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FOX News Host Not Happy With GI Joe Movie's Internationalism

FOX News "Red Eye" Host Not Happy With G.I. Joe Movie's "Internationalism"

Red Eye is an amazing show.

"Is this just another way to deny America's Exceptionalism?"

Is he serious? Usually you don't hear it said straight out like that but it's really appalling, the US is above all other countries, we don't have to follow any rules we're better.


Um, excuse me, but I think that given the current environment in the world RIGHT NOW , I think having US soldiers doing military missions around the world would indeed be a bad business decision.

Rambo and all those American heroes he mentions were are decades old -- and also, took place within the context of American wars. They had historical context.

Deploying American soldiers, rather than international soldiers, into the heart of other sovereign nations would not sit well, I suspect.

That is vintage Fox News, though. America first and take no time to understand who you are dealing with. Like it would kill them to have some empathy.


They aren't even talking about the real issue. "Is it possible that this movie will not blow?"

I wish I had been with someone who knew about the original show when I saw the trailer. I thought maybe I didn't give it enough of a chance...


Lol if you connected usa troops fighting in films to the American attitude and motivations , no one would watch the films because everyone would percive The usA troops as the bad guys.

team America dose a good job of it though .


Ten or twenty years from now, some guy on a comedic night-time television show is going to air excerpts from Fox's "Red Eye" and the audience won't believe that something so seriously stupid was actually meant to be sincerely real.


I wonder why he's trying so hard to be funny. He mostly comes off as creepy and short of breath. I wouldn't buy a toaster from this wheezebag salesman.

And people don't 'risk their lives to get here' because they like GI Joe or fucking Rambo. They risk their lives to get here because they can make more money here. They can make enough to support a family here or back home. What a cunt.


interesting they bash G.I. Joe, the movie. They should also bash Tom Clancy (who is American), for his book 'Rainbow Six'. If that were made in to a movie, it would be able international counter terrorist team taking down some really vile people. G.I. Joe from the 80's minus the warped vechiles, is essentially, Rainbow Six.


If you're already there gwiz, your comment on this video is worth less than a rat's fart, considering you just took the opportunity to mindlessly bash the USA rather than discuss the topic of the video.
Yes, Fox is dumb and that guy is annoying.
But GI Joe is a term that refers to Americans.
They're the "Real American Heroes". Hell, just look at the logo. Not a color scheme that screams "UN squad" to me.
Being American is such a big part of GI Joe to divorce it from that means it's not GI Joe anymore. Why even call it that? Just start a new franchise instead of ruining a classic one.

I can't believe I'm standing alone with QM on this. Sad day.


I don't know if this guy is "annoying" or if he is purposefully a parodying the sterotypical fox news host. It seems as if he's just bullshitting, spitting out nonsense questions to guests and then busting up laughing off camera cause he knows it a joke.

It doesn't seem like he actually believes anything he's saying but he's just saying it because its sarcasm.


I'm not offended by the "international" G.I. Joe, as the whole thing is ridiculous and that's what it's meant to be: ridiculous, popcorn fun.

It would be equally ridiculous to make a film "true" to the cartoon. One Joe is an American Indian who goes into battle with an eagle on his arm while the lone sailor has a parrot: that makes not one but TWO Joes armed with birds. The Cobra guy in the tank must be trembling, he's only got the one uniform and as soon as he throws open the hatch you just know he's going to get hit with TWO kinds of bird poop.

Then there's the Asian Joe, who shall remain nameless, who charges into battle while shoeless, wearing only gi pants and a bandolier of exactly three shuriken...


I don't know why libsifters keep posting FOX clips. It makes as much sense as ordering food you know you already hate in order to complain that it's not cooked perfectly.


SpaceOddity, you're not alone.

