EDD says...

I'm thinking 'somebody' owes MycroftHolmz 100 upvotes and 10 promotes.

But yeah, I've resurrected dead videos with a minute's length difference on one or two occasions, but there was careful duplicate-evaluation involved. Never called a dupe unless I watched both videos in entirety back-to-back, so to speak. Anyway, shall we brainstorm some penalties for incorrect dupe invocations?

*edit* Same length restriction isn't viable. There's thousands of dupes that have had a second's difference, which I assume is a result of host change via net-ripping, and there have been several precedents in which whole minutes of video have added next to nothing to a particular video, thus having been called duplicates (this however clearly isn't the case).

gwiz665 says...

Mycroft, understand that the way the system is right now, it cannot be undone, so if you are hoping for that, it's just not gonna happen.

Perhaps we could have an added security, be doing it like with ban - the first dupeof invoker adds the link and the second just says *dupeof and it happens, or another says *notdupe and the first dupeof is cleared again.

MrFisk says...

Perhaps we could have an added security, be doing it like with ban - the first dupeof invoker adds the link and the second just says *dupeof and it happens, or another says *notdupe and the first dupeof is cleared again.

blankfist says...

Here, here, mycroft. The dupeof invocation is dangerous, and an easy way for Sifters to get rid of videos without discussing them.

The dupeof invocation should ONLY be used when the video is IDENTICAL in every way to the original video.

Man, I wish I had a power point right about now.

Zonbie says...

Yeah, that's a bit bollocks - I've had peeps say 'Dupe' with no link and when I finally find the video - it's shorter, different clip or, in short, not a dupe.

I recently saw a dupe and watched both through to compare - if they are EXACTLY the same I will delcare dupe of - if I am unsure - ask the poster

One upvote for your rather awesome resubmitted video

volumptuous says...

Jesus goddamn christ Mycroft. You're treating my mistake like it's the end of the fucking world.

It's a video, I immediately PM'd you and said "oh shit, I just totally fucked this up" and gave you vote tallies from each video at the time I mis-duped. But I still get two super angry PMs, and now this big giant discussion. Good grief man.

This isn't "dangerous". You know what's dangerous? The fucking semi that almost knocked me off the road this morning. THAT is dangers, this is a video. How about you try to "not be a douche" and stop leaving me angry PMs.

MycroftHomlz says...

Truth be told, only one of my comments was angry.

The bottom line is, you should have watched the video first.

I have brought this up at least once before. And I am using this to fix something that is wrong with the sift, half feigning outrage so lucky and dag do something about it. Don't get me wrong am I really annoyed that you did not watch the damn video first. But I am not going to lose sleep over it.

jacobrecker says...

Perhaps we could have an added security, be doing it like with ban - the first dupeof invoker adds the link and the second just says *dupeof and it happens, or another says *notdupe and the first dupeof is cleared again.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

When we brought in the dupeof invocation, we knew that the downside was something like this situation. It's kind of an ugly operation to merge two posts - and it is not easily undone- that's why we reserve the power for high ranks and admonish you all to use it wisely.

I have no tool to *dedupe, and it may just have to stay this way.

Let's keep things in perspective though - this is one honest accident in a sea of legitimate, useful dupeof invocations-

In general, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. I will always be ... your friend. [dies]

MycroftHomlz says...

If you said we could stone him...or maybe force him to put "MycroftHomlz is my favorite sifter. He is my golden calf." at the end of every comment he makes for a month then I would say "Hey Dag, you know I think that is a jolly good idea and a fitting punishment".

Deano says...

>> ^MycroftHomlz:
What is bad form?
Calling something a dupe without even looking at the time stamp?
Saying hey, "if you are going to declare something a dupe, watch damn video first"?

Sorry are you having a go at me? My response was to indicate agreement with your point...I probably should have written it better and not gotten that mysterious comment downvote into the bargain.

Also as someone else said there might be a seconds difference due to rounding errors on timings or whatever but where the videos are markedly different in times and thus content I leave well alone.

volumptuous says...

Well, not so much of a joke anymore. I got called out by Lucky now, and my dupeof privs are revoked.

So now, after two PMs, 3 SiftTalk posts, and even having my name in the tags for a video, I am even further punished.

"there are you fucking happy now" (requested by kulpims)

Sagemind says...

OK..., So MycroftHomlz - Repost your longer version post again, Let us all know, and we will all come and see it!!

Does this sound fair?? Anyone?

I never even got a chance to see it, so lets go...

Krupo says...

I've ignored both videos. Is everyone happy to know that?

Also, I'm in San Francisco and was too lazy to see if any sifters are here, and I disappear tomorrow... but I'll be back eventually.

MrFisk says...

Speaking of dupes, can we get the comments to merge along with the video? I posted a dupe of a good video and had some good comments. Once I realized it was a dupe, I merged, and the excellent comments made to my video vanished. I expect to see results in a fortnight. Dismissed.

pipp3355 says...

Speaking of dupes, can we get the comments to merge along with the video? I posted a dupe of a good video and had some good comments. Once I realized it was a dupe, I merged, and the excellent comments made to my video vanished. I expect to see results in a fortnight. Dismissed.

joedirt says...

Geez, a bunch of douchbags whining here.

How many times has this horrible, horrible, unforgivable mistaken dupe happened? How many times in the last year? HOW MANY TIMES?

Before dupe of, videos were just discarded. At least now there is a record of what happened and if you point out the mistake the votes can be transferred back and the new video discarded and resumbited, or whatever.

I do agree with comments also merging, but I doubt that if easily done with the CMS where comments are attached to the root video.

By the way, cry some more.

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