Doctor who performed abortions shot to death 5-31-09
RECENT UPDATE 6/2/09:Kansas prosecutors have brought murder and assault charges against the man suspected of killing Wichita physician George Tiller, whose women's clinic was a frequent target of protests against abortion.
Some interesting coverage in that story as well:
'Tiller practiced medicine for nearly 40 years. Most of his patients were grappling with pregnancies that were "fatally or catastrophically complicated by medical problems," Dr. Warren Hern, a Colorado physician and a friend, said on CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360."
"The many women who come for late abortions, in fact, have desperate circumstances with a desired pregnancy," he said. "They want to have a baby, not an abortion."'
(CNN) -- Dr. George Tiller, whose Wichita, Kansas, women's clinic has been the target of anti-abortion protests for years, was shot and killed at his church Sunday morning, his attorneys said.
Dr. George Tiller was one of the few U.S. physicians that performed late-term abortions.
Dr. George Tiller was one of the few U.S. physicians that performed late-term abortions.
Laura Shaneyfelt, an attorney with the firm of Monnat and Spurrier, confirmed Tiller's death to CNN.
The 67-year-old doctor was one of the few U.S. physicians who still performed late-term abortions. He survived a 1993 shooting outside his clinic.
Wichita police said they were searching for a powder-blue Ford Taurus in connection with the killing, which took place outside Reformation Lutheran Church shortly after 10 a.m.
Witnesses provided a license number of the car the killer used to speed away from the church, police spokesman Gordon Bassham said.
Abortion is one of the hottest buttons in U.S. politics, with opponents arguing the practice is tantamount to the murder of an unborn child. Abortion rights supporters argue the decision to terminate a pregnancy is best left to the woman.
The anti-abortion group Operation Rescue, which has led numerous demonstrations at Tiller's clinic, condemned the shooting as a "cowardly act."
"Operation Rescue has worked for years through peaceful, legal means, and through the proper channels to see him brought to justice," the group said in a statement. It offered its prayers for Tiller's family, "that they will find comfort and healing that can only be found in Jesus Christ."
In March, Tiller was acquitted of 19 counts of performing procedures unlawfully at his clinic. In 2008, a probe initiated by abortion opponents who petitioned state authorities to convene a grand jury ended without charges.
On its Web site, Operation Rescue refers to Tiller as a "monster" who has "been able to get away with murder." And Operation Rescue founder Randall Terry, who is no longer affiliated with the group, called Tiller "a mass murderer."
"We grieve for him that he did not have time to properly prepare his soul to face God," Terry said in a written statement. "I am more concerned that the Obama administration will use Tiller's killing to intimidate pro-lifers into surrendering our most effective rhetoric and actions. Abortion is still murder, and we still must call abortion by its proper name."
The 1993 attack on Tiller left him wounded through both arms. An ardent foe of abortion, Shelley Shannon, was convicted of attempted murder and is serving a 20-year sentence in federal prison for the shooting.
If Tiller was slain because of his work, he would be the fourth U.S. physician killed by abortion opponents since 1993. In addition, a nurse at a Birmingham, Alabama, clinic was maimed and an off-duty police officer was killed in a 1998 bombing by Eric Rudolph, who included abortion among his list of anti-government grievances.
Rudolph admitted to that attack and three other bombings -- including the 1996 attack on the Olympic games in Atlanta, Georgia -- and is serving life in prison.
Latest Update:
Eyewitness News has confirmed the suspect in the shooting of Dr. George Tiller is in custody in the Kansas City area. Wichita police say the man was arrested near Gardner, KS at around 2:00 Sunday afternoon.
Wichita Police are hosting a news conference on the shooting at 4:00 pm today. Look for live coverage here.
Stay with Eyewitness News for further updates.
Police say Tiller's body was removed from the church at 12:30 Sunday afternoon. The FBI is involved in the investigation.
Nationwide alert issued for car and suspect description.
Further Update: Wichita residents are planning to mourn the death of Dr. George Tiller, as well as remember his triumphs, at Old Town Square tonight at 8pm. Although some in attendance may bring signs, the vigil is intended to be a peaceful gathering to show support for Tiller's family and friends.
Original link:
Update from local news:
Some interesting coverage in that story as well:
'Tiller practiced medicine for nearly 40 years. Most of his patients were grappling with pregnancies that were "fatally or catastrophically complicated by medical problems," Dr. Warren Hern, a Colorado physician and a friend, said on CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360."
"The many women who come for late abortions, in fact, have desperate circumstances with a desired pregnancy," he said. "They want to have a baby, not an abortion."'
(CNN) -- Dr. George Tiller, whose Wichita, Kansas, women's clinic has been the target of anti-abortion protests for years, was shot and killed at his church Sunday morning, his attorneys said.
Dr. George Tiller was one of the few U.S. physicians that performed late-term abortions.
