Joe Biden response towards Tara Reade allegations

Joe Fails this interview.

Lol. So, 65000 and counting dead Americans, economy in tatters, debt and deficit exploded, recession/depression, unemployment skyrocketing, states going bankrupt, no wall, taxes not on a postcard, and 25 credible accusations of sexual assault VS one incredible and inconsistent accusation of assault and you think the single accusation is the coffin nail.

Trump talked about grabbing women by the pussy, so did the 25 women who've accused Trump of sexual assault from forcible groping to outright rape, some talked about it in court, not to mention the naked underage girls or the unknown number of abused girls and women he paid to keep silent.

25 consistent and believable stories accusing Trump of abuse in great detail and his multiple private and public admissions caught on tape, one fairly unbelievable and consistently evolving story now accusing Biden of public forced penetration somewhere in the public halls of congress sometime 27 years ago. Duh.


Well this will sink his 2020 chances.
Hillary at the dugout warming up.

Trump talked about grabbing by the P.

Joe actually did.


So wait, let me get this straight: you're saying that while Trump admitted sexual assault, this somehow places him on a higher pedestal than someone who's only accused of it?

Just FWIW, I think Biden is the wrong candidate, period.


Finger banging Joe 2020

Well this will sink his 2020 chances.
Hillary at the dugout warming up.

Trump talked about grabbing by the P.

Joe actually did.


Buttigieg would have been good too but, a female democrat would have really chapped Bob's ass.


I wanted Buttigieg, but I would gladly vote for Cthulhu as the lesser of two evils.


More than an openly gay veteran Rhodes scholar democrat and the first, also openly gay, first gentleman?! That's hard to imagine.


Buttigieg would have been good too but, a female democrat would have really chapped Bob's ass.


Just fyi

The supposed sexual assault happeend in the middle of 1993

Isn't it a bit odd that the person who passed the Violence Against Women Act in 1994 (so he was lobbying to get it passed and the bill was introduced in January 1993), am I the only person who thinks its odd that he passed this bill:
see also for the full text

So you mean to tell me
While he was co-sponsoring/writing/passing THAT PARTICULAR LAW that created the following:

--- established annual $1.6 billion toward investigation and prosecution of violent crimes against women

---codified sex crimes to make them Federal crimes

---imposed automatic and mandatory penalties on those convicted

---allowed civil cases to be brought in cases prosecutors chose to leave un-prosecuted

---created confidentiality protections for victims

---created a training program for judges to encourage them to prosecute sexual assault crimes against women

So WHILE he's making it easier to sue and bring charges against former employers and creates mandatory minimums for those found guilty and if the prosecutors don't want to do it, created a pathway for civil lawsuits to be brought - you're telling me that WHILE he's doing that, he sexually assaults one of his employees from his offices WHILE he's doing that?

That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.

That the best you got you little bitch?


Finger banging Joe 2020

Well this will sink his 2020 chances.
Hillary at the dugout warming up.

Trump talked about grabbing by the P.

Joe actually did.


Voting for a female for the sake of being a female is asinine.

It is the same for voting for mayor Pete just because he is gay.

Conservatives don't care what you are, its you leadership to put America first that matters.


Buttigieg would have been good too but, a female democrat would have really chapped Bob's ass.


People voted for Butigieg because he's intelligent, articulate, honest, thoughtful, tactful, smart, an honorable veteran, civic minded, faithful, patriotic, and a true leader.
Trumpublicans don't know a thing about any of those traits, they've had to forget about them in order to follow Trump.
The fact that he is openly gay was just a cherry on top, not a reason to vote for him but a Trumpian madness inducing Obama being black. They aren't reasons for me to vote for them, but they are absolutely reasons your ilk never would....kind of like Trump being a repeatedly convicted con man, it's not why you voted for him but it's one inescapable reason people with IQs over 85 won't.

Tell me, what trait made you love Trump? He doesn't display a single positive trait Butigieg exemplified.


Voting for a female for the sake of being a female is asinine.

It is the same for voting for mayor Pete just because he is gay.

Conservatives don't care what you are, its you leadership to put America first that matters.


Creepy Trump the repeated and admitted child sex abuser (yes, forcing your way into young girls dressing rooms to leer at them naked is sex abuse, and he's admitted it with pride), molester (admitted with pride), rapist (admitted when he said "when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything."), and his own teenaged daughter's lover (not quite directly admitted but hinted at strongly and obvious) should definitely avoid this road. He's got enough on his plate with 65000 dead Americans, 90% of which could have been avoided if he had acted just two weeks sooner, a self inflicted depression, unprecedented massive unemployment, debt and deficit growing at light speed, and the biggest corporate socialist handouts ever, not to mention the billions (now trillions?) funneled into his big donors pockets. Getting into a "who grabbed more pussies" contest with Biden is a Trump level dumb idea.


Creepy Joe the molester won't make it to 2020. Trump will demolish him.

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