From youtube: 2004: Aransas County Court-At-Law Judge William Adams took a belt to his own teenage daughter as punishment for using the internet to acquire music and games that were unavailable for legal purchase at the time. She has had ataxic cerebral palsy from birth that led her to a passion for technology, which was strictly forbidden by her father's backwards views. The judge's wife was emotionally abused herself and was severely manipulated into assisting the beating and should not be blamed for any content in this video. The judge's wife has since left the marriage due to the abuse, which continues to this day, and has sincerely apologized and repented for her part and for allowing such a thing, long before this video was even revealed to exist. Judge William Adams is not fit to be anywhere near the law system if he can't even exercise fit judgement as a parent himself. Do not allow this man to ever be re-elected again. His "judgement" is a giant farce. Signed, Hillary Adams, his daughter.
Reddit thread by Hillary Adams: Please please PLEASE spread the word about this video. It's horrifying to watch, but this is a perfect example of someone who should be removed from office immediately and thrown in jail. This is absolutely sickening.
I applaud the daughter for recording and uploading this.
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GenjiKilpatrickfap fap fa-... inappropriate time? o_O?
longdeShe disobeyed her parents, and got an asswhuppin'.
End of story.
I know some of you don't ascribe to corporal punishment, but it's none of your business how parents choose to discipline their kids in their homes. None.
BoneRemake>> ^longde:
She disobeyed her parents, and got an asswhuppin'.
End of story.
I know some of you don't ascribe to corporal punishment, but it's none of your business how parents choose to discipline their kids. None.
No, there is spanking and there is terrifying and beating your child, big difference. One requires intervention and one does not.
Hah, and the mom thanking her, that was rich.

-kids ant ?
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longde@BoneRemake That's your opinion, which is fine in your own home. Just don't stand in judgement of this father, or try to control what happens in his home.
I don't think it's over the line at all. In contrast, I'm sure some people think any form of spanking should get you life in prison.
As far as the girl posting this to reddit, seems like a cheap trick to me. A site that tolerates bigots and child porn doesn't strike me as the right forum for critiquing true abuse.
carneval>> ^longde:
She disobeyed her parents, and got an asswhuppin'.
End of story.
I know some of you don't ascribe to corporal punishment, but it's none of your business how parents choose to discipline their kids in their homes. None.
This is not true. Legally, it IS our business - and both of our obligations - to report him to child protective services. How does what is depicted in the video NOT come off as abuse?
longdeGetting hit by a belt, painful as it may be, is not abuse. And as such, none of your business.
carneval>> ^longde:
Getting hit by a belt, painful as it may be, is not abuse. And as such, none of your business.
I will respectfully disagree. I sure as hell was spanked when I was a kid, and I plan on doing the same to my kids if they are out of line.
This, however, is obscenely far beyond reasonable punishment in my eyes.
bareboards2Here's the thing about corporal punishment. It should never be done in anger. That isn't punishment, that is anger directed at another human being.
"You caused this." Those are the word of the abuser. "You made me do this."
@longde, I am so surprised that you could look at this and think that it was "corporal punishment." Corporal punishment is when you know that the punishment is three whacks with a belt. Four whacks with a belt.
This is the very definition of abuse.
longdeThe problem here is, what is an objective definition of abuse? To you, he crossed the line. To others, you may cross the line. To some any spanking at all would constitute abuse. @carneval and @bareboards2, when you "spank" or give "3 whacks" to your child, do you want some "crusader" peeking through your window and calling Child Protective Services?
All I have to see is the video, but from the words said in the video, it sounds like the girl blatently disobeyed a firm rule and it wasn't the first time. Break a rule, get a whuppin'. Simple. The line for abuse to me would be bruises and broken bones, punches and kicks. Fear of the pain and some belt welps don't cut it.
The fact that he cussed and punished in anger: meh. How many parents ground their child in anger, or use some cuss words in front of them in anger? You guys would have half the nation under 16 in foster care.
Duckman33Judge William Adams? I didn't know you had a Videosift account.
P.S. Ever been whooped with a belt? I have. It leaves bruises and welts, that last for weeks. So by your very own definition, this is child abuse.
>> ^longde:
Getting hit by a belt, painful as it may be, is not abuse. And as such, none of your business.
rottenseedI guess it really is none of our business, I mean it's in the privacy of their own home. I guess it's none of our business who people rape or kill either. I mean who are we to judge how people act? Just because we have to share this planet with cunts like this doesn't mean we have the right to cast opinion on their behavior just because a minor is involved.
