Ellen Comments on Family Feud Category About Her

Ellen is cool. Way cool.

Via: ScrapeUp

Where the hell did that jackass get the idea that Ellen doesn't like America? Is it safe to assume it's because she's gay and has a problem with certain principles of conservative government? I guess that does make her an America-hating, unpatriotic, treasonous dyke. I can't think of any other reason he'd say that. Did he maybe have her confused with somebody else?


>> ^Xax:

Where the hell did that jackass get the idea that Ellen doesn't like America? Is it safe to assume it's because she's gay and has a problem with certain principles of conservative government? I guess that does make her an America-hating, unpatriotic, treasonous dyke. I can't think of any other reason he'd say that. Did her maybe have her confused with somebody else?

Maybe he was thinking of Rosie. Everyone knows that dyke hates America.


I don't get this unquestionable loyalty thing.

I don't like America. I wish like hell I could get out of here, and I hope it happens someday soon.

What? You think I hate the country? No, the land is mostly beautiful. Pretty stupid to hate land.

Do I hate the people? No. Well, some of them, yes. And there's a lot I'd rather not be around, but I can live and let live with them. We've got some beautiful people here. All the world's an American, you know.

Do I hate my government? Well, yes. It sold me out. I'm almost completely marginalized here. I take on the rightwing goons, do my best, fight my hardest. Nothing comes of it. I look to my leftist friends, and they always tell me to basically shut up and be reasonable.

It's not that I mind compromising, but compromising means getting my way once in a while, and that almost never happens here.

Our government is corrupt and ineffectual. Our military is bloated and not really ours as a nation but "ours" in the multi-national corporate sense. If you have no money, you have no justice. A fraction of a percentage of people are allowed to get rich, and everybody else has to fight it out and claw their way through life just to stay alive. Financiers like Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan make a living out of figuring out ever better ways to fuck people over and get a slap on the wrist when they're caught, if that. We torture people. We murder innocents overseas for the sake of convenience. We overthrow governments that we don't like, that won't march to our tune, and call it spreading democracy.

Worst of all, nobody here knows anything. We have to be some of the dumbest people on earth, especially in regards to what's being done overseas on our name.

And I'm supposed to swear my blind, undying allegiance to that? I'm supposed to point to Mexico and exclaim proudly "Things could be worse!"


Start walking. It isn't complicated. North. South. Maybe east or west if you like to swim. You think Mexico isn't bad so I guess South it is. If you really want to go, the first step is to shut the fuck up, get off your ass and move your feet. Otherwise you're just another loud mouth sitting around posting on the internet who talks a lot of shit but does nothing. Don't "hope it happens someday". Get up. Go. There's the door. The only one holding you back is you.

p.s. what the fuck is this comment even doing on this video?
Do you have some personal issue with Ellen? Do you share the belief that Ellen hates the US?
Go find some other place to vomit your angst.

>> ^rougy:

I don't get this unquestionable loyalty thing.
I don't like America. I wish like hell I could get out of here, and I hope it happens someday soon.
What? You think I hate the country? No, the land is mostly beautiful. Pretty stupid to hate land.
Do I hate the people? No. Well, some of them, yes. And there's a lot I'd rather not be around, but I can live and let live with them. We've got some beautiful people here. All the world's an American, you know.
Do I hate my government? Well, yes. It sold me out. I'm almost completely marginalized here. I take on the rightwing goons, do my best, fight my hardest. Nothing comes of it. I look to my leftist friends, and they always tell me to basically shut up and be reasonable.
It's not that I mind compromising, but compromising means getting my way once in a while, and that almost never happens here.
Our government is corrupt and ineffectual. Our military is bloated and not really ours as a nation but "ours" in the multi-national corporate sense. If you have no money, you have no justice. A fraction of a percentage of people are allowed to get rich, and everybody else has to fight it out and claw their way through life just to stay alive. Financiers like Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan make a living out of figuring out ever better ways to fuck people over and get a slap on the wrist when they're caught, if that. We torture people. We murder innocents overseas for the sake of convenience. We overthrow governments that we don't like, that won't march to our tune, and call it spreading democracy.
Worst of all, nobody here knows anything. We have to be some of the dumbest people on earth, especially in regards to what's being done overseas on our name.
And I'm supposed to swear my blind, undying allegiance to that? I'm supposed to point to Mexico and exclaim proudly "Things could be worse!"


