from an American perspective), you need to consume everything on Fox News, MSNBC, NPR/PBS, the BBC World Service, and Al Jazeera, and then make up your own mind based on all those sources. You could probably throw in a few more, but since that's all too much anyways, I concede that there is actually no unbiased news available. Of course, Fox and MSNBC are blatantly biased, and at least NPR, the BBC and Al Jazeera try not to be.


There, I fixed it.


Fox (and every other news station) will make you stupider about what's going on in the world if you watch it as opposed to not watching news at all.



That's a pretty black and white, unreasonable description of the world.


But people want to be accepted by the society, so they most of the time decide for one side. Thats why the world is getting more black and white and reason is becoming extinct.


Where black and white is used so much, black and white rules.
I dont like it either, I wish it was different. But saying I am a hypocrite because I describe black and white with... black and white and calling it unreasonable (do you even have a bit of an analytical mind? Did you ever have history in school?), is audacious, to put it friendly.
Nice try, though.



That's a pretty black and white, unreasonable description of the world.


If you want unbiased news, you could assess several different news sources (nobody can assess them all) for their reliability and dedication to telling true stories. After that, only go to the sources that proved themselves before, and continue assessing them for reliability. Clearly Fox News is all about misinformation from blowhards who value appearing correct above being correct. Right there, O'Reilly ended with an ad hominem. So no, Fox News could never, ever be in the mix if someone wanted an unbiased source of news.


As I see it, if you truly want unbiased news (in English, from an American perspective), you need to consume everything on Fox News, MSNBC, NPR/PBS, the BBC World Service, and Al Jazeera, and then make up your own mind based on all those sources. You could probably throw in a few more, but since that's all too much anyways, I concede that there is actually no unbiased news available. Of course, Fox and MSNBC are blatantly biased, and at least NPR, the BBC and Al Jazeera try not to be.


My first Top #15 post and now my first #1 post!

Thank you to everybody who made this possible. Thank you to the academy, the screenwriters guild, the awesome Scott Weiner with his matter-of-fact stance in the face of bullshit mountain, all the awesome people at this site who have made my nine-year stay (and counting!) exceptionally enjoyable, the people at Fox who simply don't know what news is, @dag for creating the site, ohh, is that music I hear... alright, well, I won't take too much more time... All the upvotes, all the people submitting wonderful content from around the web, all the goodness in everyone that has existed anywhere in all of time, yeah, yeah, okay, times up... Keep fighting the good fight!

And thanks!


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Get the hook.


My first Top #15 post and now my first #1 post!

Thank you to everybody who made this possible. Thank you to the academy, the screenwriters guild, the awesome Scott Weiner with his matter-of-fact stance in the face of bullshit mountain, all the awesome people at this site who have made my nine-year stay (and counting!) exceptionally enjoyable, the people at Fox who simply don't know what news is, @dag for creating the site, ohh, is that music I hear... alright, well, I won't take too much more time... All the upvotes, all the people submitting wonderful content from around the web, all the goodness in everyone that has existed anywhere in all of time, yeah, yeah, okay, times up... Keep fighting the good fight!

And thanks!


Of course it's unreasonable to say reason is becoming extinct. I would say that for the last 300 years or so, we've become amazingly reason-driven. There are probably more people alive today who are reasonable (who believe that the validity of their own and others actions is best judged by a measure of their rationality) than in all of human history.

As for your other questions:
1) Do I even have a bit of an analytical mind? Yes, in a jar, in the fridge.
2) Did I ever have history in school? Yes, on several occasions. We never covered Fox News though


Where black and white is used so much, black and white rules.
I dont like it either, I wish it was different. But saying I am a hypocrite because I describe black and white with... black and white and calling it unreasonable (do you even have a bit of an analytical mind? Did you ever have history in school?), is audacious, to put it friendly.
Nice try, though.

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