Charter Membership Launch!

VideoSift is growing quickly whether we like it or not. We've managed to restrict our memberships a bit, but our traffic is still climbing as non members enjoy the fruits of our sifting. We're regularly getting close to 70K pageviews a day - and while our server is coping, it won't be for long if this arc continues.

We also have a lot of features that we want to bring in, but each query we write in to the code, adds another 2% to the overall server load. What's that smell? burning silicon?

Charter memberships are an effort to fund VideoSift to move forward, increase stability and enable the capacity for new features.

We thought of going the straight donation route, but we wanted to give you something in the way of a thanks and recognition for your dedication to this community. So here's the goody list:

  • - Absolutley no ads for charter members
  • - Higher number of queued videos (8)
  • - Personalized name/comment styling
  • - Customized user profile (a la MySpace)
  • - Personal subdomain for your profile (

    Have a look at Lucky's profile for an uhm.. bright example of profile modifications possible. ;-)

    We will be adding other features like Playlists and Friends lists soon.

    Of course you don't have to become a charter member, and free membership will continue to be open for all. We will be displaying some ads for non-charter members but nothing too garish (no pop-ups, intimate dating, or monkey-punching).

    Thanks for your support on this, it's been a tough call to go this route. Sort of like Castro opening a chain of Starbucks in Cuba.

    So if you are a new member, you can register, existing members - please upgrade

    Krupo says...

    I see your game, get you hooked on something free and then jack up the price! Like the giant cookie store in the mall...

    I'll have to sleep on it.

    Idea: consider sweetening the deal with a lower 'average per-month' fee if you prepay more for a longer period of time.

    Observation: 8 vids? Whoa. Sounds hot but at the same time, 10 charter members = 80 queued vids. Eep?

    LadyBug says...

    mmmmmm ... i was thinking the same thing krupo regarding the 8 vid quota! while it sounds loverly ... i think it's a bit much! siftbot will be a busy bot!

    i also noticed that when i went to make a donation, it was set up as $5 for 6 months ... error or ??? i will wait until that gets sorted ... i'm not one for scamming people!

    joedirt says...

    i dunno. we shall see if i'm wrong, but I think you could have just put up a donation link that got rolled into a charter member type setup. in some regards your best asset here is your loyal sifters. I'd rather you exhaust adsense and blogads and every ad program you can. The google ads would bring in enough cash to cover server bills. I don't think this will be a problem with how you've done it, but don't kill the golden goose here.

    Honestly, I can't find 2 videos to submit that haven't been previously submitted. I worry the 8 videos just encouraging ads and self promotion.

    Krupo says...

    So I'm not the only one who thinks 8 is excessive - cool.

    I'd like to boldly suggest toning down the "8" to something less drastic (6, tops), but reducing the "refresh" rate of promote/save commands (something faster than a 7 day cycle)... of course this would only reinforce the charter's appeal for goldies, but then, they're probably the most likely suspects to embrace this.

    oohahh says...

    Y'all can have six. I need somewhere between 15 and 38. For now, just set me up unlimited, and I'll find my happy place in a few weeks.

    While we're at it, I would appreciate it if we renamed the site "". I'll be sure to send out a new email with my pictures, preferred forms of address, and recommended house-warming gifts pour moi ASAP.

    Thanks in advance, I love you all. Especially, you, Krupo.

    dag says...

    Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

    Hi Ant, I tried that, and it kept me logged in. What did you select in his profile that logged you out.

    Better than a special icon, you get to color your username text and comment backgrounds. (light red even ;-) )

    firefly says...

    OK, why can't I select the comment backgound color I want? (FFE920). I get a message telling me I must use a pastels (which it is), but makes me change the values, which will change the color...?

    And I'm with Krupo, the queue's already big enough now (there's almost 200 in there as I write this), 8 may be a bit much...

    winkler1 says...

    Hmmm.. free sample indeed. Submitters are putting in the content which draws the visitors/pageviews. Guess you have our number - we're vote/feedback junkies. Let submitters buy just a little more juice now that 4 isn't giving the same high anymore

    When AOL/calcanis wanted the top submitters from Digg, he was offering to pay them. Just saying. Somehow letting people buy more slots feels wrong. And yet I want to support the site, and would love more queue slots, but having tiered submissision rules feels..wrong.

