For all my Atheist friends on The Sift

Who are YOU accountable to?

I serve my own sense of decency and morality, which generally falls in line with that of societal norms which are completely secular in nature, and which focus on today and the future of our species on this planet instead of fretting over a storybook afterlife, thank you very much.


Conscience, karma, "do the right thing". Most of us have what we believe to be an innate sense of morality, but we learned if from someone.

It might have been our parents or teachers, Davey and Goliath, Goofus and Gallant. There are those that haven't been afforded a safe and kind upbringing, infusing them with this moral fiber. God becomes the stern and loving father they never had. Sure, I don't really think I trust the church in this role, because the opportunity for abuse is too great, but I think of it as a kind of moral welfare.

I personally am accountable to something greater, even if it is just inside my head.


f it's all in your head, what makes it so great?

I've thought a great deal about your question, Fade. I guess the only thing that's greater than me, yet is still me, is *love. I know how incredibly maudlin that sounds, but it's true for me at least.

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