Aaron McDonald - Poor Little Fellow

This is the little fellow that has been playing with our commenting system for the past few hours.

He's around 18- and suffering from some self-esteem and possible gender issues. He was banned twice and obviously can't take it.

Please drop by his Bebo profile and let him know your thoughts. If anyone can extract his parent's phone number. I'd like to give them a call.
Farhad2000 says...

Unsurprisingly his facial expression screams douche bag.

I say trace route his IP to get a location, the rest is standard Google Fu to work out where he lives and associated addresses and phone numbers. But you already have a name so that cuts it down significantly already.

Krupo says...

I think the Sift's being a bit harsh. Yes, this was the first time I instabanned someone (a proxy account, posting a crazy # of abusive comments on jonny's profile over a 45 minute period), and yes, his parents should be contacted.

But I think that suffices.

Krupo says...

It certainly has all the trimmings of a roast. Just keep in mind that if James/Dag/Lucky indeed wants to contact the family in an official capacity you may want - I know this sounds weird for a website designed to share videos - but you may want to keep things professional.

Or perhaps that's like saying let's keep the brushfires in the prairie confined to a neat little 10 acre area.

MarineGunrock says...

Awww! Leave him alone! It turns out he gets abused, so he feels the need to act big on the internet, because he knows that in real life if he were to act this way, someone would exponentially increase the damage his 12 year old sister caused in that photo.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Truth be told we will probably not be able to contact his parents- unless someone's Google-fu is better than mine. He was using Tor or another anonymizer.

I'm not really looking to get him trashed, but with his comment history and abuse, he's really asking for it. My reason for identifying him is so this kind of ratbaggery isn't completely anonymous.

dotdude says...

Our dear friend here added 534 profile pages worth of comments in an almost three hour period this afternoon. That's not including comments from yesterday and earlier today that no longer appear. He used roughly 14 screen names in his time here. That's to give some folks some perspective - thus far.

my15minutes says...

apparently, he really believes he can keep this up indefinitely, without any recourse.

i recommend small, funny, reasonable, legal-and/or-plausibly-deniable steps, to assist him in realizing the contrary.

MarineGunrock says...

Hmm.. .I don't think we are. After all, this only exists to make fun of him. Though we should cite some examples of what his thousands of comments were.

[edit] Oh shit! Don't fuck with this guy! He looks like a cold hearted killer!

my15minutes says...

oh, and i noticed one little detail that his sister should've left out, if her brother's going for the douchebag hall of fame. tsk tsk tsk.

"Hometown: Imler where i've lived my whole life"

there's only one town in the US, that comes up in a GoogleMaps search.


Imler, Pennsylvania.

a tiny, tiny little town. i'd be surprised if their phone book were thicker than a comic.
can't be all that many McDonald's there, now can there, dag?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

OK, well that's it then. I'll give them all a call tomorrow - not to be a jerk, but to let them know what their boy is up to. Thanks for the research.

my15minutes says...

^ yes. i thought i'd show my gratitude, to his sister.
so i "Shared the Luv" with her, just now.

after all, she's happiest "Being around friends or sleeping".
maybe someday she'll be happy, sleeping around with friends?

especially with these guys listed amongst her favorite musicians...

Krupo says...

All this research reminds me - on a weird tangent - about my desperate work on attaining quorum for a university conference. Think calling various corners of the province of Ontario looking for someone crazy enough to be in their office on a Sunday morning.

Amazingly, my search succeeded, and "phoning it in" was a legit way to get quorum.

Oh I am so happy my days of scrambling to get quorum for meetings are behind me. For now, anyway.

karaidl says...

I'm sorry, but wasn't I once called creepy and stalkerish for... you know... this is exact same thing you guys are all doing? Why the hell are we posting pictures of the dude's sister??

my15minutes says...

>> ^karaidl:
> I'm sorry, but wasn't I once called creepy and stalkerish ...

musta' been before i got here, so i can't comment on that, but...

> Why the hell are we posting pictures of the dude's sister??

we're not. we're gleaning information from his pics and info.
and hers, only to the degree necessary, to track down her soon-to-be-grounded-again broodmate.

and having a little fun at their expense. which doesn't even come close to the shit he's apparently been pulling, all day.

she's obviously not any kind of accomplice, witting or otherwise. just a breadcrumb trail to him.

so, if anyone here, took any comment i made, to be more than the 12 seconds of harmless mild amusement, that it was intended to be? lemme' know, and i'll happily edit it out.

lucky760 says...

>> doesn't even come close to the shit he's apparently been pulling, all day.

To give y'all an idea of the kind of shit he was pulling, he has created nigh on a dozen accounts and posted very near 6,000 "hate" comments mostly in the course of today.

And, no, I don't think she's being stalked. She made her own pictures available for the world to see, and no one is saying or doing anything about her that's insulting or crass.

rottenseed says...