It isn't so easy to just get up and leave your country and all the people you love in it though, is it?

>> ^burdturgler:

Start walking. It isn't complicated. North. South. Maybe east or west if you like to swim. You think Mexico isn't bad so I guess South it is. If you really want to go, the first step is to shut the fuck up, get off your ass and move your feet. Otherwise you're just another loud mouth sitting around posting on the internet who talks a lot of shit but does nothing.


>> ^burdturgler:

Start walking. It isn't complicated. North. South. Maybe east or west if you like to swim. You think Mexico isn't bad so I guess South it is. If you really want to go, the first step is to shut the fuck up, get off your ass and move your feet. Otherwise you're just another loud mouth sitting around posting on the internet who talks a lot of shit but does nothing. Don't "hope it happens someday". Get up. Go. There's the door. The only one holding you back is you.
p.s. what the fuck is this comment even doing on this video?
Do you have some personal issue with Ellen? Do you share the belief that Ellen hates the US?
Go find some other place to vomit your angst.
>> ^rougy:
I don't get this unquestionable loyalty thing.
I don't like America. I wish like hell I could get out of here, and I hope it happens someday soon.
What? You think I hate the country? No, the land is mostly beautiful. Pretty stupid to hate land.
Do I hate the people? No. Well, some of them, yes. And there's a lot I'd rather not be around, but I can live and let live with them. We've got some beautiful people here. All the world's an American, you know.
Do I hate my government? Well, yes. It sold me out. I'm almost completely marginalized here. I take on the rightwing goons, do my best, fight my hardest. Nothing comes of it. I look to my leftist friends, and they always tell me to basically shut up and be reasonable.
It's not that I mind compromising, but compromising means getting my way once in a while, and that almost never happens here.
Our government is corrupt and ineffectual. Our military is bloated and not really ours as a nation but "ours" in the multi-national corporate sense. If you have no money, you have no justice. A fraction of a percentage of people are allowed to get rich, and everybody else has to fight it out and claw their way through life just to stay alive. Financiers like Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan make a living out of figuring out ever better ways to fuck people over and get a slap on the wrist when they're caught, if that. We torture people. We murder innocents overseas for the sake of convenience. We overthrow governments that we don't like, that won't march to our tune, and call it spreading democracy.
Worst of all, nobody here knows anything. We have to be some of the dumbest people on earth, especially in regards to what's being done overseas on our name.
And I'm supposed to swear my blind, undying allegiance to that? I'm supposed to point to Mexico and exclaim proudly "Things could be worse!"

I'm trying. Believe me. I used to think you were cool, but it turns out you're a little creep.

You probably were all along. Wonder why I didn't see it.

Enjoy the fascism that is barreling down the road to greet you.


Gay + Media = Unamerican Communist... everyone who watches the fair and balanced fox news show knows that's just a simple fact.

I'm just waiting for instructions from Fox on what the appropriate way to treat such unamerican traitors is...
I'm guessing they'll lean toward probably something like the Rwanda massacre...
After all it's not like their real people - apparently they're all going to hell anyway.


>> ^alien_concept:

It isn't so easy to just get up and leave your country and all the people you love in it though, is it?
>> ^burdturgler:
Start walking. It isn't complicated. North. South. Maybe east or west if you like to swim. You think Mexico isn't bad so I guess South it is. If you really want to go, the first step is to shut the fuck up, get off your ass and move your feet. Otherwise you're just another loud mouth sitting around posting on the internet who talks a lot of shit but does nothing.

For sure, you're right. It's a lot easier to just sit around and call everyone a fascist.


I can't stand Ellen as a comic, I absolutely loathe her delivery, and cannot stand to watch her. For instance, I have not watched this video because I suspect she speaks in it at some point. That one time she hosted the Oscars, I couldn't watch....and I always watch the Oscars: it's my Superbowl.

But does she hate America? Probably not, since she seems to be doing well here.