This is absurd. When he refers to Hollywood divorcing Americanness from the military, he's not talking about all militaries, Skeeve. He's talking about the U.S. military, and he's right. G.I. Joe cartoons capitalized on the awesomeness of the U.S. military. My memories of the show are a jumble of corny lines, explosions, big weapons, and cool military technology. What he's saying is that G.I. Joe got popular among little American boys because it was about how awesome OUR military is, and this movie takes that popularity and exploits it, removing the patriotic U.S. military core of the entire franchise. Cobra was a terrorist organization bent on world domination. Can you imagine these filmmakers producing a movie about American heroes fighting terrorists? No, no, no, we can't have that.

I'm rambling again. What I want to say is that it's absolutely preposterous to make G.I. Joe some kind of international organization. They wanted to use the G.I. Joe name for its dollar value, but then they decided to get all apologetic about the Americanness of it. (Hm...apologizing for America. Of whom am I reminded?) In case you've forgotten, these characters were American men and women of diverse ethnicities who gave good advice to kids.

P.S. Your narrow-minded "America sucks" attitude is incredibly immature, ignorant, and trendy.


By the way, I had no idea about this internationalization issue (if it can even be called an issue?) before I saw this clip. In any case, I hadn't planned on seeing this movie ever ever ever in my life. I agree that it's a ridiculous topic to discuss on TV, but these guys are correct that that whole thing is absurd. The filmmakers were afraid that a movie about American heroes fighting terrorism would be unpopular, so they gutted G.I. Joe. Whatever.


"...these characters were American men and women of diverse ethnicities who gave good advice to kids."

Did the Indian one give good advice on never trusting the white man because he'll massacre your women and children and take your land?


Conservatives were unhappy with the marketing for the recent Superman movie also because it altered the tagline, "Fighting for truth, justice, and the American way," leaving off the "American way" part.

Movies typically receive around 1/2 of their box office revenue from the international market, so in order to fund their movies, they need to make sure they're in line with the global culture as well, not just the domestic culture. The global culture and general geopolitical landscape in the World War II and Cold War periods, from which these taglines derived, was pretty different from the situation today.


Why is this even an issue?
We are knee deep in an era of communication the world has never seen the likes of. Of course countries communicate more, and cooperate on important issues. Why not in G.I. Joe?
Are perhaps the patriotic countries forced (by fear) to be even more patriotic and/or protective of their domain to feel that they're safe, because of the ability to communicate around the world?

I know I'll sound like an hippie saying this, but god damn;
We're all human.
We all live on the little blue dot called Earth.
We all face most of the same problems and challenges throughout our lives.

Sheesh.. Ignorance might be bliss, but it also gives a lot of unnecessary fears, and twisted views.


Yeah, Earth! I like Earth. I got these boots on Earth.

When I say that it is ridiculous to completely alter G.I. Joe, I'm not saying, "AMERICA ROOLZ!" I'm not suggesting that this is evidence of a dark plot or frightening trend. You're right, Chilaxe. This was a business decision. But I think that it is a misguided business decision based on the assumption that in order for G.I. Joe to be more acceptable to global culture, it must be altered beyond recognition. This isn't true. Some of the most popular and internationally highest-grossing American movies of all time are not only very American (Gone with the Wind, Titanic, Forrest Gump) but pretty ethnocentric. Independence Day, Transformers, The Matrix, and Armageddon are all enormously popular movies overseas. And guess what? They're all about American heroes defeating international threats! What is UP with that?

I have no problem with filmmakers making our movies less ethnocentric. I welcome it. But G.I. JOE?!? Come on! I think that their marketing decision not only killed this movie in the states, but internationally. Domestic G.I. Joe fans hated this movie because of the alteration. It was a bad business decision that might possibly stem from a misguided "I hate America and so does everyone else" attitude. If they had just made a movie about G.I. Joe, people might have liked it.


>> ^thepinky:
... Some of the most popular and internationally highest-grossing American movies of all time are not only very American (Gone with the Wind, Titanic, Forrest Gump) but pretty ethnocentric. Independence Day, Transformers, The Matrix, and Armageddon are all enormously popular movies overseas. And guess what? They're all about American heroes defeating international threats! What is UP with that?

I think Transformers was about space robots defeating other space robots. As for the other movies, they're all pre-Bush. The international perception of american patriotism has taken a turn for the worse thanks to Dubya.

