Posting Spoilers in Comments

At the request of @dystopianfuturetoday, who has recently been posting some interesting riddles in his blog, we've added support for concealing spoilers in your comments.

Simply surround your spoiler text with the tags <spoiler> and </spoiler> and it will be invisible when your comment is displayed. It can be made visible either by selecting all the text on the page (e.g., CTRL+A) or by click-dragging using your mouse over the hidden text.

Give it a shot!
speechless says...

This is a nice addition, but instead of having a blank/empty comment box, is there a way to make it so that it notifies the reader that a comment is being hidden due to it being a spoiler (maybe using the way you display that a comment is hidden because a user is ignored)?

[show the body of this spoiler comment]

RFlagg says...

Just testing to see if you can quote a spoiler and still have it display properly...

>> ^lurgee:

[spoiler]<span class="spoiler">there is no dark side in the moon, really. As a matter of fact it's all dark</span>[/spoiler]

RFlagg says...

@luck760, how about a Spoilers tag for videos as well? Would go along with NSFW, Blocked, Short, Long and the like. Would help avoid watching a video that might spoil something without having to make a note in the description or later in a comment (I haven't been spoiled recently, but have been in the past, and the comment on this video reminded me about the Spoiler flag idea). Video could be flagged Spoiler during creation, and at certain power levels could be flagged in the comments (*spoiler) and perhaps a slightly higher level flagged off (*notspoiler).

I came here looking for Spoiler in the talk to see if it had been suggested, saw this thread. The thread solution is a nice quick one, would perhaps be better if eventually it blocked it off in a comment box that you then could "click to reveal spoiler" that would then expand the box or show what is in it... but that certainly a if time allows sort of thing just to make it cooler.

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