If you have a VideoSift pet peeve lets hear it. I'll start.

A pet peeve of mine is when someone leaves a comment saying, "I think this is a duplicate" or " I think Ive seen this before". If you have seen it, you should discard it or show the url of the original. Either of those things are helpful. If you THINK youve seen it, locate the original and read the previous sentence. If Im missing something here please let me know.
dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Well, our search is less than perfect, so I think it's the case that some people truely have seen it before - but just cant' find it. Often though, it's been discarded because it broke.

rembar says...

I think Eric is at least partially right, though. Could we have a "potential dupe" flag? This would alert more sifters, and maybe somebody else would know where to find a certain original sift.

My pet peeve is lurkers and hit-and-run voters/commentators. It just feels like there's a separation in the Sift between the active users (mostly goldies and up) and the passive users who vote every now and then and toss out a "lol" when they're in the mood. I'd love to see more outreach to the passive users, to get them engaged in the comments section, because that's really where I think this site thrives.

James Roe says...


This is a common issue with social sites. I think the current statistics show that only about 10% of users comment and less than 2% actually submit content. This rule applies to everything from slashdot, digg, fark, and videosift. It is sort of lame, but I am not sure what the best way to address it is.

choggie says...

I may have a solution....like any habit, skill, or discipline, one must develop social skills which afford the meat-bot meaningful connections with their fellow sentients...sure, would have helped if the imprint was in place, but you can thank yer dweebish, wallflower parents for that- no use whining about it now-One must develop interaction skills, by stepping out every once in a while.....force yourself to interact with other humans in the flesh, of else that particular withering branch of yer tree will wither, and you'll end up twisted crank-The world is fast approaching some fiendish unfriendly experio-scape, so times' a wastin'! Interact. Press the flesh. Fuck, go do the free hug thing....or else you wanna end up like the cat lady?? She's hot, but not.

I see a future world of paranoid, fear-motivated automatons headed our way, and the programmers have had yer number, for some time now....gotta break outta that shit, and teach yourself to derrive meaning from the sea of bullshit dysfunction, we call, modern society in the west.......

Look at China....an example of conformity I for one hope explodes into majick, at N. Korea, as the fucking middle east.....What would help to make these "communities" more dynamic?......a freekin' brain douche, that's what!!! Mushrooms for everyone!!!!

ren says...

Ahh nothing like getting a hit of fresh hot choggish... but I fail to see what duplicate vids have to do with being a twisted crank, mushrooms, the rise of China and trying to emulate the cat lady?

ren says...

oh and the duplicate stuff, is really really old news.
I mentioned the best solution is to have a *duplicate (url) command that merges the new post with old, votes and comments.

rembar says...

Merging posts would be difficult, not to mention that combining votes might artificially bump those posts beyond what they normally would get, no?

James, I remember reading the study that produced those statistics. (I always think of it as the 10%/1% rule.) I also don't have any good ideas as to how to change this, thus my lame whining, but I'll mull it over and will be sure to say something if I get a lightbulb moment.

ren says...

in essence rembar it would be like the video getting a front page promote.

And James, i've enjoyed a few of those neatorama pics and stuff over the past few months but, it never really seems to generate any conversation. Maybe it's because the images are so huge? Maybe it's because of solar flares..

joedirt says...

eric, I do this all the time. I know it *may* have been in the queue or front page but possibly since deleted.

It is just flagging the video so if some more industrious or better sifter comes along they can dig up the original. I'm not telling you to delete it, but I really usually know for a fact it has been in the queue before. So usually it is helpful to the submitter because before it sits in queue for four days, they might go find the previously posted version.

On the *merge.. Don't even pretend to tempt me. It's been talked about probably almost as much as "self-linking"

looris says...


@Eric: if I think I've already seen something, I *do* search for it. If I can't find it I'll just say it, maybe someone else will be able to find it. Maybe the post author will tell me original died. Remember dead posts doesn't appear on searches (unless you search google maybe).

My "pet peeves" (never heard of it before)... so many.
• the white background: I can't handle it I have to click on a bookmarklet on every page;
• when a bad quality video makes it out of the queue, and there's no way to switch it to a better one if poster doesn't agree;
• when two videos are too similar but still both have to stay because software doesn't allow better way of handling the situation (like in recend South Park one);
well, these are the most annoying

still, great site, don't misunderstand me. I just love to complain improve things.

ant says...

My pet peeves: I am not #1 in the top users. j/k

I am annoyed with the search as well. Another one is people not putting "Live" in music videos when they are live! Ugh.

Um, another one is slowness here when things get crazy.

Another one: Hitting back when submitting and previewing, and my inputs are lost.

I am sure I have more!

swampgirl says...

My pet peeve is not seeing vintage sifts properly dated when a date is available. I've done it too..and it's pure laziness.

@looris... you mentioned you hate bad quality video. For those of us who love seeing old stuff, sometimes we have to take what we can get and appreciate the content over video quality. I just sifted a Loretta Lynn song, and you can see the fleeting rainbow at the beginning from the original vhs recording.
I could have found a nicer more recent recording of the song, but then you wouldn't get to see the great things that makes seeing the old recording more fun to watch.

eric3579 says...

"Another one: Hitting back when submitting and previewing, and my inputs are lost."

Boom,there it is. Ant you nailed it. My knowledge of computers and such is limited, but the above problem is something I noticed along time ago. At the time, I was sure this was something that had "broke" and would be fixed ASAP. Its still noticeably "broke". Its like food between your teeth when you smile.

looris says...

@SG: of course I'm not talking about old videos. There are MANY perfectly new videos with awful quality without reason. Especially screwed aspect ratios, or lame editing.
I'm not talking only about video quality, but overall quality (stupid text added, useless slowmotions where not needed, etc.)

@karaidl: lol! too lazy to change pic, sorry

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