Also, while some movies might seem very american to you, they sell well abroad because they have an easily relateable theme. Matrix told the story of man vs. machine, Independence Day man vs. aliens, Armageddon man vs. giant rock etc...


Because I am in a better country than USA, my opinion does not matter? What planet are you from?

My remark was a direct response (or mimicry) to the hosts rant in the beginning.

GI Joe is a term that refers to SOLDIERS. If they made the movie that you people obviously want, where Americans bravely go around saving the rest of the world (akin to Team America) it would have a dated and poor point to make.

>> ^SpaceOddity:
If you're already there gwiz, your comment on this video is worth less than a rat's fart, considering you just took the opportunity to mindlessly bash the USA rather than discuss the topic of the video.
Yes, Fox is dumb and that guy is annoying.
But GI Joe is a term that refers to Americans.
They're the "Real American Heroes". Hell, just look at the logo. Not a color scheme that screams "UN squad" to me.
Being American is such a big part of GI Joe to divorce it from that means it's not GI Joe anymore. Why even call it that? Just start a new franchise instead of ruining a classic one.
I can't believe I'm standing alone with QM on this. Sad day.


>> ^campionidelmondo:
I think Transformers was about space robots defeating other space robots.

Yes. Robots aided by Americans. I also seem to recall our FBI or CIA or something being involved, as well as our military. Some scenes took place on Air Force One...

As for the other movies, they're all pre-Bush. The international perception of american patriotism has taken a turn for the worse thanks to Dubya.

Ah, people can still handle American patriotism. The hatred isn't as intense or as widespread as some people seem to think. Of course it's there, but not to the point where G.I. Joe would be largely unwelcome. I don't know for sure, of course, but because I'm an ESL tutor at my university, I know many international students (South Korean, Mexican, Canadian, British, German, Vietnamese, Haitian, Bulgarian, South African, Romanian, and more). I've also had a Mexican roommate and a Canadian roommate. I've talked to several of these close friends about the international opinion of the U.S. (not just their own opinions), and it doesn't seem all THAT bleak. I'm not basing my opinion solely on this, but it helps.

Also, while some movies might seem very american to you, they sell well abroad because they have an easily relateable theme. Matrix told the story of man vs. machine, Independence Day man vs. aliens, Armageddon man vs. giant rock etc...

Don't be silly. Almost ALL movies have an easily relatable theme. My point is that all of these movies happen to feature American Man vs. Global Threat. What is more annoyingly ethnocentric and American than that?


>> ^gwiz665:
GI Joe is a term that refers to SOLDIERS. If they made the movie that you people obviously want, where Americans bravely go around saving the rest of the world (akin to Team America) it would have a dated and poor point to make.

How do you know that the point would have been dated and poor? Patriotism isn't dated. "American sucks" is the trendy attitude, remember? Patriotism has existed from the beginning and will continue to exist. Couldn't they have made a tactful and inclusive film about "real American heroes?" It doesn't sound impossible to me.


Well, it would basically be America policing the world. Is that not a dated and, to be more specific, BAD point to make in a movie? Just because something is trendy, doesn't mean it is wrong.

Patriotism is a dangerous concept. Blind patriotism (love your country no matter what) is just foolish.

In practice I have little against the US, but the social situation is deplorable, the foreign policy (and domestic for that matter) is horrendous, and a show like this that think America is the "greatest country in the world" is misguided and only serves to mislead the stupid public into thinking that. It is evil, it is control, it is making people dumber.


>> ^thepinky:
Ah, people can still handle American patriotism. The hatred isn't as intense or as widespread as some people seem to think. Of course it's there, but not to the point where G.I. Joe would be largely unwelcome.

It's not about the hatred for America, it's about the issue that the American GI Joe movie would have portrayed. With the images of Abu Ghraib, "enhanced interrogation" and bombed children's hospitals still in our heads, a GI Joe movie featuring America vs. the terrorists might not be preceived as a clear "good" vs. "evil" story as these hollywood movies often make it out to be, at least not overseas.


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