Dr. George Tiller was one of the few U.S. physicians that performed late-term abortions.
Laura Shaneyfelt, an attorney with the firm of Monnat and Spurrier, confirmed Tiller's death to CNN.
The 67-year-old doctor was one of the few U.S. physicians who still performed late-term abortions. He survived a 1993 shooting outside his clinic.
Wichita police said they were searching for a powder-blue Ford Taurus in connection with the killing, which took place outside Reformation Lutheran Church shortly after 10 a.m.
Witnesses provided a license number of the car the killer used to speed away from the church, police spokesman Gordon Bassham said.
Abortion is one of the hottest buttons in U.S. politics, with opponents arguing the practice is tantamount to the murder of an unborn child. Abortion rights supporters argue the decision to terminate a pregnancy is best left to the woman.
The anti-abortion group Operation Rescue, which has led numerous demonstrations at Tiller's clinic, condemned the shooting as a "cowardly act."
"Operation Rescue has worked for years through peaceful, legal means, and through the proper channels to see him brought to justice," the group said in a statement. It offered its prayers for Tiller's family, "that they will find comfort and healing that can only be found in Jesus Christ."
In March, Tiller was acquitted of 19 counts of performing procedures unlawfully at his clinic. In 2008, a probe initiated by abortion opponents who petitioned state authorities to convene a grand jury ended without charges.
On its Web site, Operation Rescue refers to Tiller as a "monster" who has "been able to get away with murder." And Operation Rescue founder Randall Terry, who is no longer affiliated with the group, called Tiller "a mass murderer."
"We grieve for him that he did not have time to properly prepare his soul to face God," Terry said in a written statement. "I am more concerned that the Obama administration will use Tiller's killing to intimidate pro-lifers into surrendering our most effective rhetoric and actions. Abortion is still murder, and we still must call abortion by its proper name."
The 1993 attack on Tiller left him wounded through both arms. An ardent foe of abortion, Shelley Shannon, was convicted of attempted murder and is serving a 20-year sentence in federal prison for the shooting.
If Tiller was slain because of his work, he would be the fourth U.S. physician killed by abortion opponents since 1993. In addition, a nurse at a Birmingham, Alabama, clinic was maimed and an off-duty police officer was killed in a 1998 bombing by Eric Rudolph, who included abortion among his list of anti-government grievances.
Rudolph admitted to that attack and three other bombings -- including the 1996 attack on the Olympic games in Atlanta, Georgia -- and is serving life in prison.
Latest Update:
Eyewitness News has confirmed the suspect in the shooting of Dr. George Tiller is in custody in the Kansas City area. Wichita police say the man was arrested near Gardner, KS at around 2:00 Sunday afternoon.
Wichita Police are hosting a news conference on the shooting at 4:00 pm today. Look for live coverage here.
Stay with Eyewitness News for further updates.
Police say Tiller's body was removed from the church at 12:30 Sunday afternoon. The FBI is involved in the investigation.
Nationwide alert issued for car and suspect description.
Further Update: Wichita residents are planning to mourn the death of Dr. George Tiller, as well as remember his triumphs, at Old Town Square tonight at 8pm. Although some in attendance may bring signs, the vigil is intended to be a peaceful gathering to show support for Tiller's family and friends.
Original link:
Update from local news:
He was shot at church. I'm sure Jesus approved.
Ugh... pro-lifers suck.
Human life is sacred doctor, now die!
"Pro-Life", yeah right. It's sad and dumb. I saw it via both my Pharyngula and BBC News RSS feeds and Sifted the CNN report some 2 hours ago:
"Pro-Life": Prominent US Abortion Doctor Shot Dead in Church
Pro-life...but murder is ok - yeaaahh....
I really hope hope God told e to do it is anything in the defence...
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
I'm sure god did tell him to do it - he's a bit of a prick that way.
I just wanted to add that Dr. George Tiller was one of the few U.S. physicians that performed late-term abortions. oh and pro-lifers are morons
The thread is titled "Doctor Who performed abortions..."
I came here expecting some David Tennant. Very disappointing.
More evidence toward my idea that it's never to late to abort somebody.
It's really quite simple. It all depends on the point at which you consider an infant child a human. Is it before birth, during birth, or after birth? If the child is a human, worthy of protection before birth, then this shooting can be justified given the following additional presuppositions:
1) It is justified and imperative to defend an innocent human from a violent assailant with deadly force, if need be.
2) There is no other way to save the victim's life but by using deadly force against their assailant.
Now, these two items rarely come under discussion by pro-choice advocates because they simply deny that the fetus is a child worthy of protection until some time after birth. Ask ten different people, you may very well get ten different answers as to when the child's life really begins.
It is what it is. Mock accordingly, but at least keep it accurate. Unless of course you really have no interest in understanding the opposition, and simply wish to engage in a Glen Beck style 'debate'. Then by all means proceed unabated.