Rougy, I apologize. Looking back, I realize I misunderstood some of what you said. I want to explain but it would take a whole page of text and I really have made enough of a mess here. I still don't agree with everything you said but I definitely responded to it badly because I completely took it the wrong way. Sorry.


You know, I really bet it was that. Like most Americans, he's only aware of two lesbian comedians, and got them mixed up. Now I'm trying to remember why people believe Rosie hates America. Was it because she was against the war in Iraq? Is that really all it takes?
>> ^KnivesOut:

Maybe he was thinking of Rosie. Everyone knows that dyke hates America.


>> ^burdturgler:

Rougy, I apologize. Looking back, I realize I misunderstood some of what you said. I want to explain but it would take a whole page of text and I really have made enough of a mess here. I still don't agree with everything you said but I definitely responded to it badly because I completely took it the wrong way. Sorry.

No, no, no. You don't get off that easily. You have to take him fully in your mouth. Thems the internet rules; I don't make 'em.


That's the problem with "Hate America" statements...it's unique to America. Go up to anyone protesting the Italian Governments' new policy and tell them they hate Italy they'd laugh and their opponents would laugh in your face. It's an extremely totalitarian idea that if you're against something to do with your country...any aspect of it that you Hate your country and it's a great tool to keep people in line.

And what America do they mean anyways? The small elite business interests that have the most say...ALL the vastly different people within it? It just doesn't make any sense.


>> ^rougy:

I don't get this unquestionable loyalty thing.
I don't like America. I wish like hell I could get out of here, and I hope it happens someday soon.
What? You think I hate the country? No, the land is mostly beautiful. Pretty stupid to hate land.
Do I hate the people? No. Well, some of them, yes. And there's a lot I'd rather not be around, but I can live and let live with them. We've got some beautiful people here. All the world's an American, you know.
Do I hate my government? Well, yes. It sold me out. I'm almost completely marginalized here. I take on the rightwing goons, do my best, fight my hardest. Nothing comes of it. I look to my leftist friends, and they always tell me to basically shut up and be reasonable.
It's not that I mind compromising, but compromising means getting my way once in a while, and that almost never happens here.
Our government is corrupt and ineffectual. Our military is bloated and not really ours as a nation but "ours" in the multi-national corporate sense. If you have no money, you have no justice. A fraction of a percentage of people are allowed to get rich, and everybody else has to fight it out and claw their way through life just to stay alive. Financiers like Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan make a living out of figuring out ever better ways to fuck people over and get a slap on the wrist when they're caught, if that. We torture people. We murder innocents overseas for the sake of convenience. We overthrow governments that we don't like, that won't march to our tune, and call it spreading democracy.
Worst of all, nobody here knows anything. We have to be some of the dumbest people on earth, especially in regards to what's being done overseas on our name.
And I'm supposed to swear my blind, undying allegiance to that? I'm supposed to point to Mexico and exclaim proudly "Things could be worse!"

Bravo. At least burd apologised. But i suspect knee-jerk reactions like his can be traced back to all kinds of things, like stupid fathers insulting some innocent person on a stupid gameshow about something stupid! Videosift imitating life, dontcherknow.

In all honesty, i'd say mostly the same things about england. I hate this fucking country now. I love "england", but i hate this country.

But back to ellen!


Patriotism is a lame duck, it's basically a religion. Pledging allegiance to a power structure designed to empower some over others (the others often being you). People say it's loving your country, but that's just an arbitrary piece of land - it does not do anything you can say you love, it just is. Patriotism is just bending over backwards for the leader do jour, "we love you, god emperor of my country", wrapped in a flag.

All the good things are the lands itself, while all the bad things are the people running it. It's confusing.


>> ^gwiz665:
Patriotism is a lame duck, it's basically a religion. Pledging allegiance to a power structure designed to empower some over others (the others often being you). People say it's loving your country, but that's just an arbitrary piece of land - it does not do anything you can say you love, it just is. Patriotism is just bending over backwards for the leader do jour, "we love you, god emperor of my country", wrapped in a flag.
All the good things are the lands itself, while all the bad things are the people running it. It's confusing.

Actually, no. Allegiance and patriotism are separate things. True patriotism is more like pure communism. Love of the community, not the leader or country. Many patriots are credited with overthrowing their leadership.

Although... patriotism IS on the other side of a thin line from facism.