    Lucky's page reminds me of the Myspace ugly contest.

    lucky760 says...

    Sorry firefly, but that color is not "pastel enough." In order to prevent the entire site from looking like my current ugliest possible profile, the comment colors are restricted to soft pastels. This means two of the hex colors you specify must be at least "D0" and the third must be at least "F0". Sorry for the inconvenience but there are plenty of lovely shades to choose from! Just change that "20" in the color you want to a "D0" and you've got it!

    swampgirl says...

    I need a tutorial! I'm a total noob when it comes to changing settings like this. I would love to explore these new features, but where can I learn?

    Also, you have it set up for a 3 month subscription? How about the option for a yearly membership? Just knock a whole year out at once and be done with it. :-)

    lucky760 says...

    Sorry for the technical vagueness being exhibited thus far. You're right, swampgirl. Here is a link to Wikipedia's entry on the subject (including a great list of some available colors). Please tell me if it isn't good enough as a tutorial as I may put a nice little tutorial together for absolute beginners, if so. Note that although comment colors may only be pastels, your username can be any color you'd like.

    joedirt says...

    lucky, can you add a few bumpups to the color when it comes to username text. swampgirl is now a ghost poster. I don't mind the background colors, that's cool, but her name is invisible. Maybe a choice of 16 colors for text colors. and you round to the nearest one.

    lucky760 says...

    With the username color, I think it's okay to allow *any* color because it is not obstructive enough to be an eyesore and if a charter member wants to have a name no one can see, I don't think we should stop them. What do the rest of you think?

    joedirt says...

    One issue.. I liked the coloring for MY comments (sift blue), so I could find them, etc. Can this be reserved, cause some are close... and I keep think I posted twice, or replied to myself.. Oh well, I can just bear it. Maybe like v1.0 have the dotted outline again?

    deputydog says...

    Just a quick question.
    I understand the need to support VideoSift in order to keep the ship sailing smoothly etc but the problem is, I don't like paying for stuff. Therefore, can I have a free membership?

    James Roe says...

    You already have a free membership, you just don't get any extra widgets and we're going to start showing you ads. Which is actually pretty much the same as you paying for a membership, only the money comes from advertisers instead of you.

    rickegee says...

    Yep. Dag and James claim that:

    "Of course you don't have to become a charter member, and free membership will continue to be open for all. We will be displaying some ads for non-charter members but nothing too garish (no pop-ups, intimate dating, or monkey-punching)."

    But from my experience, here is what the Sift Lords omitted:

    1) Your comments will not be brightly colored and people will thus stop reading them.
    2) Your videos will languish in the queue while all the reliable voters get fixated by all the shiny and garishly colored personal pages.
    3) Siftbot will taunt you mercilessly. Where it hurts.

    Deathcow can finish the rest of the top 10 because he writes funnier and punchier material. But it is bleak, bleak, bleak to be a non-charter.

    joedirt says...

    What would be awesome is to make non-charter posts get darker and darker, until at some point the background matches the text. (or make the text white). That would be a good april fools.

    (BTW with FF extensions, you can do stuff like Disable Page Coloring and then you get white and blue happy sift, where everyone is equal.. But I do like the colors)

    Krupo says...

    See farhad, the members you're thinking of are the *most* likely to become chartered.

    Hmm, "Chartered Sifter" - a "CS". First it's a term for teargas, now it's a term for a SiftLover.

    I am getting ready to jump on the Charter bandwagon/train, but first I really really really have to binge on some "Sid Meier's Railroads!" (which I just bought...).

    All aboard!

    That Netflix ad is irritating as death though - stupid blinking light! Another incentive to go ahead and get chartered...

    [psst - dag, James: talk to about having their ad appear for Canadian users - otherwise it's wasted screen real estate]

    Also - I concur on making the "your comments" reserved, so others can't use the default "personal" colour to reduce confusion.

    And I'm with swampgirl on clamouring for a "yearly fee" charter membership option.

    lucky760 says...

    That's because you are one of our prized charter members, swampgirl. They didn't get turned on until the charter features started. If you log out and browse around you won't be able to miss them.

    Krupo says...

    In case anyone's wondering, I've been working ridiculously long hours lately (and I got 4 computer games within a week) and as such, haven't gotten around to 1. doing much sifting, 2. doing the charter thing.

    All in due time though.

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