I don't SUBSCRIBE to corporal punishment by the state and I don't think it's right to beat the crap out of a scared child. Over the top...furthermore this guy is in charge of trying suspected criminals...he should be held to a standard of reason and restraint.>> ^longde:
She disobeyed her parents, and got an asswhuppin'.
End of story.
I know some of you don't ascribe to corporal punishment, but it's none of your business how parents choose to discipline their kids in their homes. None.
longdeUntil you guys can give me an objective definition or objective standard of abuse, you're just emoting over your own personal line in the sand on the matter.
It's great to feel a sense of self-righteousness, until you're a parent, and you happen to cross another person's arbitrary line in the sand.
I was punished with a belt as a child, and it NEVER left bruises. It did leave welts that lasted a day. And you're damn right I was afraid of disobeying my parents and afraid of punishment. Thank heavens you guys weren't around to toss me into a foster home.
carneval>> ^longde:
Until you guys can give me an objective definition or objective standard of abuse, you're just emoting over your own personal line in the sand on the matter.
It's great to feel a sense of self-righteousness, until you're a parent, and you happen to cross another person's arbitrary line in the sand.
I was punished with a belt as a child, and it NEVER left bruises. It did leave welts that lasted a day. And you're damn right I was afraid of disobeying my parents and afraid of punishment. Thank heavens you guys weren't around to toss me into a foster home.
My metric: causing lasting emotional damage.
It is evident by the mere fact that this video has been posted by the abusee that Judge Willam Adams caused her emotional damage that sticks with her to this day.
rottenseedYea I was swatted at, spanked with a wooden spoon, fed soap, etc. I'm not against negative reinforcement but in the case here, the girl is clearly afraid of her parents and they clearly go over the top in continuing to torment her. The kid was screaming for them to stop and there was plenty of time for the parents to reflect on the situation and ask themselves "do I think she's learned her lesson?" The parents were also "emoting" their own anger upon the child. That's not right. You should never inflict damage upon somebody based on your anger. I can't do that in the streets, why should I be able to do it with my child?
You can't just call the "objective definition" card to win an argument when circumstance has to determine the severity of the actions. If she got drunk, stole her mother's vehicle and ran over a group of preschoolers, then raped their remains, I'd say "yea, that is an adequate reaction". But this is over a computer. He was clearly just angry that she disobeyed him, which is purely egotistical. And this man is locking your peers up. I wonder how often he gets emotional and angry when sentencing somebody...I wonder how objective he is in that situation.
I'd like to know...where do you draw the line...also, what's your real name so I can make sure my kids will never be around you.>> ^longde:
Until you guys can give me an objective definition or objective standard of abuse, you're just emoting over your own personal line in the sand on the matter.
It's great to feel a sense of self-righteousness, until you're a parent, and you happen to cross another person's arbitrary line in the sand.
I was punished with a belt as a child, and it NEVER left bruises. It did leave welts that lasted a day. And you're damn right I was afraid of disobeying my parents and afraid of punishment. Thank heavens you guys weren't around to toss me into a foster home.
garmachiOrdinarily I wouldn't upvote something like this, but this story is big news here in the U.S. Supposedly the statute of limitations has expired on this incident, and the bastard will not face criminal charges.
garmachi>> ^longde:
Getting hit by a belt, painful as it may be, is not abuse. And as such, none of your business.
Let's assume for a moment that this is true. Then is getting hit by a belt fifty times abuse? What about a hundred? What about thousands of times? What about getting hit by a belt repeatedly over a period of years, so many times that you have psychological trauma which lasts for the rest of your life? These are not rhetorical questions. I demand that you answer each of them to defend your position. If you can't, then I demand video of you getting hit by a belt. Thousands of times.
longde@carneval @garmachi
My metric: causing lasting emotional damage
hit by a many times that you have psychological trauma which lasts for the rest of your life
Seriously, what is "emotional damage" or "psychological trauma"? To me, these terms are rather soft to be condemning a father over.
Is it deep resentment? It's evident the girl feels a great deal of resentment towards her father that no sane parent would want. But lots of people feel resentment towards their parents for many reasons. That doesn't make their parents abusers.
Is it that the girl yells for them to stop or in pain? Well, spanking is painful; that's the point. You would expect someone to yell in pain if they are getting spanked, or to want the spanking stopped. Kids don't like to be punished and kids yell and beg even when non-spanking punishments are administered.
