Re: My siftquisition of peggedbea and subsequent hobbitting

peggedbea left a rude, personal attack on my page:

"kentucky called, they need you to go back and mouth rape your cousins some more. theyre sick of watching her eat."

So I called a Siftquisition on her, as she broke FAQ 33:

"Please avoid personal attacks. It's okay to criticize ideas but refrain personal insults."

Granted, I also broke the rule, and in response she could have called a Siftquisition. But she did not. Instead, she retorted by breaking the rule. So I called a Siftquisition on her for it. And what happened?

It was deleted and I was hobbitted by gwiz665.

He says this on my profile:

You have been hobbled, do not continue your abuse of the sift. Thank you.
"Do Not call a Siftquistion for:

* a violation by a probationary account (they may be instabanned, banned in Sift Talk, or brought to the attention of an admin)
* minor infractions
* personal reasons
* retaliation
* practical jokes

Be aware that overzealous or spurious Siftquisitions are themselves violations and may result in the Siftquisitioner being Siftquisitioned

However, I did not break that rule when I Siftquisitioned peggedbea. I had valid reason, as stated here:

Call a Siftquisition to bring an established member before the community for a hearing because of:
a violation of the VideoSift guidelines

Therefore, I demand that I be unhobbitted, and allowed to rejoin the Fellowship of the Sift.
ObsidianStorm says...

I, for one, would be in favor of removing the cuffs - they've served their purpose.

Let's make this Sift whole once more!

Addendum: Thinker - I probably would phrase your request for removal as such and not as a 'demand'...

gwiz665 says...

I can enjoy parody as much as the next man, but as soon as "the courts" are involved, which they were with the siftquisition, then the ante is upped dramatically and it becomes a much more serious matter. You were hobbled because your mock-siftquisition was frivolous and because you've done it before.

There are tiers of seriousness involved here, and you were the one to raise it - if peggedbea had done it, she would be the one in cuffs.

You two can take your games to facebook or where ever else you want, for all I care you can keep it up in the PMs, but do not involve the community with a siftquisition frivolously.

thinker247 says...

Frivolous? I'm glad random diamond members can make that call.

And you take videosift much too seriously. Take a break and watch a video of a cat running into a fish tank, then tell me more about the seriousness of "the courts."

>> ^gwiz665:
I can enjoy parody as much as the next man, but as soon as "the courts" are involved, which they were with the siftquisition, then the ante is upped dramatically and it becomes a much more serious matter. You were hobbled because your mock-siftquisition was frivolous and because you've done it before.
There are tiers of seriousness involved here, and you were the one to raise it - if peggedbea had done it, she would be the one in cuffs.
You two can take your games to facebook or where ever else you want, for all I care you can keep it up in the PMs, but do not involve the community with a siftquisition frivolously.

Ryjkyj says...

WOW Thinker, I know morality is subjective but WOW, your comment on her page was just SO MUCH worse than anything that she said. I'm very surprised to see you go as low as you did.

Bea's comment was directed at you, so it's a personal attack. But what you said is a "personalized" attack. Referencing things that we all know about her and attacking details of her life directly. I admit that she's pretty fucking foul and offensive sometimes but that's "in general", i.e.: "all the time". And not with any one person in particular and especially not with the personal details that they've shared with the site.

I agree that both of you are responsible for this but DAMN...

gwiz665 says...

A hobbling is not a ban, it is a precaution that you do not misuse your privileged powers. I did not ban you and I am not calling for your ban, but that siftquisition was indeed frivolous and my actions were to protect the sift from your potential destruction.

I would rather hobble a thousand men, then to let one go on a discard spree or something similar, so I am overzealous. It's not like it's not reversible. But like I said in the post to you and in the siftqusition post I just locked you down for an admin to make the call. if by my actions I hurt the sift, or your precious feelings, then I'm sure the community and/or admins would admonish me, so far that has not happened.

Some here post concerns about your hobbling, but the main reason is that you used your powers bad, not that you two had personal attacks with each other. Like EDD writes, if we hobbled for every little personal attack, however mild-mannered, there would be few users left. We have almost completely free range in our comments, but once the site is misused like this, it's another ball game.