>> ^rougy:
Our government is corrupt and ineffectual. Our military is bloated and not really ours as a nation but "ours" in the multi-national corporate sense. If you have no money, you have no justice. A fraction of a percentage of people are allowed to get rich, and everybody else has to fight it out and claw their way through life just to stay alive. Financiers like Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan make a living out of figuring out ever better ways to fuck people over and get a slap on the wrist when they're caught, if that. We torture people. We murder innocents overseas for the sake of convenience. We overthrow governments that we don't like, that won't march to our tune, and call it spreading democracy.
Worst of all, nobody here knows anything. We have to be some of the dumbest people on earth, especially in regards to what's being done overseas on our name.
And I'm supposed to swear my blind, undying allegiance to that? I'm supposed to point to Mexico and exclaim proudly "Things could be worse!"

You forgot to mention how you continuously vote for people who believe in continuing all of those things, either directly or through policies that enable it. And then you spend the rest of your time trying to convince everyone that the problem is we're not all registered Democrats. The real problem is that we allow people to vote on things they shouldn't. The constitution sealed its fate with the general welfare clause.

When America defaults on its debt, it will be because the constitution failed to prevent idiots from trying to steal from each other or borrow money that they would benefit from, but that future generations would have to pay. Because it failed to ban the public sector from voting in elections. Because it failed to prevent a central bank from price fixing interest rates and monopolizing the money supply with unbacked paper they can print for themselves while we work to obtain it and watch it's scarcity/value siphoned. It is so much easier to just print more money and redirect its value than appropriate the money itself. Whatever you think you got out of this is crumbs compared to government employees and politically connected companies.

People like you are constantly fooled into enabling what you despise. Government destroys free market self-regulation and then claims lack of regulation is the problem. They loan banks money well below realistic interest rates. They insure every bank's deposits so banks don't have to compete on the safety of those deposits. GSEs like FM&FM implicitly backed subprime and so everyone thought that was a riskless bet as well. The tax code encouraged flipping property over real investment by making certain home sales completely exempt from capital gains. You may as well dump candy into a busy intersection and blame people for getting hit by passing cars. And instead of stopping the candy dumpage, your solution is to borrow even more money from China at interest to hire 10,000 full-time crossing guards. That is how insane the socialist rhetoric has gotten. When their social engineering fails, the problem isn't something they did, but something else they didn't do. Well, it's only going to last until China realizes that dollars are no asset, no product placeholder, when you're accumulating them in perpetuity.


To quote Al Franken:

If you listen to a lot of conservatives, they'll tell you that the difference between them and us is that conservatives love America and liberals hate America.... They don't get it. We love America just as much as they do. But in a different way. You see, they love America the way a 4-year-old loves her Mommy. Liberals love America like grown-ups. To a 4-year-old, everything Mommy does is wonderful and anyone who criticizes Mommy is bad. Grown-up love means actually understanding what you love, taking the good with the bad, and helping your loved one grow. Love takes attention and work and is the best thing in the world.


Franken just amazes me. I'm surprised I'm even saying this, but it really does seem that he was completely wasted as a comedian/comedy writer. I normally consider that to be a perfectly respectable profession, but he's demonstrating so well that he's capable of so much more than entertaining people (and I never really found his stuff to be all that funny, for some reason).

Actually, I find I feel much the same about Ellen...wasn't really all that impressed by her comedy, but I find her to be a pretty good talk show host. And she definitely gets my respect for her unflinching ability to stand up for herself and others who are being discriminated against.

Although, after considering Payback's comment, I think I'm going to have to switch and say, "I too, hate Ellen for stealing my Portia from my fantasies."
>> ^NetRunner:

To quote Al Franken:

If you listen to a lot of conservatives, they'll tell you that the difference between them and us is that conservatives love America and liberals hate America.... They don't get it. We love America just as much as they do. But in a different way. You see, they love America the way a 4-year-old loves her Mommy. Liberals love America like grown-ups. To a 4-year-old, everything Mommy does is wonderful and anyone who criticizes Mommy is bad. Grown-up love means actually understanding what you love, taking the good with the bad, and helping your loved one grow. Love takes attention and work and is the best thing in the world.

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