>> ^karaidl:
I'm sorry, but wasn't I once called creepy and stalkerish for... you know... this is exact same thing you guys are all doing? Why the hell are we posting pictures of the dude's sister??

I've found that the application of the term creepy is directly related to if the girl's ass you're touching wants some deep d from you or not.

Arsenault185 says...

>> ^my15minutes:
oh, and i noticed one little detail that his sister should've left out, if her brother's going for the douchebag hall of fame. tsk tsk tsk.
"Hometown: Imler where i've lived my whole life"
there's only one town in the US, that comes up in a GoogleMaps search.
Imler, Pennsylvania.
a tiny, tiny little town. i'd be surprised if their phone book were thicker than a comic.
can't be all that many McDonald's there, now can there, dag?

>> ^MarineGunrock:
There's only nine. And of those, only three are married couples that are of the age to have young (early 20s) kids.

Wow, look at you guys. The Sift overlord just says "unless someone's Google-fu is better than mine." and you go RIGHT to it. You would do anything for them wouldn't you? He didn't even have to ask, and you went out of your way. I'm not sure if thats sad, or we should all be patting you on the back for a job well done. Nah, I'll just go ahead and say its sad.

joedirt says...

If it helps, his buddy Baer is in the other YT video, and the HOT sister's boyfriend "TJ" is a profound wingnut from Bedford, PA.

"There is no peace in retreat"---President Bush

Looks like the sister is dating one of Aaron's friends, and they are into gun pr0n.
Aaron McDonald
yeah...it is. so i was like bored and so i was testing the accuracy for the guns. so i put the target on my shelf and sat on my bed. i used 100 shots each. the pistol got 64% my pistol got 91% caleb's shotgun got uhhh 97% and somehow my shotgun got 102%...go figure. so yeah that was cool. later dude. i'll be in florida for the next week

Sorry about the guilt by association, but tell you brother/friend he is a loser.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I made the call, a couple of wrong numbers and a couple of answering machines. I left detailed messages - maybe it will get back to him. *unsticky ... for now.

my15minutes says...

>> ^arsenault185:
> The Sift overlord just says "unless someone's Google-fu is better than mine." and you go RIGHT to it.

so, make up your mind, arsenault185.
did i do this out of fear of my 'overlord'? or to massage my own 'Google-fu' ego?

You would do anything for them wouldn't you? He didn't even have to ask, and you went out of your way.

yeah. wasn't that far, out of my way, dude.
and i'd do the exact same for you, were you the one getting fucked with.

MINK says...

This is fucking disgusting. I don't want to be part of a "community" that incites and approves of personal attacks against anyone, especially a young guy who's just having some problems. I thought the way we did things was to quietly ban them and leave it at that. So what if this was a serious hassle, it's the internet, you get that. He got you all annoyed? Awwwww, poor you.
If you can't deal with it with any decency, don't run a website, or don't join one.

I have been comparing this place to the Soviet Union for a long time, and now look, you've even got naming and shaming. Just get some fucking shiny medals and have a parade already. When do we start sending the poets to Siberia?

I just can't believe the hypocrisy in everyone hating things like the church of scientology, and then openly starting a manhunt in the forum. "possible gender issues" ??? Fuck. You don't even realise how serious this could be.

If he kills himself when his parents find out, how are you gonna feel about your "google-fu" then?

Fucking retards. If I hadn't made some good friends here who I want to stay in touch with, I'd delete my account immediately. I might moan about rule changes around here but fuck, you just took it to a whole new level. At least I thought you were nice people.

I feel it is appropriate to use the words of Jon Stewart:

Fuck you.

my15minutes says...

^ "young guy having some problems"???

suddenly you're his lawyer? i think your considerable sympathies have gotten the best of you.

the admins did "quietly ban them and leave it at that". twice. aaron chose not to settle for that, and showed every indication that he'd send homophobic hate mail indefinitely, because he thought he was clever enough to get away with it indefinitely.

the next logical course of action was to to call his parents, not send him to the gulag. so, your weak Soviet Union analogy can kiss my ass.
tell ya' what, minky. the next time this happens, lucky will have you deal with it, instead. ok?

in conclusion, fuck you too, and your bullshit guilt trip.

my15minutes says...

>> ^MINK:
touched a nerve, did i?

don't flatter yourself, mink.

i'm the one who could still smile, and engage some humor, in their post.

so, you tell me, whose nerves were touched.

MarineGunrock says...

"If he kills himself when his parents find out, how are you gonna feel about your "google-fu" then?"

I'll feel pretty good. Just because some kid took himself out of the gene pool (we can only hope), why should I feel any worse about my skills or talents?

my15minutes says...

^ yeah, and that "ooh, what if he kills himself" shit is the saddest slippery-slope nonsense in your whole rant, mink.

what if MG and i killed ourselves because we actually took your bullshit seriously?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Don't feed the troll - the only reason some people are here is to try and "touch nerves". It fills them with glee.

That said- I'm going to *discard this post, as the attacks have stopped and that's all we ever wanted.

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