I do not harbor any animosity towards you, thinker, but I fear you are burning out like choggie did. But sure, unhobble all you like, it was merely an example that had to be set. (I had by no means intended for it to be permanent.)

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Irishman says...

You know what Thinker, I have enjoyed your videos for some considerable time, and the way you are being treated by these kids is ridiculous. All these bullshit powers have gone to peoples heads. I came back here after getting a bunch of emails from various posters over the last few months, and I'm actually sickened that the wankers have taken over and turned a great video site into a big ego game.

You will actually be happier away from it, trust me.

Gwiz -Choggie didn't burn out, he was driven away by shit faced little heroes like you, just as I was. Fuck you and your ego.

"I fear you are burning out", what kind of cretinous bollocks is that, you did it for his own good did you? I harbour an incredible amount of animosity towards you, it makes you FEEL GOOD to use your superpowers doesn't it? You decided all on your own what was good for the community before anybody could contribute their thoughts.

If you were my kid I'd smother you with a pillow then throw you under a truck you egotistical powermongering little bastard.

alien_concept says...

Jesus Irish, say what you mean why don't ya

This place is becoming a bit much, all around. I'm all for freedom of speech and not taking things too seriously, I don't wanna see censorship at all. But i'm getting confused lately. Things are ridiculous around here nowadays, people trying to outdo each other and playing retarded games.

I'm bored of it, that's all, not wanting or expecting any one of you to give a shit. Time for a break

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kronosposeidon says...

Lemme see if I got this right, Irishman: gwiz665 hobbles thinker247, and that's an abuse of "bullshit" "superpower", but thinker247 calls for a Siftquisition against peggedbea for behavior that he himself also indulged in, and that's not an abuse of power? You don't see any contradiction there?

Personally I'd also like to see the Siftquisition function go away. It was a good idea in theory, i.e., to let the community police itself, but in practice it's just making things worse. I don't even like the term "Siftquisition." I know it's meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but to me it still conveys a sense of repression. Regardless, I think it needs to go away.

Hobbling should probably go away too. They only block downvote sprees and profile messaging anyway. By the time someone is aware of a downvote spree the damage still has to be undone by an admin, so it doesn't help a whole lot more if someone else hobbles them. And profile messaging? Well, maybe we need a new feature that let's any member stop profile messages coming from any person. Maybe post a little roadblock symbol next to the user name on everyone's profiles, and when it's clicked it disables that member from leaving comments just on your profile alone. Is that possible?

And if someone is on a downvote spree, maybe dag and lucky can have a "hotline" option on their profiles in which a member can leave an urgent message about a member who's on a downvote spree, or an illegal discard spree (someone willfully discarding other members videos for no good reason).

What do you think?

Edeot says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:
Personally I'd also like to see the Siftquisition function go away. It was a good idea in theory, i.e., to let the community police itself, but in practice it's just making things worse.

Yes and no to this. I think I understand the point of Siftquisitions - the community shares the weight of the decisions of banning members, instead of just the big ol' mean admins. But I think it should only be used in gray areas.

When something is real cut and dry - say, a downvote spree - then I don't think a Siftquisition is necessary. Hobble them, and then report it to Dag/Lucky.

Sarzy says...

Why are downvoting sprees even possible? Why even allow someone to cast dozens of downvotes all at once? Change the system so that only one downvote is allowed every three minutes. That's a small enough time so that if you're legitimately watching and downvoting videos, you'll never notice, but a long enough time to discourage people from going on a downvoting spree.

RhesusMonk says...

