Epic Parking Fail!


Tags for this video have been changed from 'epic, parking, fail, failure, lot, SUV, must, be, female, woman, driver, over, away, scared' to 'epic, parking, fail, failure, lot, SUV, over, away, scared' - edited by kronosposeidon


Stupid bitch. I hope she fucking goes to prison for a very fucking long time. What a piece of fucking shit. She just drives off in her husband/boyfriend's BMW after causing thousands of dollars of damage with it. This really makes me fucking angry. GET OFF THE ROAD, BITCH! >:[


>> ^Payback:
This is why you don't take separate cars to the motel when cheating on a BMW owner.

Exactly. How do we know this wasn't a well-thought-out and executed act of revenge? Everyone seems to assume this was pure incompetence but look at the way the driver lines up the two cars before "going for it".

I say it was a planned attack!


>> ^ForgedReality:
Stupid bitch. I hope she fucking goes to prison for a very fucking long time. What a piece of fucking shit. She just drives off in her husband/boyfriend's BMW after causing thousands of dollars of damage with it. This really makes me fucking angry. GET OFF THE ROAD, BITCH! >:[

First off, angry person, NOBODY KNOWS IF THIS WAS A WOMAN SO CHILL THE FUCK OUT WITH THE (at the very least premature) MISOGYNY. Second point- I suggest redirecting your considerable rage towards the obvious guilty parties- all BMW drivers who are in general inconsiderate and dangerous, and who universally are unable to figure out how to use their teutonic turn-signals. Third, and finally, this took place in Thornhill *Canada at the local Extreme Fitness gym. I know for a fact that our very own Krupo was visiting there this past weekend. He also refuses to deny whether he raped and killed a young girl in the '90s.


After the car pulled back, I was thinking "Just drive away. Just drive away..."

Absolute gold. You can almost hear the driver thinking: "Oh no. I just need some time to think. A quiet place to think..."


obviously this was a case of the floor-mat getting stuck under the accelerator...
Lexus just had a recall on the same exact problem.
once the vehicle was elevated (on top of the 2 cars), the floor-mat became dislodged, and the driver was able to calmly put it in reverse and proceed about their business.

Luckily no one was injured.

And to the person who doesn't think BMW's can go off-road, there are many BMW rally cars (mostly in Europe, because Nascar is boring)


i'm gonna agree that this was a premeditated act.

after the charge she backs up slowly and remains aimed directly at the two cars considering if she needs to ram them again. she concludes the damage done on the first hit was sufficient and drives away.


>> ^therealblankman:
>> ^ForgedReality:
Stupid bitch. I hope she fucking goes to prison for a very fucking long time. What a piece of fucking shit. She just drives off in her husband/boyfriend's BMW after causing thousands of dollars of damage with it. This really makes me fucking angry. GET OFF THE ROAD, BITCH! >:[

First off, angry person, NOBODY KNOWS IF THIS WAS A WOMAN SO CHILL THE FUCK OUT WITH THE (at the very least premature) MISOGYNY. Second point- I suggest redirecting your considerable rage towards the obvious guilty parties- all BMW drivers who are in general inconsiderate and dangerous, and who universally are unable to figure out how to use their teutonic turn-signals. Third, and finally, this took place in Thornhill Canada at the local Extreme Fitness gym. I know for a fact that our very own Krupo was visiting there this past weekend. He also refuses to deny whether he raped and killed a young girl in the '90s.

It's not misogyny if it's a fact that women are worse drivers. Common, we all know it.


Clearly this is a woman driving.,. You can see it at 0:08 when you can see in her window and she has no fucking clue how to drive. Just the wide arc around the parking lot show you she has no idea what she is doing. When she is up on the vehicles and decides to reverse... that's the sign of a woman. A dude wouldn't risk messing up the A/T by shifting into reverse. I'd keep going up and over. Maybe throw it into 4x4.


>> ^therealblankman:
>> ^ForgedReality:
Stupid bitch. I hope she fucking goes to prison for a very fucking long time. What a piece of fucking shit. She just drives off in her husband/boyfriend's BMW after causing thousands of dollars of damage with it. This really makes me fucking angry. GET OFF THE ROAD, BITCH! >:[

First off, angry person, NOBODY KNOWS IF THIS WAS A WOMAN SO CHILL THE FUCK OUT WITH THE (at the very least premature) MISOGYNY. Second point- I suggest redirecting your considerable rage towards the obvious guilty parties- all BMW drivers who are in general inconsiderate and dangerous, and who universally are unable to figure out how to use their teutonic turn-signals. Third, and finally, this took place in Thornhill Canada at the local Extreme Fitness gym. I know for a fact that our very own Krupo was visiting there this past weekend. He also refuses to deny whether he raped and killed a young girl in the '90s.

Irony detection fail.

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