Kid hides from police in Bend


Well, lucky not to be caught. But we have a video proof so maybe not!


If you call 30 minutes in solitary confinement with no shower, toilet, bed or even a window "lucky."


Only trash bins that have been converted into shelters for the homeless have toilets. Clearly this is a neighborhood that doesn't allow the homeless.


Why do you say no toilet?


The dude who posted the video said the garbage can was full of shitty baby diapers and used cat liter. He said it smelled bad.

...he spent 30 min hiding in the garbage can.


coulda avoided it entirely by looping back other side of house


The dude who posted the video said the garbage can was full of shitty baby diapers and used cat liter. He said it smelled bad.

...he spent 30 min hiding in the garbage can.


That's kind of hateful.

Couldn't it just be that Bob simply admires someone that is good at hiding from their fears? Makes Bob feel so not alone?


Aren't you the "pro police" guy?

It's just because the kid is white, isn't it? You don't seem to mind at all when they shoot the black ones.


Yes, when Bob repeatedly seems to relish minority kids being shot for running, or mouthing off, or complying with police orders but not fast enough for them, blaming the victims for their own murders, it is kind of hateful.

When he then congratulates white kids for successfully running from the cops, it's almost certainly racial hate.


That's kind of hateful.

Couldn't it just be that Bob simply admires someone that is good at hiding from their fears? Makes Bob feel so not alone?


Don't ya just hate him for that?


When he then congratulates white kids for successfully running from the cops, it's almost certainly racial hate.


Seems they stuck it to themselves.


A viral video making the rounds Monday shows a boy going to extremes to avoid detection by Bend Police.

The video, captured by a home security system, shows a boy running near the driveway of a single-family home on a south Bend cul-de-sac before climbing inside one of the home’s garbage cans and closing the lid. Seconds later, a Bend officer walks by and asks several nearby girls if they saw a boy run by. They say no.

Thirty minutes later, the boy exits the garbage can and runs off, seemingly consequence-free.

But according to Bend Police spokesperson Lt. Juli McConkey, that boy and three others were ultimately contacted at their homes and cited with second-­degree theft for allegedly stealing Pokemon cards from Walmart.

On July 5, Walmart loss prevention staff called the Bend Police Department to report several boys had stolen Pokemon cards from the store in south Bend. The store turned over security footage and still images of the boys that a Bend school resource officer used to identify them.

The boys, between the ages of 13 and 15, were not contacted until Sunday, when Walmart personnel called Bend Police to report the same boys were back in the store and had stolen more Pokemon cards.

Police arrived, but the boys were by then hiding somewhere in the store and playing the card game, McConkey said.

They eventually came out and were spotted by officers. The boys ran, spilling into the surrounding neighborhoods, which is when the home security camera captured one of the boys evading capture.

On Monday, the video had been viewed more than 1 million times.

The Bulletin does not typically identify juvenile criminal suspects or defendants.

— The Bulletin


Props to the little girls for not ratting him out.

Stick it to the Man!


No, there I just hate the hypocrisy.
Bob, I hate for knowingly supporting lies and the liars that tell them. That, the Newt cannot abide.


Don't ya just hate him for that?


There are liars and then there are un-liars.

Un-liars can lie to communicate truth.

Using words you will find are strange
And mesmerized as they light the flame
Feel the new wind of change
On the wings of the night -Pink Floyd


Bob, I hate for knowingly supporting lies and the liars that tell them. That, the Newt cannot abide.

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