Crittttter with 4 T's hits Gold 100. Congratttttulations!!!!

Squink is starstruck by her master's awesomeness
Not to be confused with any of the other members with critter avatars, which is about half of us, critttter with the hardest 'T' sound you will ever hear just got her 100th star! This is a major cause for celebration. Thankfully there will be plenty of fireworks detonated today in her homeland to commemorate this event.
Critttter is one of my favorite sifters. She finds some of the coolest old musical gems just to remind us that there actually was music before Miley Cyrus. Not that rusty classics are the only videos she posts. She's given us:
Rock concerts at mental institutions,
Billion-dollar underground art museums,
Flying steamrollers,
Naked Swedish soldiers,
107 year-old light bulbs, and her
I always enjoy reading her comments too. Sometimes I swear she's really a man pretending to be a woman, because everyone knows that the fair sex is biologically not funny. I'd really hate to find out that all this time I've been laughing at the remarks of a *gasp* woman.

So give it up for critttter, one of the most interesting and entertaining members I've found in my time here.
Stickying this post at the top of Sift Talk - sticky requested by kronosposeidon.
Wait a sec- critttter is a she? Why does no one announce these things?!

Congratulations, girl!
Because she's funny, so we all assume it's another one of the dudes.

Way to go, and keep up the great vids and comments.
*quality... I think I was one of the first to welcome you to the sift.
MycroftHomlz cannot award a quality point for this Sift Talk post because MycroftHomlz does not have enough Power Points - ignoring quality request by MycroftHomlz. (You can always purchase more Power Points.)
I'm jumping in early here because, my God, the fireworks already!?! How does everybody know!!?! I just heard more, I didn't realize how many of my neighbors were here! So, the parade this morning...OH no, really!?? I gave it a passing glance as I walked the dogs...I am so humbled. Nobody told me it would be like this when you reached 100. You sneaky devils, I would have lit a firecracker and cheered at your parades too!
Congrats, critttter!
go critttter!
Utterly unrelated but pleasing new word. Froglet (

Adding small cute addition to this pleasing thread.
(The froglets are said to be about the size of the top of a little finger.
Experts say the recent mild weather, with damp and rainy conditions, were ideal for the creatures to appear.
Lost tails
Martin Gray, Royal Parks visitor service manager, said: "This is usually the time of year that the toads migrate.
"They are what we call 'toadlets' in that they are at the stage where they are no longer tadpoles, have lost their tails and cannot breathe under water. )
I (preusmably like the artical writer) prefer froglet to the experts toadlet. Perhaps critttter can adjudicate for the world
Wit and wisdom from the Windy City. Because I couldn't tell the sex of that dog avatar, (needs a virtual tour cursor), I too thought her humor masculine. I kept thinking, that is one funny dude. When I found out it was one funny dudette, I was glad I hadn't made a gender gaff along the way, (at least, I don't think I did.)
Your Queue remains pivotal. What would the Sift be without it?
^Thylan - froadlet.
Let me make this official. (No offense anybody...none taken on my part.)
I Am Woman. Roar.
froadlet is pure awesome
Star light,
Star bright,
100 stars, alright!
100 gold critttters makes for a lot of t's. Congrats!
Like the new look Critttter

Greatttt stuff
Critttter! Congrats! We all enjoy your comments and support on the Sift! We're all happy for you!
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Yay critttter - how can you not like a smiling pooch in a Hawaiian shirt? Thanks for all your contributions and welcome to the super-duper.
yay, congrats!
Crittttttttttttttttttttttter!!! More t's for more awesome!
Crittter you by FAR have the funniest avatar picture. That face cracks me up everytime I see it. Congrats on 100, girl
Awesome Another Female Makes a 100!!!!! Yay Great Critttter wohooo!!! Female Power In the sift!!!
and of course this post has to be *quality
Awarding kronosposeidon with one star point for this contribution to Sift Talk - declared quality by LadyDeath.
Drums rolling:)
Cri t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t t-t-t-t er!
Good work, critttter. You deserve the applause. Hugs'n'kisses.
con grattttulations!
So I'm at my Cousin's house for the weekend, and she has a chihuahua... so now I think it needs a Hawai'ian shirt. Especially because it's really fat.
Well done
Grats, Crittter. I love your comments. I love your willingness to roar and fight when people are being idiots. I love your sense of humor. You are one of the sifters I would love to meet in real life. If you live anywhere near the san francisco bay area, let me know!
Time to take Squink for a walk.
Unstickying this post from the top of Sift Talk - unsticky requested by kronosposeidon.
Great music picks all the time.
I routinely break the rules for Critttter's posts- vote then watch. I know I'm not supposed to, but I've never been proven wrong. And a damn funny little dog with a good soul. Congrattttulations!
You are all so very kind. Thank you all, my esteemable chums.
Belated congratulations critttter. I love your soul.
Congrats you greedy little puppy.
I luvs the critttter!!! Yahooooey! Congrats, my biology-defying lady-furriend. Hear her ROAAAR!
Crittergirl, rock on-More the better, telll all yer friends-One woman, to every real man on the other kids, some new game platform is making the rounds, and you are out of ding-dongs and milk, or it's time for a new computer chair......we prefer to stand-
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