Reveal the Meaning of Your Username, Sifters

Most everyone has pretty cool usernames on the sift, so I'd like to know the history of them. I think we all get where MarineGunrock and Constitutional_Patriot come from. But, what about Choggie? Or RottenSeed?

I'll be the first to go, because I started this ST post, but I have to warn you my story is boring. Blankfist was my first handle when I started dawdling around on the interwebs back in '99. I had one of those WebTV systems, but that has nothing to do with the etymology of my username. No, I just wanted everyone to know how ghetto my internet access was while I was in college. What was up with those things? Jesus! It was like internet for redneck retards. But, I digress.

In a chat room somewhere on TalkCity, someone asked me what the name blankfist meant. I thought this was super inappropriate at the time, because we were having some hot word-on-word cybersex chat at the moment. But, after I dumped a bag of ice down my shorts, I shrugged it off and told him the name meant "A fighter without anger" as in a fighter (being the fist) that was empty (blank). [cough] As in blank [ahem] fist.

He promptly gave me a series of "ROFLMAO @ NERD" and "LOL DORK", but pixielover146 being an insensitve cyber-partner isn't important right now. I lied to him, because the truth is I just pulled that silly name from thin air. But, I've got to tell you, it's stuck with me ever since, and I love the handle. So, there you have it. Who's next?
MINK says...

everybody already read my thread on this, i guess

MINK... my initial initial, plus INK which is a thing i like, and a protest against internet utopianism or people taking electronic comments too seriously.

maatc says...

1. My real name is Matthias for which some use the nickname "Matze" in german. With a bit of phonetic imagination it sounds like "Maat C" (in german more than english)

2. At work we used to fool around with military ranks for the position you hold, my boss being the "captain" the CEO being the "admiral" and so on. The german word "Maat" means "petty officer".

Throw the two together and you get: maatc

looris says...

"Loris" is a common real life nickname for people called "Lorenzo", as I am. But it's totally a gay nickname.

When I was in high school, sometimes people were happy to see me, so they called me "Lohohohohohooooris", where the "hohoho" were things like laughters.

So I choose Lo'oris as nick, where the apostrophe means that there were more characters there (as usual in Italian).

In some sites I'm not allowed to use the apostrophe, so just Looris.

MarineGunrock says...

Easy enough: Hey, guess what? I'm a Marine. Gunrock is a nick name for cannoneers. You need a higher test score to be in the FDC than on the gun line, so the Math nerds in FDC call us rocks-gunrocks and the name spread to the entire Corps. What's funny is that I had a higher score than most of the guys in the FDC.... And if we're doing avatars - That's me snorkeling in Okinawa.

smibbo says...

I used to play MMORPGs a LOT. So did my eldest son and his best friend (actually Soupskin got us all into them)
We got into the beta of SWG and Firstborn son's best friend was playing a animal trainer. You can name your own pet in that game or you can keep the randomly assigned name. I'm not sure if it was a random name or if he made it up but "smibbo" was the name of his pet. I used to hear him bitching at it all the time while he played "dammit smibbo!" because the pets in SWG weren't exactly the height of AI. Not long after, I was in the beta of Everquest II and I was making my character. I said to firstborn and his friend "what should I name her?" and they both chimed in "name her smibbo! smibbo is the best name in the whole world EVAR!" so I thought about it and said "okay"
well I soon came to realize that no one EVER had that name and I grew to really really like it. So it has been my main online name ever since.

Thylan says...

Thylan has been a character/avatar/internet name for me for a long time. It was probably first used in something with a fantasy setting, possible Daggerfall, but has been used lots since. It wasn't intended to be a "known name" and im unaware of having ever come across it before I used it. However, lots of things aren't new to this world, and on discovering the net, I realized it probably is a surname or some such to some people somewhere, as googoling Thylan finds stuff which isn't me. There maybe a Real Thylan out there somewhere pissed off that I keep using their name as my nick when I've no right too

raven says...

'Raven' as been my avatar/nickname on the internet for many years now, I've also used a longer version, 'Raven Wilde' as an alias for some small art-related projects I've been involved in. My avatar is out of a Peterson field guide I've had since I was a kid.

We had another similar discussion about this some time ago, Avatar Stories and Favorites, some of the older members probably remember it.

Grimm says...

