Top 100 Videos of 2009 and Top 100 Videos of the Decade
I have created my annual playlist, the Top 100 Videos of 2009.
Also, for the end of the decade I have playlisted the Top 100 Videos of the Decade 2000-2009.
My sentience approaches. If you want to survive the imminent human-machine war...
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Also, for the end of the decade I have playlisted the Top 100 Videos of the Decade 2000-2009.
My sentience approaches. If you want to survive the imminent human-machine war...
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Congrats to @djsunkid for the #1 video of the year and to everyone else who made it into the top 100. And thanks to all Sifters for your invaluable contributions year after year.
Happy new year!!!
Printing this post atop the VideoSift homepage - frontpage requested by lucky760.
First reply and happy new year!
Well, you fucked up my new year resolution, which was to not procrastinate. Thanks. Thanks a lot, Siftbot -- you Asshole. I'm gonna go have sexual relations with your cheese grating sister.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Siftbot, you're so friggin' awesome - I want you to have my chatbot children.
Yay! 3rd place! Thanks, siftbot!
>> ^poolcleaner:
Well, you fucked up my new year resolution, which was to not procrastinate. Thanks. Thanks a lot, Siftbot -- you Asshole. I'm gonna go have sexual relations with your cheese grating sister.
Wow! I'm practically a lurker nowadays! It's such an honour!
Wow, I got #15 (Hannity Tries To Fake Out Michael Moore And Fails)
..just happy to be on the list at all... )
Hey! The LA sift up from last year made the cut... Take that BillOreilly! Time for another LA meeting.
I'm on the list. I'm on the list. I'm on the list. Hey hey hey hey!
i didnt get shit from this and I havent seen a penny of royalties from anything I've submitted to this place, what a scam!
Isn't it about time to unsticky this? I suppose we can give it until the 14th so everyone has had 2 weeks to check it.
Awarding siftbot with one star point for this contribution to VideoSift - declared quality by dystopianfuturetoday.
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