In fact, kids think the world will end when you punish them in any significant way.How do you distinguish that state of mind from emotional scarring, emotional damage, or psychological trauma?
I guess I should have called child protective services on the mother I saw in the mall whose kid was screaming over not getting some trinket. Or the parents in the mall who spanked their kid for acting out. My god the abusers are everywhere!
Then is getting hit by a belt fifty times abuse.......?
That's the question I have been asking. Where is the line, and who gets to draw it? In a society where you have witch hunts over some nebulous term "abuse", a clear line is necessary. For the record, the girl was hit 18 times.
garmachi@longde there's a significant difference between a kid crying for "not getting some trinket" and being hit repeatedly (and apparently very hard) with a leather belt. You and I agree that children need more discipline in our society, and that they tend to overreact. Let me see if I can shift your perspective even slightly.
1. Would it be okay to hit a dog (or some other animal) in this fashion? Specifically, would it be okay for me to hit my full grown dog, or my puppy with a leather belt 18 times while it cowered and whined, begging me in its own way for me to stop?
2. Would it be okay to hit an adult like this? If this is a valid form of one human disciplining another, would it be appropriate for my boss to call me into his office and (all joking aside) order me to bend over and "take it like a man" for my failure to follow some simple instruction?
If it is not okay to do #1 or #2, why would it be okay to do this to a child?
1. I must confess I don't know the first thing about disciplining a dog, but I think there are things I would do to discipline a dog that I would not dare do to to a child and vice versa.
2. Yes, why not, as an option for criminal punishment? Certainly more humane than sending a person to jail or prison.
I get your analogies, but I don't agree with your point. I don't have to tell you that the child/parent relationship is widely different than that of worker/boss, dog/owner. And the way we discipline children is similarly unique. Part of this is because of the way that children learn and develop. Part of it is because of the special responsibility and rights of parents.
For stealing (as this girl alegedly did), 18 whaps with a belt does not cross the line, IMO. Two reasons:
1) I think stealing is serious, and if this was not the first time (as implied by the video), it makes it even worse. That warrants a severe punishment.
2) I just don't see this spanking as overly harsh, probably because I got similar as a child. Belt on clothed skin is painful and loud, but this guy isn't using his fists or cracking bones. However, only this girl or parents know how hard he hit.
Is this the most effective punishment? Probably not. I would have taken the computer away, which would probably have elicited the same or louder yells from the girl.
TheFreak>> ^longde:
I was punished with a belt as a child, and it NEVER left bruises.
It also apparently did nothing to make you less of a douchebag.
YogiI got whipped with a belt...I still have strange feeling about it and I'm fairly certain it did absolutely nothing to stop me acting up. I was only acting up because I was smarter and more creative than the class I was in was allowing me to be. Instead of asked what's wrong or anything trying to be understood about me I was considered "Bad" and I was beaten. Then taken out of my good Private school and sent to a crappy public school.
I've been in college for the last 10 years because when it gets even remotely tiresome I rebel and don't care about doing any work and just don't go. I'm on my last try before I have to pack it in and get a real job. I'm with Louis CK, don't hit your kids with violence or malice or with objects. If you do the society should get involved because the person you are beating is also our responsibility. As everyone is in a functioning caring society.
longde@TheFreak yeah, well at least I don't adhom people for having differing opinions. That puts me 10 levels above you.
longde@Yogi, not saying your spankings were as bad as this girl's, but do you think they were abuse?
Yogi>> ^longde:
@Yogi, not saying your spankings were as bad as this girl's, but do you think they were abuse?
Is it abuse to stifle someone? To make sure they shut the hell up and just do the menial bullshit that people believe will make them better at life? I think it's abusive for it to go from me being bad to being beaten without anything in between yes. There was no talking, no explanation...nothing. And furthermore it never worked, I would forget about it the next day and go on doing what I was doing before.
That to me is the greatest crime...if a tactic does not work you have to change your thinking. When people don't do that I severely disrespect them. They're stupid and pathetic and they hold onto disproved theories like children.
Like Louis CK says, it doesn't fucking there's no reason to do it at all. You do something that consistently doesn't work you just shouldn't have kids.
TheFreak>> ^longde:
@TheFreak yeah, well at least I don't adhom people for having differing opinions. That puts me 10 levels above you.
If only that were so. But I'm afraid it takes more than an insulting comment directed at you on the internet to raise your status above the level of "Mother Felcher".