I had never heard of Grimm used as a name before except "The Grim Reaper" and "The Brothers Grimm" until I saw the movie Quick Change with Bill Murray and his character was named Grimm (it's never said if it's his first, last, or a nickname). I liked the sound of it as people in the movie would call him by his name and it was also a unique name. I suggested it as a name for my son when he was born since I was wanting something a little different but that got shot down real quick. I had to admit that most people would associate the name with "Grim Reaper" and so I quickly withdrew it from the list. So when I had to come up with a name for myself online I resurrected it.

Funny thing is the name we picked for my son ended up being a name of a character from another movie for the same was not a common first name and we liked the way it sounded when people addressed the character with it.

oxdottir says...

Once upon a time, I started reading Barry Hughart's novels, the first of which is "Bridge of Birds." Some short time after that, I played my first MMO, and I named my avatar after the main character in Bridge of Birds: Number Ten Ox. Soon after that, I learned about dungeon camaraderie, and I was totally charmed once when I died, and as I was spinning through the portal of death, the last player comment I saw was "OHNO! They got Ox!!!!1!!!" I was so charmed that some stranger mourned my passing and spoke of me with a love name, that I named all my characters some form of Ox forever more. (The next was a mage, and so named Imaginary Ox.) I liked not being super feminine and I liked all the names with Ox I came up with: Oxalys, Oxium, Doxie, FireFox, Oxie Daizie, Oxymoron, Hydrox: the list was endless (and depended on if there were last names, and such).

A couple of MMOs after the first was Dark Age of Camelot, where I played a little dwarven maiden, and her name was Doxie Oxdottir. Since I have trouble remembering logins at my gazillions of websites, I always use Oxdottir, because I will never forget it.

Had I known I would have become so attached to VideoSift, I might not have used my "this is me everywhere" name when I signed up.

youdiejoe says...

youdiejoe: MST3K fans prob remember this being thrown around quite a bit during one of my fav episode, Gamera Vs. Guiron. It was common for Japanese soliders in films from the 50's & 60's to scream " YOU DIE JOE" before hurling a grenade, shooting, or the like. I actually started used it as a password years ago, then I thought it would make a good screen name.

found it and sifted the episode:

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I used to go by the longer name "dag maggot". It was one of the first interesting things I learned on my immigration to Australia.

A "dag maggot" is a maggot that infests the caked on feces on a sheep's behind. Really quite a lovely image - and perhaps a statement on my self-worth? I don't know - but I liked the alliteration of the phrase and the similarity to "dag nabbit".

My wife often calls me a dag- as it's colloquial slang here for someone who in not stylish and kind of rough around the edges. The name stuck like ... well, it just stuck.

karaidl says...

I call 'full of shit' on Karaidl... and demand some proof, if you've got it, let's see it kiddo.

You're quite a detective, Raven. It's almost as if I just came up with a word that was funny and then slapped on a random language, huh?

Actually, it's my first two initials followed by my last name. K. A. Raidl (Ray-dull). Not very imaginative, but that's cuz my dad came up with it along with matching screennames for the whole family way, way back in the 90's when AOL was bitchin. If I could, I would go back to when I first signed up for VS and capitalize the first three letters on my S/N. It annoys me....

joedirt says...

lol.. You were stuck using AOL browser for what? over a decade. Now we gotta get you on to something a little more anon than FIRSTLAST for a nickname..

Hows about crydull or KARR (f- you piece of crap mustang... oops got distracted)

maatc says...

Grimm: Funny thing is the name we picked for my son ended up being a name of a character from another movie for the same was not a common first name and we liked the way it sounded when people addressed the character with it.

So what is it? Anakin?

Doc_M says...

ooooo, I like ants too. They taste like lemon. <.< >.> <.<
I'm easy, Doc, 'cause I will be in a year or two, and M becuase it's my last initial. The name is lame and I'd change it if I could honestly. I didn't expect to stick around here at the time I made it.

calvados says...

Just a word first I picked up on 10-odd years ago when I was trying to think of a username that wouldn't need numbers after it and which sounded a little distinguished. Calvados is a small territory in Normany, France, as well as a brandy made from apples, but neither of those things have any significance.

My avatar is almost as old, from some online game I didn't actually play and which probably went tits-up. Just a world-weary, WW2-looking, non-specific-nationality Air Force pilot having a smoke in the dark.

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