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Officer talks to kids about flashing realistic BB gun

sixshot says...

The frequency of police using unnecessary force pretty much shot up, more so when it involves black people. It's got to the point where it seemed like it's "shoot first, ask questions later." Granted, this is not indicative and representative of the entirety of the US police force. It's just that there are enough tragedies being reported in local/national news that I question whether the officers are really qualified at all. Are the ones who pulled the trigger really made the right decision? Were they really in danger? Can any of these tragedies be prevented had the officers de-escalated the situation? Or used different method? Or had better training? It's a concern when your trust in local law enforcement slips little by little each time these things happen.

ChaosEngine said:

Look, I’m sure the guy is a good dude, but is not shooting a child really considered a high bar for policing in the US now?

‘Cos that is what I would consider the baseline of human decency and critical thinking.

Officer talks to kids about flashing realistic BB gun

Venus flytrap catches yellow jackets

sixshot says...

that one where his front half got trapped, all I can think of is its chain of thought of "oh shit oh SHIT OH SHIT AH SHIT! WTF HAPPENED?!?!!"

Obama Notes McCain's Last Laugh In Eulogy Request

Track rebuild: Toronto Transit Commission finishes work fast

sixshot says...

In Boston, this would have taken 5-10 years to complete and become an insane traffic nightmare. That's assuming such a project ever got off the ground in the first place.

Batman: The Complete Animated Series Deluxe Limited Edition

Bohemian Rhapsody | Official Trailer

sixshot says...

Nov 2, huh? Having recently seen Ant-Man+Wasp and no Marvel movie until next year, I guess I could use this as a quick fix between now and Captain Marvel.

Hubless Wheels + Aircraft Motor = Awesome

sixshot says...

Ugh... whoever did the editing for that needs to learn how to preview their work before uploading. Music audio one moment, motor audio the next. Rinse & repeat. Annoying as hell.

Subway musicians sound exactly like Lennon and McCartney

sixshot says...

Wow... I've been listening some Beatles lately and that is very impressive. I definitely would like to have listened to the whole performance.

300 US Marines vs 60000 Romans

sixshot says...

Interesting to watch. But... The pre-battle zoom showed them carrying M1A1 submachine gun which has an ammo capacity of 20 or 30 per clip. Even if each marine is a sharpshooter marksman with 1 kill per bullet, that's 9000 total rounds for the entire battalion for the first clip. Assuming that each marine carries 2-3 extra clips, you get a maximum of 27k rounds at best. True winner based on numbers, Romans.

The Untold History of EA's Long Pay-2-Win Love Affair

sixshot says...

Can someone explain the debunked tag? My last EA game was Battlefield 3 and I never looked back. These days, I just don't find many of today's supposed AAA games to be all that appealing. I'm sick and tired of the yearly sports release. And I groan every time I hear a new Call of Duty is being made.

The Last Jedi: Lightsaber Training Featurette

My Wife Knows Everything vs. The Wife Doesn't Know

Marvel Studio's Avengers: Infinity War Trailer

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer (Official)

sixshot says...

Well I'm on the hype train. I got tickets ordered, luckily. Going to be seeing it on the 16th (Sat). Best part, reserved seating so I got good seats for the best experience. Yay~

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