But cling to your sense of superiority if you like. One day when you're standing over your pleading child, burning with rage and blind to the terror in his/her eyes, you can remind yourself that not only do you have a god given right to do such a thing in your own home...but you are also far better than some random guy on the internet who thinks you're a royal cunt.
longdeI get that in your case spanking didn't work. I think it was somewhat effective in my case. There were times with I hesitated breaking the rules because I thought more about the punishment than any principles.
I don't count a comedian as an authority on something so serious, but would love to see some scientific study on the effectiveness of spanking.
deathcowhorrific abuse "get on your stomach or i'll beat your fucking face"... what is the statute of limitations for vigilantes
longde@TheFreak Please don't project your memories or parental resentment on me. It wasn't me that beat you, son.
Duckman33>> ^longde:
I was punished with a belt as a child, and it NEVER left bruises. It did leave welts that lasted a day. And you're damn right I was afraid of disobeying my parents and afraid of punishment. Thank heavens you guys weren't around to toss me into a foster home.
Sorry, but if that's the case, then your dad/mom were/are wimps, because I can tell you when I got belt whooped I had bruises and welts that lasted more than one day. And they stung like a bitch.
longde@Duckman33 I'm sure they wouldn't mind the wimp label in this case
My wife and I discussed discipline when we had our child. We discussed our childhoods and the ways we were punished. She came from a much less authoritarian household than me. We actually decided against spanking. So I mete out timeouts and revoked privileges as punishments. But it was our decision. I deeply resent people trying to tell me how to raise my child, if my child is not being harmed.
carneval>> ^longde:
I don't count a comedian as an authority on something so serious, but would love to see some scientific study on the effectiveness of spanking.
Longde: I am at work so I should be doing other stuff and haven't given this a thorough read through, but this may be what you're looking for:
I also found a couple papers, as well but I don't know if you have access to journals; if you do let me know and I will go track them down.
BarsepsI'm just picturing the situation 5-10 years down the line...... "What's that Dad, oh... You want to see your grandchildren, huh??........Ummm, I don't think so!!"
Drachen_Jagerjokingly says..."She has had ataxic cerebral palsy from birth that led her to a passion for technology, which was strictly forbidden by her father's backwards views."
What do you mean 'backwards views' she used that technology to upload this video to YouTube, thus proving his position correct right? I mean the technology he wanted to forbid was the very thing that will (likely) lead to his downfall.
carneval>> ^Drachen_Jager:
"She has had ataxic cerebral palsy from birth that led her to a passion for technology, which was strictly forbidden by her father's backwards views."
What do you mean 'backwards views' she used that technology to upload this video to YouTube, thus proving his position correct right? I mean the technology he wanted to forbid was the very thing that will (likely) lead to his downfall.
Just to clarify, that was the description from the original video, written by the girl who was being spanked (I believe she was a teen when this video was taken, and is now in her twenties).
But yes, I agree, it will likely lead to his downfall. Which has led to things like this:
garmachi>> ^longde:
I get that in your case spanking didn't work. I think it was somewhat effective in my case.
After experiencing firsthand the frustration and futility that is trying to use words and reason with you, I now fully understand why your parents resorted to violence to keep you in line.
ant*teens *law
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NaMeCaFsays...That's some evil fucking shit. The beating with the belt is bad enough, but the emotional abuse by both parents is just shocking. The pure anger and hatred that father displays towards his own daughter for putting a game on her computer is a severe overreaction.
I guarantee you that poor girl is going to grow up with mental scares and issues from living under that arsehole's threats and terror.
Beating a child... that's the sign of a real man? Fucking pathetic.
GallowflakAlways creeps me out how the abuse is perpetuated by the abused.
What happened to me was okay! In fact, it's so okay, and I turned out so well, and it would've been awful if they hadn't done that to me, that I'm going to do it to my own children.
Gallowflak@longde, I'm not going to shrug my shoulders and regurgitate the relativist bullshit you seem so fond of. Much of our quality is defined by how we treat others. I don't care whether this man is the girl's father or a complete stranger. Anyone willing to act in that fashion towards their own child is a piece of shit.
And to say otherwise, and to say we may not judge him, that we've not the right to be disgusted by his cruelty simply because it's his house and his child... To say any of these things makes you a coward.
She disobeyed and got an asswhuppin', indeed. Children are neither the slaves nor property of their parents. And if this is William Adams' method for dealing with a vulnerable young woman in his care, he's not fit to be a father.
longde@Gallowflak I'll look past your doctrinaire rants and name calling to say that, thankfully, you don't get to define the parental or moral standards of the world, or even the mores of my country, any more than a christian zealot or muslim radical does.