^Exactly, a fetus is not a person and as such does not have the rights of a person. Thus the debate is moot.
So we were worrying about islamic terrorists when we should have worried about christians instead?
>> ^Sniper007:
It is what it is. Mock accordingly, but at least keep it accurate. Unless of course you really have no interest in understanding the opposition, and simply wish to engage in a Glen Beck style 'debate'. Then by all means proceed unabated.
The logic "life is sacred, therefore I must kill someone" is for crazy people.
Think what you will about the legality or morality of abortion, but this is murder plain and simple.
I'd recommend disavowing this man, not trying to stick up for him. It taints the whole movement you think you're supporting.
To be fair, anti-abortion organizations have all come out against this and recognize it for the murder that it was. Lumping people into large stereotypes never helps anyone. If anything, this sort of thing severely damages the cause it was intended to support.
>> ^gwiz665:
^Exactly, a fetus is not a person and as such does not have the rights of a person. Thus the debate is moot.
You say a fetus is not a person as if that were a universally recognized fact when it is not. The "moot" debate will almost certainly not end any time soon. It happens to be true that the anti-abortion crowd is gaining numbers, not losing them. It will almost certainly never be illegal, but it is also certain that it is not as cut and dry as some would prefer.
sometimes ya gotta break a couple save a couple eggs?
anti-abortionists have no argument untill they each adopt five unwanted children.
personally i frown upon late term abortions (6 months and more) why would anyone wait that long? Unless something life changing happens to you ad you know you wont be able to raise a kid, or as mentioned above women with comlications who consider their adult life more sacred than an unborn fetus, but othewise no excuse. At the same time..if a girl is dumb enough to wait that long...maybe its fo the better.
I also think there is a huge misconseption of women who do get abortions, as though they are going in for a routine procedure like a pap. ITS VERY EMOTIONALLY STRAINING and hard to do this. Women go through depression for months afterwards, its not an easy decisions and they should never be judged for it. Obviously there are exceptions to this, but on the most part, it is not a whim decision.
As a young sexually active female I have always been concerned about this issue and I've though about what I would do. I am pro abortion/choice but even then I think I would find it extemely difficult to not only do it but to even decide to in the first place.
Doctor Who performed abortions...but only on Daleks.
>> ^yourhydra:
anti-abortionists have no argument untill they each adopt five unwanted children.
That is a purely emotional hot-word statement. If you are an activist against climate change, can you say that you have powered your home entirely by wind and sun? I've got $100 that says no. Have you stopped your entire use of non-stick cookware on account of its heavy metals? I've got $100 that says no. How much paper do you use in a day at work and at home... that includes paper-towels and toilet paper? ...
There is as I understand it a waiting list for people in the US to adopt newborn babies who are up for adoption. Think about it. If you were wanting a child and you could not have one for some unfortunate genetic or other reason, you'd want still to raise a child from infancy wouldn't you? Basically most completely infertile couples who wish to raise a child want an infant. And I don't doubt that if you told them "if you don't take this child it will be aborted," most of them would jump to and do many things to get the child. Most Americans (at least) by statistics don't like the idea of abortion and would like to raise an infant who would otherwise be so aborted.
I had a roommate who was adopted as an infant and there is no doubt in his mind that he appreciates his adopters to the alternative.
There ARE people who adopt many many "unwanted children" and in my eyes they are saints given that they can give them what they need... as many do. They often make great sacrifices in order to do so.
>> ^Doc_M:
>> There is as I understand it a waiting list for people in the US to adopt newborn babies who are up for adoption. Think about it. If you were wanting a child and you could not have one for some unfortunate genetic or other reason, you'd want still to raise a child from infancy wouldn't you?
That kind of sounds like a plea to turn women with unwanted pregnancies into handy-dandy baby making machines.
Basically most completely infertile couples who wish to raise a child want an infant. And I don't doubt that if you told them "if you don't take this child it will be aborted," most of them would jump to and do many things to get the child. Most Americans (at least) by statistics don't like the idea of abortion and would like to raise an infant who would otherwise be so aborted.
I'd like to see your source on that. Last I heard, Americans were about 6.5 to 3.5 in favor of keeping abortion legal.
If you don't like abortion, don't have one.
"That is a purely emotional hot-word statement. If you are an activist against climate change, can you say that you have powered your home entirely by wind and sun? I've got $100 that says no. Have you stopped your entire use of non-stick cookware on account of its heavy metals? I've got $100 that says no. How much paper do you use in a day at work and at home... that includes paper-towels and toilet paper? ..."

I would actually say yes, if they are extreme enough to protest and preach to others about it, 100% yes they should do all those things, otherwise to me they are hypocrites, just like Al Gore leaving all his floodlights on on earth day. Its like a "vegetarian" saying dont eat meat, and then getting a burger. SO that argument does not work with me sorry
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