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Body Paint for the Superbowl


2 things:
1. how do they cover up the uh... front bits...?
2. do you think having a body like that makes you skeezy or does being skeezy make you have a body like that?


>> ^gnargnar:
2 things:
1. how do they cover up the uh... front bits...?
2. do you think having a body like that makes you skeezy or does being skeezy make you have a body like that?

1. With the help of a razor and some shaving lotion.
2. what does skeezy have to do with it?

The cardinal fan seems to have a rather perky jersey... ::cough::boobjob:::COUGH while the Steeler fan is a natural


>> ^arvana:
I'm pretty sure they're BOTH getting a little help from Dr. Silicone.

After several painstaking reviews, I have to agree that both fans have been helped by "others". But that said, the Steeler fan has been helped in a very natural looking way


>> ^youdiejoe:
>> ^gnargnar:
2 things:
1. how do they cover up the uh... front bits...?
2. do you think having a body like that makes you skeezy or does being skeezy make you have a body like that?

1. With the help of a razor and some shaving lotion.
2. what does skeezy have to do with it?
The cardinal fan seems to have a rather perky jersey... ::cough::boobjob:::COUGH while the Steeler fan is a natural

I seriously hope you and I are thinking about different things, because I seriously think he was talking about nipples.

And if so, the Cardinals fan is hiding it decently, but the steelers fan didn't do such a good job.

They have black marks running down her "Jersey" but it really doesn't help out much from the side.


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