Ball boy is future Jerry Rice

Just kinda cool.

Jerry Rice...Pffft! Not only was this in the Australian Open but that action is more like from a short-leg in Cricket (or at the extreme a short-stop in Baseball) than as a receiver in American Football. Ponting is a better referece.


ahah! Yea I saw this live last night during the match, Federer was in a pretty bad mood after that second set, so I was surprised he didn't hit more in the ball kids direction.


So he's like the Noam Chomsky of athletics?

Was he the greatest ballboy of all time?>> ^Yogi:

Ok Jerry Rice is probably the greatest athlete to have ever lived so lets lay off.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'catch, Nadal, Federer, sit, down, chumps, man, at, work' to 'catch, Nadal, Federer, sit, down, chumps, man, at, work, tennis, melbourne, Australian Open' - edited by SlipperyPete


>> ^papple:

>> ^Yogi:
Ok Jerry Rice is probably the greatest athlete to have ever lived so lets lay off.

Daley Thompson is rolling in his grave.

Jamie Carragher will kick both your asses.

Edit: Seriously, this is definitely a cricket style catch, and in one of the few countries that care about cricket. Ricky Ponting gets my vote.


>> ^papple:

>> ^Yogi:
Ok Jerry Rice is probably the greatest athlete to have ever lived so lets lay off.

Daley Thompson is rolling in his grave.

He's not dead and he's also from Great Britain...PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT.


Jerry Rice was a wide receiver for the San Francisco 49ers, during their dynastic dominance of the NFL during the 1990's. If you don't know what a wide receiver does, that's okay. They catch the ball that the quarterback of the team throws to them while running at full speed with goddamn ninja free safeties chasing them down. Now if you don't know what a quarterback is or a free safety, then I cannot help you at this time.

kuerteejokingly says...

To stoke the flame a little more:
Ok...Stop with the NFL reference! This action is nowhere NEAR how a wide receiver would catch. For the Americans: a baseball fielder would be a better reference than Jerry Rice - without dismissing Rice's abilities, of course. For those of us who know a bit more than our local sports, this action is a Cricket fielder's skill - no leather glove, low ball, short-leg quick reflexes. And thanks for the lesson about NFL, because it simply proves that it is the wrong reference for the catch.


I used to make catches like that ALLLLLL the fucking time when I was a kid. So really, this Ballboy is the next me, which is to say nobody.


>> ^kuertee:

To stoke the flame a little more:
Ok...Stop with the NFL reference! This action is nowhere NEAR how a wide receiver would catch. For the Americans: a baseball fielder would be a better reference than Jerry Rice - without dismissing Rice's abilities, of course. For those of us who know a bit more than our local sports, this action is a Cricket fielder's skill - no leather glove, low ball, short-leg quick reflexes. And thanks for the lesson about NFL, because it simply proves that it is the wrong reference for the catch.

To keep that flame burning bright: Look I hate baseball and I hate cricket even more. I'm the poster of the video I'm gonna use whatever Greatest NFL Player of All Time I choose to reference!

Also as for "This action is no where NEAR how a wide receiver would catch." That's Bullshit because ANYONE who has EVER seen Jerry Rice play has seen him catch a ball like that 80 Fucking's how he got his number!


>> ^Yogi:

>> ^kuertee:
To stoke the flame a little more:
Ok...Stop with the NFL reference! This action is nowhere NEAR how a wide receiver would catch. For the Americans: a baseball fielder would be a better reference than Jerry Rice - without dismissing Rice's abilities, of course. For those of us who know a bit more than our local sports, this action is a Cricket fielder's skill - no leather glove, low ball, short-leg quick reflexes. And thanks for the lesson about NFL, because it simply proves that it is the wrong reference for the catch.

To keep that flame burning bright: Look I hate baseball and I hate cricket even more. I'm the poster of the video I'm gonna use whatever Greatest NFL Player of All Time I choose to reference!
Also as for "This action is no where NEAR how a wide receiver would catch." That's Bullshit because ANYONE who has EVER seen Jerry Rice play has seen him catch a ball like that 80 Fucking's how he got his number!

I saw Jerry Rice doing a show in Las Vegas two years ago... catching bullets with one hand.


Can you provide video evidence of this? As much as I loathe Ponting, it really is a cricket style catch... so the most you can really hope for is to prove that your guy can make a cricket style catch with the wrong sort of ball.
>> ^Stu:

that's a lovely line. doesn't change the fact it's still a Jerry Rice catch>> ^sepatown:
that's a lovely story. doesn't change the fact it's still a Ponting catch.


Fun fact, the crowd applauds itself after doing a Mexican wave at the tennis.

And for my 2c. It' impossible for an NFL player to ever catch a ball like that - reasonably firm ground strokes in tennis travel upwards of 150km/hr (~100+ miles per hour), NFL quarterbacks throw at only about half this speed, so the receiver is not relying on cat-like reflexes like this kid, rather he's relying on speed, skill and maneuvering so he's at the right place at the right time with his hands in the right spot.

Also, ball size?

Cricket balls are bowled at up to 150km/hr, similar to tennis, so similar rapid reflexes are required for a slips catch (or someone at point or silly mid off), and also the ball is the same size, it's a perfect match!

So I would say that:
Jerry Rice: Hell no
Ricky Ponting: Hell yes

Also, did anyone see the mens final tonight? Djokovic tore off his shirt at the end like the incredible hulk lol, what a pro.


You people aren't giving me enough credit for my Noam Chomsky line on Yogi. I mean, he bangs on about Chomsky being smarter than everyone all the time! So I cleverly referenced his comment about this dude being the best athlete to his standard line about Chomsky.

And you're not giving me enough credit.


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