Cat vs Snake


>> ^gwiz665:

What king of snake was that? Poisonous?

I went frame by frame to see if it had the spade shaped head (which would be an almost certain sign that it's poisonous), but in each of the strikes it was too quick - a blur. I wouldn't expect that much aggressive behavior from a non-venomous snake, except that it had nowhere to hide, which is what a non-venomous would really prefer.

I think it succeeded in nipping the cat at least once, and had it been a copperhead that cat would have stopped attacking very quickly.

And finally, the camera man didn't seem too concerned, which leads me to believe that it was non-venomous.

Unless it wasn't his cat.


Camera man's a pretty sick f&%k if you ask me, even if it's not your cat. Cruel to just watch to see if it gets bitten, even if it is non venomous.
Type of person who would just watch the cat in the road and film it getting run over.
>> ^garmachi:

...And finally, the camera man didn't seem too concerned, which leads me to believe that it was non-venomous.
Unless it wasn't his cat...


Nature is nature? Some times it is on Nat. Geo. and some times it is in some rural back yard.
>> ^raverman:

Camera man's a pretty sick f&%k if you ask me, even if it's not your cat. Cruel to just watch to see if it gets bitten, even if it is non venomous.
Type of person who would just watch the cat in the road and film it getting run over.
>> ^garmachi:
...And finally, the camera man didn't seem too concerned, which leads me to believe that it was non-venomous.
Unless it wasn't his cat...


If you're filming a nature documentary then let nature unfold by it's natural course.

But if it's just some guy with a handycam watching the neighbours domestic house cat, who doesn't know better get bitten rather than helping, because he thinks it will be cool on the tubes - then that guy is a dick. This isn't nature, it's just him choosing to watch because 'hey, it's not my cat'.>> ^GDGD:

Nature is nature? Some times it is on Nat. Geo. and some times it is in some rural back yard.


Yeah, it surprised me that people were feeling sorry for the cat. The cat obviously picked the fight, continued it, and then ran off with its canines in the snake's neck. I love cats and I've always had at least two at any time, but come on. Just because it's a reptile!


Camera man's a pretty sick fuck to let that poor snake get attacked by that big mean old cat.>> ^raverman:

Camera man's a pretty sick f&%k if you ask me, even if it's not your cat. Cruel to just watch to see if it gets bitten, even if it is non venomous.
Type of person who would just watch the cat in the road and film it getting run over.


I hate watching snakes get eaten/killed, sure they can kill you pretty easily, but when it comes to defense, all they have is their offence, so i was rooting for the snake.


>> ^KnivesOut:

So what happened at the end? Did the cat bite the snake and run, or did the snake latch onto the cat's face!?

pause at 0:53 and keep hitting pause play pause play. You can see the snake's head/neck is in the cat's mouth. The cat has that funny "something in my mouth" look.


>> ^raverman:

Camera man's a pretty sick f&%k if you ask me, even if it's not your cat. Cruel to just watch to see if it gets bitten, even if it is non venomous.
Type of person who would just watch the cat in the road and film it getting run over.
>> ^garmachi:
...And finally, the camera man didn't seem too concerned, which leads me to believe that it was non-venomous.
Unless it wasn't his cat...

Oh but you're ok with the cat eating the snake. You can't pretend to be "compassionate" while concurrently playing animal favoritism based on vague traits like furriness and cuteness.


Looks like the cat knew what it was doing. Probably feral... eats snakes all the time.

Also looks like he got bit on the chest about 20-odd seconds it, when they swap sides the kitty appears to be bleeding, but it could just be dirt on its fur.

Anyways, impressive snake gittin' skills. My cats are totally hopeless pampered mostly indoor sissies. Occasionally they get some critter and play with it to death or until I take it away. I used to have one though that was a badass hunter. She hardly ate any cat food at all during the summer. Mostly mice and things, but smaller rabbits on occasion. A few times I found her sitting next to a rabbit carcass, blood all over her face, happily munching on its guts looking like a lion eating a gazelle. She always brought her prey to the same part of the yard for eating and it was routinely littered with the dismembered bits and pieces of various animals (a bird's wing here, a mouse's head there, and many other things I couldn't and didn't care to identify).


If North American, otherwise moot.

>> ^garmachi:

>> ^gwiz665:
What king of snake was that? Poisonous?

I went frame by frame to see if it had the spade shaped head (which would be an almost certain sign that it's poisonous), but in each of the strikes it was too quick - a blur. I wouldn't expect that much aggressive behavior from a non-venomous snake, except that it had nowhere to hide, which is what a non-venomous would really prefer.
I think it succeeded in nipping the cat at least once, and had it been a copperhead that cat would have stopped attacking very quickly.
And finally, the camera man didn't seem too concerned, which leads me to believe that it was non-venomous.
Unless it wasn't his cat.

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