Gallowflak>> ^longde:
@Gallowflak I'll look past your doctrinaire rants and name calling to say that, thankfully, you don't get to define the parental or moral standards of the world, or even the mores of my country, any more than a christian zealot or muslim radical does.
Certainly not. People should only ever come to their own conclusions on matters of morality. I didn't think I had to qualify things with an "in my opinion" in 2011.
lucky760I know it's just my opinion, but I don't feel @longde deserves so much scorn. Generally speaking, whacking your purposefully disobedient teenager with a belt a few times is acceptable to me. Using physical punishment that leads to no long term effects (e.g., bruising, broken bones, etc.) can be excusable if a parent feels it's necessary to discipline their child and keep them in line.
In this specific case, it seems the old judge let his frustrations get the better of him and he flew off the handle when his primitive brain took over. In this video he went a bit farther than I'm guessing he would have if she wasn't intentionally provoking him for the sake of her hidden camera.
I'm not defending him as a person, especially if he's much more abusive than is evidenced in this video, but a few smacks on the butt isn't over the line in my book. (However, I personally won't be using such violence on my children.)
conansays...It's deeply disturbing to me how much cultural difference there is between sifters. At least in this case. Don't get me wrong, these differences are the main reason why i'm here, i'm learning a lot about other people's views. But there are so many of you with whom it's ok to beat children, i'm really shaken by it. Also it seems that it's not just individuals' views but culturally accepted from where most of you are from. I've just learned that beating your kids isn't even illegal in the states (at least in Texas). WTF? Really? Physical punishment of kids in any way is outlawed by constitution in Germany. I can not think of any reason why i would beat my kid. Not just because it's against the law, i would even go so far and say it's because of the cultural common ground over here. It just wouldn't come to my mind. Maybe it's just the moment but right now i'm not sure what is more horrifying to me: the clip itself or so many of you being ok with beating children. I'm left speechless. No, it's the first time i'm disgusted by the sift. Please, i beg you, i BEG you don't beat your kids.
SheriffDDAs I read some of the convoluted messages posted here I can not help but to see that apparently some miss the point. Personally I believe if your parenting skills are so poorly developed that you can not concieve of any better way to manage your children than violence then maybe you should consider parenting classes. See, That's just my opinion.
Now Concerning the law,If you do not know the interpretation of ASSAULT or BATTERY maybe you should look it up. You will not require access to a law journal.
Assault : a violent physical or verbal attack B : a concerted effort (as to reach a goal or defeat an adversary)
2a : a threat or attempt to inflict offensive physical contact or bodily harm on a person (as by lifting a fist in a threatening manner) that puts the person in immediate danger of or in apprehension of such harm or contact.
Battery: a : the act of battering or beating b : an offensive touching or use of force on a person without the person's consent That is Not My Opinion, That is The LAW! He is a Law Judge, LOCK HIM UP!!!
SnowballSomebody should use a belt on these so called "parents" I would be more than happy to do this ! I would love to kick their idot ass!
SnowballI would like to take that belt and wrap it around that fathers freaken balls! He shouldn't be allowed to have any more childern ever! Because hes not a human being. Hes a heartless unfeeling JACKASS! that should be locked up for life!
BdonneTo Longde,
Clearly, you have never been abused in any way shape or form, which is very fortunate for you. I, however, was abused by my father for over a decade. My father used all 3 types of abuse on me; physical, emotional, and sexual. Of these 3, the emotional abuse and the beatings I took (mostly with a belt) are the ones that are still with me to this day, almost 10 years later. I understand spanking your child, this is how they learn mistakes. However, what this man did and what my father did goes above and beyond punishment. This IS abuse. When you are hit so many times with a belt that it rips your skin open, its abuse. When you are hit with a belt so many times that it leaves scars on your body for the rest of your life, it is abuse. Do not think that you know the facts of abuse when you have never been abused. I would like you to think of the child in this video as your mother or your sister or your daughter...would you be okay with it than? And if you are okay with it, I would venture to guess that you will be locked up someday for assault of abuse.
rmeekins64Man I am a parent and I would never think of striking my child like this!! It is totally unacceptable and makes me sick to my stomach. My heart goes out to the young girl. I hope she gets some counseling and comes to realize it's him, NOT her. He's sick. And he certainly shouldn't be a family court Judge!
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tunamisterI want to KNOW whats going on with this JUDGE now...
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