Hey girl I got somethin' real important to give you
So just sit down and listen
Girl you know we've been together such a long long time (such a long time)
And now I'm ready to lay it on the line
(Wooow) You know it's Christmas and my heart is open wide
Gonna give you something so you know what's on my mind
A gift real special, so take off the top
Take a look inside -- it's my dick in a box
Not gonna get you a diamond ring
That sort of gift don't mean anything
Not gonna get you a fancy car
Girl ya gotta know you're my shining star
Not gonna get you a house in the hills
A girl like you needs somethin' real
Wanna get you somethin' from the heart
Somethin' special girl
It's my dick in a box, my dick in a box babe
It's my dick in a box, my dick in a box girl
See I'm wise enough to know when a gift needs givin' (yeah)
And I got just the one, somethin' to show ya that you are second to none
To all the fellas out there with ladies to impress
It's easy to do just follow these steps
1: Cut a hole in a box
2: Put your junk in that box
3: Make her open the box
And that's the way you do it
It's my dick in a box... my dick in a box babe
It's my dick in a box, my dick in a box girl
Christmas; dick in a box
Hanukkah; dick in a box
Kwanzaa; a dick in a box
Every single holiday a dick in a box
Over at your parent's house a dick in a box
Mid day at the grocery store a dick in a box
Backstage at the CMA's a dick in a box (yeah-wow-wow-wow-wow-wow)
a dick in a box...

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

We are not a mob. We're a democratic meritocracy with a very weak executive branch.

Your hobbling is deserved Thinker. I feel you crossed the line somewhere between your comment on Bea's profile and the faux siftquisition.

Whether it's parody or not - if you are going to act like dipshit, expect someone to put the plastic ties around your wrists so you don't cause more damage.

gwiz665 says...

I suppose I better use some energy to answer this, even if I don't really want to.

If you had actually followed what has happened, then you would know that thinker has been playing with these rules for a while. I did what I thought was best. He is the one that acted like an idiot, not me. The hobbling may have been excessive, but like I wrote earlier IT IS REVERSIBLE.

Choggie made a police suicide; he threw himself on our swords, so to speak. I'm not doing anything heroic, not do I think I do, I'm merely trying to keep the integrity of videosift. It does not make me feel good to use my powers - you remind me of the comedian, "Is this what gets you off?" - and hell, it's the first time I've EVER hobbled anyone, so don't take that attitude with me, you little shit.

Hobbling is a panic button, and I pressed it. Now you can debate that all you like. But your attitude and your fabrication of my intentions is just idiotic.

I don't really care about your animosity towards me, because I don't care about you.

I'm so glad I'm not your kid, and I hope you don't have kids.

>> ^Irishman:
You know what Thinker, I have enjoyed your videos for some considerable time, and the way you are being treated by these kids is ridiculous. All these bullshit powers have gone to peoples heads. I came back here after getting a bunch of emails from various posters over the last few months, and I'm actually sickened that the wankers have taken over and turned a great video site into a big ego game.
You will actually be happier away from it, trust me.
Gwiz -Choggie didn't burn out, he was driven away by shit faced little heroes like you, just as I was. Fuck you and your ego.
"I fear you are burning out", what kind of cretinous bollocks is that, you did it for his own good did you? I harbour an incredible amount of animosity towards you, it makes you FEEL GOOD to use your superpowers doesn't it? You decided all on your own what was good for the community before anybody could contribute their thoughts.
If you were my kid I'd smother you with a pillow then throw you under a truck you egotistical powermongering little bastard.

gwiz665 says...

^I beg to differ. It is indeed a panic button to prevent further damage to the sift. My worries were that the escalating insults and dares would spill over into other stuff, and the first step was with the faux-siftquisition, so I hobbled and PM'd dag immediately afterward. So there, that's just about all the time I want to spend on that issue. If you really feel I misused my hobbling power, by all means call a siftquisition or make a sift talk about the role of hobbling.

volumptuous says...

^I beg to differ about your differing.

They guy's been chained up for what seems like a week now (more?), and it's pretty ridiculous. Seems someone clutched their pearls a bit too hard over private messages, of which, are still going on between the two, with some awesome hilarity.

I'm not calling a siftquisition because I think the premise is stupid. And I have followed this ordeal, and frankly, you hobbitted him at the wrong time, according to the rules, and should be chained up.

It's also nice that you ask for people's input, only to disregard and discredit it.

So what's the deal now? Has he been dickslapped sufficiently, or do we carry on with this lame little tantrum for another few weeks? And btw: The only public airing of this issue was a result of Gwizz's hobbitting.

Private messages should be private. I do not understand the need for public viewing of private messages. If Dag/Lucky don't want to change it, then maybe people should keep their noses out of other people's inboxes.

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