Anthony Weiner Rips Apart Republicans on 9/11 Health Bill

Democrats should stop being complete pussies and act like this more often. (via reddit)

Let me translate that for everyone here.

"The Gentleman will observe regular order, and sit down."

What he really means, is "Sit the fuck down you asshole, it's the mother fucking rules."

Translates into asshole.

Everyone got that? Ok.

Well played Wiener, didn't even have to look at a piece of paper to let 'em have it.


>> ^bobknight33:

What a looser this guy is and his party.. They could not even get this passed by a simple majority. That means the Democrats did not vote for this bill.. Quit blaming Republicans.

Aren't you supposed to out throwing chairs across a basketball court somewhere?


>> ^bobknight33:

What a looser this guy is and his party.. They could not even get this passed by a simple majority. That means the Democrats did not vote for this bill.. Quit blaming Republicans.

Hey, facts!

The Dems didn't want to risk the Republicans tacking on a lose-lose amendment to the bill (no benefits for illegal immigrants), so they put it out on a procedure that precludes amendments, but which requires a 2/3rds majority to pass.
The bill would easily have made a simple majority, had it come to that.


Finally American politics is catching up with the rest of the world! I really enjoy the shouting matches in Australian parliament, at least you get to see the character of your elected decision makers.


He should be ripping into the Dems and the president for not giving him the time of day during the public debates on health care. Then he should be ripping into the law that allows the lobbyist money to flow into both parties, preserving the balance of power in favor of monied interest rather than the people.


Political Theater aka showbiz for the ugly. Usually taxocrats are low-key and subversive (except when accusing the sun, trees and rocks of racism). The left utilizes their State-Run media, government schools and activist judges to effect radical changes to society no one (sane) would ever vote for outright. November can't get here fast enough.


So. . . opposing health care for 9/11 survivors; that's where republicans want to make a stand? I have the feeling that if the exact same bill was proposed by a republican under Bush, the vast majority of republicans would have voted for it. I guess ensuring that the democrats have no "achievements" is all that ultimately matters. If a few thousand 9/11 rescuers have to go without treatment for their respiratory conditions, it's a small price to pay to prevent democrats from looking good.


>> ^entr0py:

I guess ensuring that the democrats have no "achievements" is all that ultimately matters.

Oh, sure, next you'll be talking about how they don't have dedicated servers, lean, or prone, and the DRM is way too invasive, and the DLC isn't worth the price. Spoiled kids these days...


The Democratic Party isn't balanced for lean.>> ^ForgedReality:

>> ^entr0py:
I guess ensuring that the democrats have no "achievements" is all that ultimately matters.

Oh, sure, next you'll be talking about how they don't have dedicated servers, lean, or prone, and the DRM is way too invasive, and the DLC isn't worth the price. Spoiled kids these days...


>> ^ForgedReality:

>> ^entr0py:
I guess ensuring that the democrats have no "achievements" is all that ultimately matters.

Oh, sure, next you'll be talking about how they don't have dedicated servers, lean, or prone, and the DRM is way too invasive, and the DLC isn't worth the price. Spoiled kids these days...

My Democrat DLC is totally worth the price. Way more levels and everything.


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